@database mui/docs/English/MUI.guide @Master t:prefs.texi @Width 72 This is the AmigaGuide file mui/docs/English/MUI.guide, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the input file t:prefs.texi. @Node Main "mui/docs/English/MUI.guide" MUI - MagicUserInterface A system to create and maintain graphical user interfaces Version 3.1 User Documentation (c) Copyright 1992-95 by Stefan Stuntz - ShareWare - Introduction... @{" Concept " Link "INTRO_CONCEPT"} What the hell is MUI? @{" System requirements " Link "INTRO_SYSREQ"} Which computers can MUI run on? @{" Installation " Link "INTRO_INSTALL"} How do I install MUI? Using MUI applications... @{" Windows " Link "USE_WINDOWS"} Size, position, iconifying. @{" Keyboard " Link "USE_KEYBOARD"} Keyboard usage. @{" Cycle Gadgets " Link "USE_CYCLE"} Cycle popup menus. @{" Commodities " Link "USE_COMMODITIES"} Commodities interface. @{" ARexx " Link "USE_AREXX"} Built-in ARexx port. The MUI preferences program... @{" Overview " Link "PREFS_INTRO"} Purpose of the prefs program. @{" Main window " Link "PREFS_MAIN"} Elements of the main window. @{" Basics " Link "PREFS_USAGE"} Some basic configuration concepts. @{" Local Settings " Link "PREFS_LOCAL"} Different settings for programs. @{" Pages " Link "PREFS_PAGE"} Detailed description of pages. The MUI public screen manager... @{" Main window " Link "PSI_MAINWINDOW"} Elements of the main window. @{" Edit window " Link "PSI_EDITWINDOW"} Elements of an edit window. Other topics... @{" Registration " Link "MISC_REGISTER"} How to become a registered user. @{" Updates " Link "MISC_UPDATES"} Where to get updates. @{" Support " Link "MISC_SUPPORT"} How to reach the author. @{" Acknowledgments " Link "MISC_ACKS"} The author wishes to thank... @{" Discussion " Link "MISC_QUESTIONS"} Questions and Answers. (Q&A) Distribution policies... @{" Disclaimer " Link "POL_DISCLAIMER"} Warranty? No warranty. @{" License " Link "POL_LICENSE"} License agreement. @{" Installer " Link "POL_INSTALLER"} About the installer program. @EndNode @Node "INTRO_CONCEPT" "MUI.guide/INTRO_CONCEPT" @Toc "Main" The concepts behind MUI ======================= MagicUserInterface (also known as MUI) is a complete system to create and maintain graphical user interfaces. The creating GUIs has been a big problem for a very long time. Mainly because the programmer got only a minuscule amount of support from the operating system. Beginning with Kickstart 2.0, the `gadtools library' was a step in the right direction, however, even using this library to generate complex and flexible interfaces remained difficult and still required a great deal of patience. Today there are tools available that make the use of `gadtools library' much more simplified, but even these alternatives are not often satisfying. The largest problem in existing tools for the creation of user interfaces is the inflexible output. Most of the programs are still using built-in fonts and window sizes, thus making the use of high resolution graphics hardware adaptors nearly unbearable. Its been said that Amiga users have had to live with such similar shortcomings all along. Even the preference programs on the Workbench are still only using the default font, topaz/8! MUI corrects all these disadvantages! The central scheme behind MUI assumes that only the user (and not the programmer) of an application knows how the program he is using best fits his personal needs, and that of his computer system. Because MUI applications don't contain any absolute values for sizes or positions, the programmer instead only defines objects and groups of objects. Such objects are defined on run time by MUI according to the users settings. Consequently, an MUI application gives the user *many* more important advantages: - Font sensitivity In MUI Its possible for the font to be set in every application. No more times where the A2024 users had to suffer from the programs that only used the tiny topaz/8 font. Even better, MUI gives the user no restrictions on which fonts he may use, especially proportional fonts! The proportional fonts make a program much more appealing and even reduces the space a program's window uses. - Changeable window sizes All MUI windows have a sizing gadget which allows users to change the window size until it suits their needs. The smaller a window becomes, the closer control items within the window come together. The larger the window, the more space that will be used for displaying information (e.g. in list-views). The size and position of every window can be saved, thus giving you your favorite setting every time you start the program. - Flexibility Almost all elements can be changed by the user regarding their own personal tastes. The user can define the thickness of borders, how the scroll-bars look, mhich images have to be used, and how much space should be inserted between the lines of a list-view. MUI gives the user a lot of options to change the look and feel of an MUI based application. - Controlling by keyboard Most of the time it is expected that graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and of course MUI applications as well, are controlled by the mouse. However, many users prefer the use of the keyboard for faster execution of operations, and because it can be more comfortable. Because of this, all MUI objects (e.g. string gadgets, radio buttons, or list-views) can be controlled by the keyboard as well as by the mouse! You can even put away your mouse completely if you wish! Its no longer needed! - System integration MUI applications cooperate with the operating system in many ways. Every program can be iconified and uniconified by pushing a gadget or by using the Commodities exchange program. Furthermore, every MUI application has an ARexx-Port that allows you full remote control (and more) over the user interface. - Adjusting to its environment It doesn't matter which screen or screen size your MUI applications run on. Workbench or public, 640x200 or 1280x1024 pixels, 4 or 256 colors, it doesn't matter! Every application can be made to open on any screen, and adapts itself to it's environment. All of the MUI settings listed above (and more) can be changed by the user via the MUI preferences program. This can be set for every program in one setting (global) or can be set for each and every single application. @EndNode @Node "INTRO_SYSREQ" "MUI.guide/INTRO_SYSREQ" @Toc "Main" System Requirements =================== MUI requires version 2.0 of the Amiga operating system or higher. Kickstart 1.3 is *not* supported; this operating system has been considered to be obsolete. The use of MUI on a harddisk is *highly* recommended, although floppy disk usage is still possible. Due to the modular concept behind MUI the first application startup may last "a little" longer. MUI does not require a special processor, but of course the faster CPUs make life easier. Many complex calculations are needed for the management and layout of the objects, so a "base" 68000 based machine could be a tad slow. MUI applications can run on machines only equipped with 512K of free RAM, but could become obsolete quite soon. One Megabyte (1024K) RAM should be sufficient even for the most complex MUI applications. @EndNode @Node "INTRO_INSTALL" "MUI.guide/INTRO_INSTALL" @Toc "Main" Installation ============ MUI is distributed together with the Installer program from Commodore. Therefore making installation a breeze! Just double-click on an icon in the `Install' directcory and the installation procedure is on it's way. @EndNode @Node "USE_WINDOWS" "MUI.guide/USE_WINDOWS" @Toc "Main" Windows ======= As mentioned previously, nearly all MUI windows are resizeable. This allows the user to determine if he wants his control items (i.e. buttons, list-views, a.s.o.) small and space saving, or bigger and easy to use. It would be very annoying to adjust the size and position every time an application appears, all MUI windows remember their size and positions and uses these values when the application appears again. This is true for the "normal" window position and size as well as for the values of the window in a "zoomed" state. (after hitting the zoom gadget) After rebooting the data for the windows are usually lost, if you have not saved them by hitting the `Save' button in the preferences window. By doing so, all data regarding the windows are saved and are available even after a reset. In addition to the depth and soom gadget there is a third button in the title-bar of every MUI window. This button is used to iconify the whole application. All windows (and screens if available) in the application are closed and a little appicon appears on the Workbench or default screen. Double-clicking on this appicon makes the program open its window(s) (and screen) again. @EndNode @Node "USE_KEYBOARD" "MUI.guide/USE_KEYBOARD" @Toc "Main" Keyboard Control ================ All control items in an MUI window can be controlled completely by the keyboard. All the known keyboard shortcuts (marked by an uderscore character) are supported. However, this method is limited if used with list-views or cycle gadgets. Because of this the `TAB' cycling (up until now only used for string gadgets) has been made available for MUI applications. You can activate every object (not only string gadgets) by hitting the `TAB' key. As soon as you activate an object it can then be controlled by the keyboard. - Button gadgets `Return' is the equivalent to clicking the gadget with the moust button. Pressing and releasing a button is handled in a different way. If you push a knob and then wish you cancel this action, you may do so by additionally pushing `Shift' before releasing the `Return' key. - Checkmark gadgets An active checkmark gadget can be controlled by `Space' or `Return'. The value of this gadget is toggled every time you press the corresponding key. - Slider gadgets The value of the horizontal or vertical slider gadgets can be changed by using the four cusor keys. Using qualifier keys additionally allows you to change the increase/decrease amount of the sliders. - Cycle gadgets An active cycle gadget can be switched by using the cursor keys. The `Return' key pops up a popup menu (as long as you did not disable this feature in the MUI preferences program). - Radio-Buttons Radio buttons are also controlled by the cursor keys. - List-Views In an activated list-view the cursor can be moved line by line using the cursor keys and together with the corresponding qualifier keys pagewise or even to the top or to the bottom. The `Return' key simulates a double-click. If multiselecting is allowed in a list-view, you can select the different items by using the `Space' key. - Windows For applications opening several windows simultaneously you can switch from one window to another by using the `Alt-Tab' key or the `Shift-Alt-Tab' key respectively. If the window has a close gadget , you can hit the `ESC' key to close the window. All information refers to the default settings. With the preferences program, you can change all the keyboard combinations until the suit your needs. @EndNode @Node "USE_CYCLE" "MUI.guide/USE_CYCLE" @Toc "Main" Cycle gadgets ============= Besides the MUI cycle gadgets supporting their "normal" function (next entry by clicking on them, previous entry by holding `Shift' additionally), offers a menu feature. This popup menu appears as soon as the text section of the cycle gadget is hit, then allows a quick and easy selection of one of the listed entries. The behaviour of the popup menus can be influenced within the listview section of the MUI preferences program. @EndNode @Node "USE_COMMODITIES" "MUI.guide/USE_COMMODITIES" @Toc "Main" Commodities Interface ===================== Every MUI application ties itself in the system as a commodity. This is nice in that the user can control any MUI application via the `Commodities Exchange' program, i.e. MUI Applications can be iconified or canceled. @EndNode @Node "USE_AREXX" "MUI.guide/USE_AREXX" @Toc "Main" ARexx Interface =============== Every MUI application is able to receive commands via the built-in ARexx port. Here are some default commands which are understood by every program: - QUIT Ends the application. - HIDE Hides (iconifies) the application - SHOW Shows (pops up) an iconified application. - INFO ITEM/A According to the given parameter the result string is filled with the following contents: - "title" Title of the application - "author" Author of the application - "copyright" Copyright message - "description" Short description - "version" Version string - "base" Name of the ARexx port - "screen" Name of the public screen - HELP FILE/A A list of all ARexx commands available for the application is written into the given file. In addition to the default commands an MUI application can (and of course should) support many application specific commands. The help list will contain these commands as well. In case of an error, MUI returns the following values to the rexx script: - -1 Wrong command definition in host program. Should never happen. - -2 Out of memory. - -3 Unknown ARexx command. - -4 Syntax error. Some example scripts can be found in the `Rexx' drawer on the main directory of the distribution. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_INTRO" "MUI.guide/PREFS_INTRO" @Toc "Main" Introduction ============ With traditional applications, the user usually has no or only very limited possibilities to influence the look and feel of an user interface. With MUI, interfaces are a lot more flexible. The programmer only specifies very few things about the position of particular gadgets, what actually is displayed on screen depends on the users preferences setting. To adjust these settings, MUI comes with a preferences program called `MUI'. After installation, this tool can be found in the system's preferences drawer. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_MAIN" "MUI.guide/PREFS_MAIN" @Toc "Main" Main Window =========== The main part of the window is made up of several pages that contain all the possible configuration items. You can turn these pages by using the listview at the left side. At the lower part window border are the `Save', `Use' and `Cancel' buttons, already common in several of the system preference programs. Additionally you'll find a `Test' gadget which can be considered to be the most useful function in the preferences program. It will be handy in the beginning to use the `Test' options to play around with the different settings until you have found the configuration that best fits your needs. Pushing the `Test' button makes all currently running applications adopt their parameters from the new values. Thus making it possible to change the settings of a running application and immediately notice the consequences of your actions. The `Use'-Gadget saves the changes to the `ENV:' drawer and then ends the preferences program. Please note that the `ENV:' directory usually resides in the `RAM DISK:' and a reset discards all the settings made. If you want your settings to be permanent, please use the `Save'-Button. In addition to global and application specific settings, all window positions will be saved. If you hit `Cancel', all changes will be discarded. Applications that have already adjusted themselves to the new values because you hit `Test' automatically return to their previous settings. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_USAGE" "MUI.guide/PREFS_USAGE" @Toc "Main" Benutzungshinweise zum Voreinsteller-Programm ============================================= A lot of options are adjustable through clickable fields with popup windows. Those fields exist for @{" Frames " Link "PREFS_USAGE_FRAMES"} @{" Images " Link "PREFS_USAGE_IMAGES"} @{" Backgrounds " Link "PREFS_USAGE_BACKGROUNDS"} @{" Colors " Link "PREFS_USAGE_COLORS"} Furthermore, you are able to copy one field into another by using Drag&Drop. If you want to copy between different pages, use one of `D&D Clipboards' below the pages listview. MUI uses context sensitive popup menus for the well-known `Reset to defaults', `Last saved', `Restore' and `Preset' menus. This means that, if you hit the right mouse button over a single gadget, your choice will only affect this single gadget. If you hit it while being somewhere within a page, your choice will affect all the gadgets on that page. If you hit it over the pages listview, all pages will be affected. To improve popup menu control, you should install an utility like `MagicMenu'. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_USAGE_FRAMES" "MUI.guide/PREFS_USAGE_FRAMES" @Toc "PREFS_USAGE" Frames Popup Window ------------------- Select one of a few different frame types and their inner spacing here. Note that you can also use Drag&Drop to copy to or from a Frames popup window. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_USAGE_IMAGES" "MUI.guide/PREFS_USAGE_IMAGES" @Toc "PREFS_USAGE" Images Popup Window ------------------- Select some kind of image. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_USAGE_BACKGROUNDS" "MUI.guide/PREFS_USAGE_BACKGROUNDS" @Toc "PREFS_USAGE" Hintergrund Popup-Fenster ------------------------- Select a background from some object. Note that you can only use external graphics files if you own OS 3.0. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_USAGE_COLORS" "MUI.guide/PREFS_USAGE_COLORS" @Toc "PREFS_USAGE" Color Popup Window. ------------------- Select a color in a few different ways. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_LOCAL" "MUI.guide/PREFS_LOCAL" @Toc "Main" Global and application specific settings ======================================== Previous versions of MUI allowed to adjust application specific settings from the global preferences program. This is no longer the case, the preferences program is for global GUI settings only. An applications local settings are now called directly from this application, either by a "Settings/MUI..." menu if the program is MUI 3 aware, or with a special gadget in the applications window border. You must enable @{"this gadget" Link "PREFS_ITEMS_PrefsGadget"} before you can use it. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_PAGE" "MUI.guide/PREFS_PAGE" @Toc "Main" Preferences Pages ================= @{" PREFS_PAGE_SYSTEM " Link "PREFS_PAGE_SYSTEM"} @{" PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW " Link "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW"} @{" PREFS_PAGE_BUTTON " Link "PREFS_PAGE_BUTTON"} @{" PREFS_PAGE_STRING " Link "PREFS_PAGE_STRING"} @{" PREFS_PAGE_GROUP " Link "PREFS_PAGE_GROUP"} @{" PREFS_PAGE_SCROLLBAR " Link "PREFS_PAGE_SCROLLBAR"} @{" PREFS_PAGE_SLIDER " Link "PREFS_PAGE_SLIDER"} @{" PREFS_PAGE_LIST " Link "PREFS_PAGE_LIST"} @{" PREFS_PAGE_CYCLE " Link "PREFS_PAGE_CYCLE"} @{" PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION " Link "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION"} @{" PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL " Link "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL"} @EndNode @Node "PREFS_PAGE_SYSTEM" "MUI.guide/PREFS_PAGE_SYSTEM" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE" System Page ----------- The system page affects MUI's interfaces to system functions. @{" PREFS_ITEMS_PublicScreen " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_PublicScreen"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyIcon " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyIcon"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyMenu " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyMenu"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_StartIconified " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_StartIconified"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_UseRexx " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_UseRexx"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_Hotkey " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_Hotkey"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_FirstBubbleDelay " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_FirstBubbleDelay"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_NextBubbleDelay " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_NextBubbleDelay"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_PopScreen " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_PopScreen"} @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_PublicScreen" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_PublicScreen" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SYSTEM" PREFS_ITEMS_PublicScreen ........................ Whenever you start a MUI program, MUI tries to open its windows on this public screen. If it is not available, MUI checks if you have configured this screen with the @{"Public Screen Inspector" Link "PSI_MAINWINDOW"} and opens it automatically. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyIcon" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyIcon" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SYSTEM" PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyIcon ....................... If the `Iconify-Gadget' checkmark is set, every window of the application gets an additional gadget in the upper window frame that makes the window iconify as soon as you hit it. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyMenu" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyMenu" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SYSTEM" PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyMenu ....................... If the `Iconify-Menu' checkmark is set, MUI adds an entry to the Workbenchs tools menu for iconified applications. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_StartIconified" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_StartIconified" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SYSTEM" PREFS_ITEMS_StartIconified .......................... `Start Iconified' determines, if the application will be iconified at start-up. This will make sense, for example, if you place some tools into the `WBStartup' drawer, to make them available via keystroke. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_UseRexx" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_UseRexx" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SYSTEM" PREFS_ITEMS_UseRexx ................... Switch the ARexx Interface of an application on or off. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_Hotkey" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_Hotkey" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SYSTEM" PREFS_ITEMS_Hotkey .................. The `Iconify-Hotkey' allows you to enter a key combination that iconifys the application (and pops it up again). The format is the same as the one described for the input events of the `commodities.library'. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_FirstBubbleDelay" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_FirstBubbleDelay" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SYSTEM" PREFS_ITEMS_FirstBubbleDelay ............................ Delay until the first help bubble appears. Move all the way left to switch of bubbles completly. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_NextBubbleDelay" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_NextBubbleDelay" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SYSTEM" PREFS_ITEMS_NextBubbleDelay ........................... Delay until the next help bubble appears. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_PopScreen" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_PopScreen" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SYSTEM" PREFS_ITEMS_PopScreen ..................... Automatically pop this screen to front when MUI windows are opened. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" "MUI.guide/PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE" Window Page ----------- Window page holds a windows design, some control elements, and a few default settings like fonts. @{" PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowLeft " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowLeft"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowRight " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowRight"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowBottom " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowBottom"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowTop " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowTop"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesWindowBack " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesWindowBack"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesRequesterBack " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesRequesterBack"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_NormalFont " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_NormalFont"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_TinyFont " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_TinyFont"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_BigFont " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_BigFont"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_FrameType " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_FrameType"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_OnExitWindows " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_OnExitWindows"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_RefreshType " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_RefreshType"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_RedrawType " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_RedrawType"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyGadget " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyGadget"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_JumpGadget " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_JumpGadget"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_SnapshotGadget " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_SnapshotGadget"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_PrefsGadget " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_PrefsGadget"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_PopupGadget " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_PopupGadget"} @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowLeft" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowLeft" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowLeft ............................. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowRight" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowRight" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowRight .............................. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowBottom" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowBottom" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowBottom ............................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowTop" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowTop" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingWindowTop ............................ @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesWindowBack" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesWindowBack" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesWindowBack ............................ @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesRequesterBack" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesRequesterBack" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesRequesterBack ............................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_NormalFont" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_NormalFont" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_NormalFont ...................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_TinyFont" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_TinyFont" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_TinyFont .................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_BigFont" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_BigFont" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_BigFont ................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_FrameType" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_FrameType" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_FrameType ..................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_OnExitWindows" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_OnExitWindows" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_OnExitWindows ......................... MUI can remember window sizes and positions. This gadget controls what to do if an application exits. In addition to this gadget, you can also snapshot windows using the special @{"Snapshot" Link "PREFS_ITEMS_SnapshotGadget"} window border gadget. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_RefreshType" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_RefreshType" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_RefreshType ....................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_RedrawType" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_RedrawType" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_RedrawType ...................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyGadget" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyGadget" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_IconifyGadget ......................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_JumpGadget" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_JumpGadget" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_JumpGadget ...................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_SnapshotGadget" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_SnapshotGadget" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_SnapshotGadget .......................... Single click on this gadget in the window border snapshots the current position, double click unsnapshots. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_PrefsGadget" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_PrefsGadget" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_PrefsGadget ....................... Enable this gadget to call an applications local preferences. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_PopupGadget" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_PopupGadget" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_WINDOW" PREFS_ITEMS_PopupGadget ....................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_PAGE_BUTTON" "MUI.guide/PREFS_PAGE_BUTTON" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE" Button Page ----------- Control all kinds of buttons. @{" PREFS_ITEMS_FramesButton " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_FramesButton"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_FramesImageButton " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_FramesImageButton"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesButtonBack " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesButtonBack"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesSelectedBack " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesSelectedBack"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ButtonFont " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ButtonFont"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesRadioButton " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesRadioButton"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingHRadio " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingHRadio"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingVRadio " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_SpacingVRadio"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesCheckMark " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesCheckMark"} @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_FramesButton" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_FramesButton" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_BUTTON" PREFS_ITEMS_FramesButton ........................ @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_FramesImageButton" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_FramesImageButton" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_BUTTON" PREFS_ITEMS_FramesImageButton ............................. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesButtonBack" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesButtonBack" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_BUTTON" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesButtonBack ............................ @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesSelectedBack" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesSelectedBack" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_BUTTON" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesSelectedBack .............................. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ButtonFont" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ButtonFont" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_BUTTON" PREFS_ITEMS_ButtonFont ...................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesRadioButton" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesRadioButton" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_BUTTON" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesRadioButton ............................. @EndNode @Node 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"MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_KeysGADGET_PREV" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_KeysGADGET_PREV ........................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_KeysGADGET_OFF" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_KeysGADGET_OFF" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_KeysGADGET_OFF .......................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_KeysWINDOW_CLOSE" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_KeysWINDOW_CLOSE" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_KeysWINDOW_CLOSE ............................ @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_KeysWINDOW_NEXT" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_KeysWINDOW_NEXT" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_KeysWINDOW_NEXT ........................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_KeysWINDOW_PREV" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_KeysWINDOW_PREV" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_KeysWINDOW_PREV ........................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_KeysHELP" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_KeysHELP" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_KeysHELP .................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_KeysPOPUP" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_KeysPOPUP" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_KeysPOPUP ..................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ActiveObjectPen" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ActiveObjectPen" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_ActiveObjectPen ........................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_DragFrame" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_DragFrame" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_DragFrame ..................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_DragShineThrough" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_DragShineThrough" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_DragShineThrough ............................ @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_DragLMB" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_DragLMB" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_DragLMB ................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_DragMMB" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_DragMMB" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_DragMMB ................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_DragQualiLMB" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_DragQualiLMB" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_DragQualiLMB ........................ @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_DragQualiMMB" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_DragQualiMMB" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_DragQualiMMB ........................ @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_DragAuto" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_DragAuto" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_DragAuto .................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_DragAutoPixel" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_DragAutoPixel" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_DragAutoPixel ......................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_BalancingLook" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_BalancingLook" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_NAVIGATION" PREFS_ITEMS_BalancingLook ......................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" "MUI.guide/PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE" Special Page ------------ Some miscellaneous options. @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesDrawer " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesDrawer"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesHardDisk " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesHardDisk"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesDisk " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesDisk"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesChip " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesChip"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesVolume " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesVolume"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesNetwork " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesNetwork"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesAssign " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesAssign"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePlay " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePlay"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePlayBack " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePlayBack"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePause " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePause"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeStop " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeStop"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeRecord " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeRecord"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeUp " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeUp"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeDown " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeDown"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_FramesText " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_FramesText"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTextBack " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTextBack"} @{" PREFS_ITEMS_FramesGauge " Link "PREFS_ITEMS_FramesGauge"} @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesDrawer" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesDrawer" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesDrawer ........................ @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesHardDisk" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesHardDisk" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesHardDisk .......................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesDisk" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesDisk" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesDisk ...................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesChip" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesChip" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesChip ...................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesVolume" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesVolume" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesVolume ........................ @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesNetwork" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesNetwork" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesNetwork ......................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesAssign" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesAssign" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesAssign ........................ @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePlay" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePlay" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePlay .......................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePlayBack" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePlayBack" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePlayBack .............................. @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePause" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePause" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapePause ........................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeStop" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeStop" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeStop .......................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeRecord" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeRecord" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeRecord ............................ @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeUp" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeUp" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeUp ........................ @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeDown" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeDown" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTapeDown .......................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_FramesText" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_FramesText" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_FramesText ...................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTextBack" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTextBack" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_ImagesTextBack .......................... @EndNode @Node "PREFS_ITEMS_FramesGauge" "MUI.guide/PREFS_ITEMS_FramesGauge" @Toc "PREFS_PAGE_SPECIAL" PREFS_ITEMS_FramesGauge ....................... @EndNode @Node "PSI_MAINWINDOW" "MUI.guide/PSI_MAINWINDOW" @Toc "Main" Main Window =========== If an application is started, MUI looks for the configured public screen. When none is found, it checks the list of preconfigured screens from the builtin screen manager and if successfull, opens the screen with the specified properties. After startup, PSI shows a list that contains the configured public screens. You can create/delete/copy/etc. in this list with the button row below. @EndNode @Node "PSI_EDITWINDOW" "MUI.guide/PSI_EDITWINDOW" @Toc "Main" Edit Window =========== The screen managers window is divided into four pages. On the `Attributes' page, you will find four string gadgets that allow configuration of a screens public name, his title, the default font and a background picture. The background picture can be any picture file as long as a matching datatype is installed in your system. This feature is only available under Kickstart 3.0 and above. Besides these essential values, the screen can have the following features: - `Auto Scroll' If the screen was set larger than the visible part was defined, it will be scrolled automatically as soon as the mouse touches the screen border. - `Draggable' If the screen doesn't have this attribute, it can't be dragged. - `Exclusive' The screen cannot share its display with other screens; it will be displayed separately (Kick 3.x only). - `Interleaved' This attribute reduces - if set - the flicker, that appears especially during the scrolling of lists on colorful screens (Kick 3.x only). - `Open Behind' The screen will be opened behind all other screens. - `System Default' The screen is declared to be the system default screen. All windows that are opened on the system's default screen (e.g. shell windows), are automatically routed here. Size and resolution of the new screen are adjustable on the `Display Mode' page. It offers gadgets similar to the system screen mode preferences program and shouldn't need further explanation. The `Color' page controls the system pens, it uses popup colorfields which work best with OS 3.x and a few available colors for sharing. If your workbench doesnt have enough colors available, you should consider putting PSI on a more colorful screen. MUI doesnt use system pens directly for rendering but uses the pens from the `MUI Pens' page instead. Adjust them here. You can use `PSI' either to create new public screens or to adjust the pens MUI should use when opening on existing public screen (i.e. the Workbench). For the latter case, use the checkmark gadget at the right top of the window. If you configure these foreign public screens, all options except the name and the MUI Pens page are disabled. The `Name' gadget accepts wildcards, you can e.g. use "#?" here and MUI will use these pen settings on any foreign public screen. @EndNode @Node "MISC_REGISTER" "MUI.guide/MISC_REGISTER" @Toc "Main" Registration ============ "MagicUserInterface" is a rather complex product that has always consumed and will continue to consume a large amount of my time. It was a lot of work to finish, but I hope this work will be appreciated and that a lot of MUI based applications with nice and flexible user interfaces will be available soon. For I cannot afford just working for fun, I decided to release MUI as shareware. The unregistered version is not able to save some of the configuration items of the preferences program. Of course these restrictions won't affect the operation of MUI applications, all important values (window positions, screens, system configs) are usable without registering. Other items will contain reasonable default values. Even with these default values, MUI applications will be more attractive and usable as most other programs. If you plan to use the full set of MUI's possibilities (different fonts, frames, images, background pattern, ...) with all applications, or if you just feel that MUI is good and should be supported, you should register. Registered users will be shipped a disk with the newest public release of MUI, along with a personalized, so-called "keyfile" that enables loading and saving of the complete configuration data. MUI is an SASG (Standardized Amiga Shareware Group) product. To register, please start the program "Registration" in the main drawer of this distribution. All important topics about prices and payment methods are discussed there. Thank you for supporting Shareware! @EndNode @Node "MISC_UPDATES" "MUI.guide/MISC_UPDATES" @Toc "Main" Updates ======= Whenever a new release of MUI gets released, I will post some information in the appropriate newsgroups of some electronic networks. The new archive will soon be available on many bulletin boards and on all `aminet' FTP servers. Major releases will also come with some PD disks, especially on Fred Fish's collection. As mentioned above, registered users will neither need a new keyfile nor a special personalized program version. They can use all new features immediately. Of course, every MUI update will be completely compatible to all previously released versions. All applications will continue to run and automatically benefit from possible enhancements in user interface design. @EndNode @Node "MISC_SUPPORT" "MUI.guide/MISC_SUPPORT" @Toc "Main" Support ======= If you have some questions, comments, suggestions or even flames, please feel free to contact me at one of the following addresses. If you send your letter via e-mail, there's a good chance for getting a quick reply. Snailmail: Stefan Stuntz Eduard-Spranger-Stra 80935 M nchen GERMANY Phone: +49-89-312-159-08 e-mail: stuntz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de @EndNode @Node "MISC_ACKS" "MUI.guide/MISC_ACKS" @Toc "Main" Acknowledgements ================ The author wishes to thank - Stefan Becker ... he seemed to have very few time but nevertheless gave some valuable hints. Parts of his `ToolManager' source code were a great help during MUI's development. - Martin Berndt ... solved some tricky problems. - Robert Blayzor ... reworked the english manual. - Walter D rwald ... painted some beautiful MagicWB stylish icons. ... for additional beta-testing and for translating parts of this documentation. - Dirk Federlein ... for additional beta-testing and for translating parts of this documentation. - Georg "gucky" He ... for reporting some bugs and for his demo program `DVIprint'. - Martin Horneffer and Albert Weinert ... for creating the Oberon language interface. - Martin "XEN" Huttenloher ... has drawn many of the supplied images and also significantly cooperated in other parts of the MUI-Design. Furthermore he contributed the amazing image drawers, which are a small extract of his `MagicWB 2.0' package. Friends of an impressive and plastic Workbench should definitely take a closer look at `MagicWB'! - Kai "KCommodity" Iske ... wrote one of the several MUI calculators and reported lots of bugs. - Oliver "Mr.Coffee" Kilian ... for testing MUI on good old (and slow) 68000. - Klaus "kmel" Melchior ... for the two sample tools `WbMan' and `MUI-Exchange' and for endless lists of bug reports. He also painted the demo programs icons and supplied some BOOPSI images. - Wouter van Oortmerssen ... for the Amige-E interface. - Armin Sander ... for giving me my first ideas about object oriented GUI design. He told me a lot about classes and objects and made me start with MUI. - Matthias "tron" Scheler und Markus "corwin" Stipp ... for writing the first real MUI application, a message editor for the `Universal Mail System (UMS)'. Look out for `IntuiNews'! Additionally, Matthias wrote the sample program `Font'. - Andreas "goonie" Schildbach ... significantly influenced the design and functionality of MUI and is currently working on a MUI application, a phone and answer machine for ISDN. He made me think of some other things during our endless phone calls. - Wolfgang Schildbach ... for his text formatting code. - Christian Scholz and Olaf Peters ... for the Modula interface. - Ibrahim "radi" Solmaz ... who also prevented me from working with many phone calls but nevertheless was a valuable help sometimes. - Henri Veistera ... for the assembler interface. - Oliver Wagner ... for writing some really cool MUI Internet applications. @EndNode @Node "MISC_QUESTIONS" "MUI.guide/MISC_QUESTIONS" @Toc "Main" Discussion ========== - "Why don't MUI's string gadgets support the clipboard?" There is a utility called `NewEdit' that adds clipboard support to all system string gadgets. Of course MUI string gadgets work with this utility too. You can find this thing on aminet or on some PD disks. @EndNode @Node "POL_DISCLAIMER" "MUI.guide/POL_DISCLAIMER" @Toc "Main" Disclaimer ========== THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. @EndNode @Node "POL_LICENSE" "MUI.guide/POL_LICENSE" @Toc "Main" Lizenzvereinbarung ================== - This license applies to the product called "MagicUserInterface" (short "MUI"), a collection of programs for the Amiga computer, published by Stefan Stuntz under the concepts of shareware, and the accompanying documentation. The terms "Program" and "MUI" below, refer to this product. The licensee is addressed as "you". - You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the program's executable code and documentation as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish only the original, unmodified program, with all copyright notices and disclaimers of warranty intact and including all the accompanying documentation, example files and anything else that came with the original. - Except when otherwise stated in this documentation, you may not copy and/or distribute this program without the accompanying documentation and other additional files that came with the original. You may not copy and/or distribute modified versions of this program. - You may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the program except as expressly provided under this license. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights to use the program under this license. However, parties who have received copies, or rights to use copies, from you under this license will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. - By copying, distributing and/or using the program you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so, and all its terms and conditions. - Each time you redistribute the program, the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute and/or use the program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. - You may not disassemble, decompile, re-source or otherwise reverse engineer the program. - You agree to cease distributing the program and data involved if requested to do so by the author. @EndNode @Node "POL_INSTALLER" "MUI.guide/POL_INSTALLER" @Toc "Main" Installer ========= Along with MUI comes the `Installer' from Commodore: Installer and Installer project icon (c) Copyright 1991-93 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced and distributed under license from Commodore. INSTALLER SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE; NO WARRANTIES ARE MADE. ALL USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED. @EndNode