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;!File: prockey.eho

                           _twKBoard() Key Codes

  These code are found in the header file TWINKEY.CH which may be used to
  replace the Nantucket INKEY.CH header file.


      Special Key Codes

     Key                      #defines        Code           Hex

     Right Shift              RSHIFT                1       0x0001
     Left Shift               LSHIFT                2       0x0002
     Control                  CTRL                  4       0x0004
     Alternate                ALT                   8       0x0008
     Scroll Status            SCROLLSTAT           16       0x0010
     Number Lock Status       NUMLOCKSTAT          32       0x0020
     Caps Lock Status         CAPLOCKSTAT          64       0x0040
     Insert Status            INSERTSTAT          128       0x0080
     Ctrl Number Lock Status  CTRLNUMLKSTAT      2048       0x0800
     Scroll Lock              SCROLLOCK          4096       0x1000
     Number Lock              NUMLOCK            8192       0x2000
     Caps Lock                CAPLOCK           16384       0x4000
     Insert                   INSERT            32768       0x8000

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