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 Function Descriptions:

 The section following this describes the method used to call
 library functions. Examples of them may be seen in the source code
 for the demonstrations which are included with this archive.

 The function descriptions on the following pages detail the
 parameters which are passed, the function return value and provide
 examples in most cases. Colours default to the current setting.
 Bounds checking is usually confined to Kernel functions. For the
 Maxi functions, bounds checking is left to the user in the
 interests of code size.

 Note that most function parameters are defaulted. The default
 values, where defined, are included in the function descriptions.
 It is important to note the special case of coordinates within the
 window. In cases where wT, wL, wB, and wR must be passed, they
 individually default to the top, left bottom and right of the
 display area of the current window. That means, if you define
 parameter values for wT and wL and leave wB and wR blank, wB will
 be defaulted to the bottom row of the current display area and wR
 to its right hand column. Persons still used to S87 will be
 tempted to pass null strings to indicate no value for a character
 parameter. In TSDWIN, this can sometimes cause problems. If you
 don't want to pass a parameter, leave it as NIL. The easiest way
 is to simply leave a blank in the parameter list, eg,;

    twOpen( 5, 5, 12, 34, "w+/b,gr+/r,,,n/w", ;
            3, 10,, { "w+/b", "w/b" } )

    where the two commas following the '10' for the frame type
    indicate that no fill character is to be used.

 Variable types following parameter descriptions are:

            'A' - Array
            'B' - Code Block
            'C' - Character
            'L' - Logical (.T. or .F.)
            'N' - Numeric

 TSDWIN functions fall into several categories:

     TSDWIN Window Oriented Functions:

         Functions which modify the window stack directly or use
         windows in their operation. These functions incorporate
         various browses and messaging systems. Included also are
         various other functions which support window oriented

     High-Level Mouse Functions:

         Functions written in Clipper which handle calls to the
         Low-Level .ASM mouse functions for you. This section also
         includes functions to handle Mouse Hot Spots in two
         different ways.

     Low-Level Hardware Oriented Functions:

         Functions which affect the operation of the computer

     Low-Level Mouse Functions:

         Assembly language mouse functions.

     TSDWIN Window Instance Variables:

         Functions which return and operate on the actual window

 The Quick Reference gives a parameter list and a brief description
 of the operation of the TSDWIN functions.

 There are some internal library functions which are documented
 only in the source code, should you care to order it.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson