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 tw_SetKSt( nKey, nStatus )
     Set the mode of Caps lock, Number lock, Scroll lock or Insert.
     Remember that these functions MAY confuse your BIOS if you aren't
     careful. TSDWIN uses this function to ensure number lock is on
     when using the calculator.


     KeyMask - N'  Scroll Lock Status           05
                   Number Lock Status           06
                   Caps Lock Status             07
                   Insert Status                08


     Scroll Lock Status              16 - If On       0x0010
     Number Lock Status              32 - If On       0x0020
     Caps Lock Status                64 - If On       0x0040
     Insert Status                  128 - If On       0x0080


     RetVal := tw_SetKSt( NUMLOCKSTAT, 0 )

     Turns off the number lock.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson