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 twPopMenu( amArray, cHeader, aMsg, wT, wL, nChoice,;
            wColor, wSType, wFType, wFColor,;
            wTColor, nRowSkip )
     Display a popup menu using twMenuTo().

     NOTE: If using action code blocks in a previous menu, this
     function will not behave as expected. The usual rules for MENU TO
     are in effect.


     amArray  - 'A' An array of choices.

     cHeader  - 'C' Optional Title for the Choice window.

     wT, wL   - 'N' Relative window coordinates. Default to center the
                    window on the screen.

     nChoice  - 'N' Initial choice number to highlight.

     wColor   - 'C' Clipper colour string. Defaults to current window

     wSType   - 'N' TSDWIN shadow type. Defaults to the current shadow

     wFType   - 'N' TSDWIN frame type. Defaults to the current frame

     wFColor  - 'C or A' TSDWIN Frame colour array or string.

     wTColor  - 'C' Title colour.

     nRowSkip - 'N' Row spacing for display


     The element number of the array choice or zero if the escape key
     was pressed.


     LOCAL amArray := {"Yes","No","Maybe"}, nMenuChoice
     nMenuChoice := twPopMenu( amArray, "Testing" )

     twInfo("You Chose: " + STRINT( nMenuChoice ) )

See Also: twPopChoice() twMenuTo()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson