CyberPet! Installation Notes: System Requirements: Computer : IBM/PC compatible running Windows 95 or NT. Hard Disk Space: Minimum of 1.8 MB free space. Sound Card : Sound Blaster compatible sound card with WAV support recommended, but not required. Installing CyberPet!: 1. Click on the Windows 95/NT "Start" button located on the lower left corner of the screen. 2. Select "Run" from the popup menu. 3. Enter the path where CyberPet!'s SETUP.EXE file exists. If you do not know the path, click the "Browse" button and look for CyberPet!'s SETUP.EXE file. 4. Click the "OK" button to start the installation program. The installation program will guide you through the rest of the installation process. Uninstalling CyberPet!: 1. Click on the Windows 95/NT "Start" button located on the lower left corner of the screen. 2. Select "Settings" then "Control Panel" from the popup menus. 3. Double-click the "Add/Remove Programs" icon in the Control Panel window. 4. Look for "CyberPet!" in the lower text box. Highlight "CyberPet!" by clicking on it using the left mouse button. 5. Click the "Add/Remove" button. 6. A dialog box should appear stating that CyberPet! has been removed from auto-startup ONLY. If you want all traces of CyberPet! to be removed from your system, you must repeat steps 1-5 again. Having trouble installing or uninstalling CyberPet!? Website : E-Mail : Snail Mail : Moonlight Entertainment P.O. Box 29254 Honolulu, HI 96820