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 twASay( _wArray, nRow, nCol, cAttr, nRowSkip, nHndl )
     Displays an array of strings to the screen starting at relative
     window coordinates specified. This is similar to the 'C' function
     tw_ASay() which does not, however, update the cursor position.


     _wArray  - 'A' Array of strings.

     nRow     - 'N' Relative window row.

     nCol     - 'N' Relative window column.

     cAttr    - 'C' Clipper colour attribute. Defaults to current
                    window colour.

     nRowSkip - 'N' Vertical spacing at which to display the strings.
                    The default is 1.

     nHndl    - 'N' The handle of the window to which to write the
                    strings. The default is the current window.




     twASay( { "one", "two", "three" }, 5, 10, "g+/n", 2 )

     Displays the strings indicated at relative window coordinates
     ( 5, 10 ), ( 7, 10 ), ( 9, 10 )  in bright green on black in the
     current window.

See Also: tw_ASay()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson