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 High-Level Mouse Functions
     The functions in this section allow you to create your own
     windowed mouse functions without having to acquaint yourself with
     the intricacies of the CPU registers referred to by the low-level
     ASM functions. Some of the functions are used by other MAXI
     functions in TSDWIN.LIB.

     Included are two methods for creating mouse regions, one in which
     the caller stores the region information and another in which
     TSDWIN stores it in an internal array, much like the window stack
     itself. It is a matter of personal preference which one you should
     use, but all TSDWIN MAXI functions store mouse data within
     themselves so it will be less memory intensive if you also choose
     that method.

     Naturally, the ASM functions operate faster, if speed is your
     primary consideration.

     All efforts have been made to free the programmer from concern
     about the mouse. If you use TSDWIN MAXI functions exclusively, you
     should not have to concern yourself with the mouse at all.
     Normally, the only things you have to do are to initiate the mouse
     system with a call to twMouseInit() at the beginning of your
     program, and then define and release any mouse hot spots you
     create that are not created with one of the tw??MouseLine()

     Within each of the TSDWIN moused browses, twMinkeyWait() and
     twReadModal() there are functions to allow you to easily add hot
     spots for the mouse. The only thing you have to do is to make sure
     you release the memory they occupy when you are finished with
     them. Detailed instructions are included in the function

See Also: ASM
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson