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 twTextFile( wT, wL, wB, wR, fName, wColor, wSType,;
             wFType, wFColor, wTitle, bPreRun )
     Displays a text file in a window and allows navigation through it.
     Files greater than 64K may be viewed. Buffer size is adjusted
     according to the parameters passed. This function makes a call to
     a 'C' function which addresses video memory directly and uses ASM
     calls to read and move the file pointer. Both vertical and
     horizontal scrolling are supported.

     More facility is available with the 'C' function, and thus you can
     use it outside of the windowing scheme. See tw_TFile() for details.

              ACTIVE KEYS:

              Down          - Down one line
              Up            - Up one line
              Left          - Left one column
              Right         - Right one column
              Home          - Left hand margin
              End           - Right hand margin
              PageUp        - Up one page
              PageDown      - Down one page
              Ctrl PageUp   - Top of file
              Ctrl PageDown - Bottom of file
              Escape        - Abort display


     wB,wR   - 'N' Screen Coordinates. This defaults to full screen if
                   not passed.  There is one line left all around for a
                   border. The file is displayed inside.

     fName   - 'C' The filename with extension. This MUST be passed.

     wColor  - 'C' Clipper colour string or attribute for the text
                   display area. Defaults to SETCOLOR().

     wSType  - 'N' Shadow type for the display. Defaults to none.

     wFType  - 'N' Border type. Defaults to none.

     wFColor - 'C' Frame colour. Defaults to same as text display

     wTitle  - 'C' Title for the display. Defaults to NIL.

     bPreRun - 'B' Optional code block to execute after the window is


             -1 - No file passed.
             -2 - File does not exist.
              1 - Open error.
              8 - Memory error.
              0 - Everything went OK.


     twTextFile( ,,,,, "TSDWIN.DOC", "w/n", ;
                 0, 9, "w+/n", "TSDWIN User's Manual" )

     Displays TSDWIN.DOC fullscreen in white on black with no shadow
     and a solid-thick border in intense white on black, titled with a
     header centered in the top line saying "TSDWIN User's Manual".

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson