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  READ              Command documentation.

  Clipper Version  1.03 dtd 09/15/90.

  Problem Statement

  READ command documentaion re' Navigation Keys is incorrect.


  Incorrect documentation.

  Work Around(s)

  1) Annotate your documentation as follows:

     \hTable 4-9: READ Navigation Keys\e
     \hKey                                Action\e
     Leftarrow                          Character left. Does not move cursor
                                        to previous GET
     Rightarrow, Ctrl-D                 Character right. Does not move cursor
                                        to next GET
     Ctrl-Leftarrow, Ctrl-Z             Word left
     Ctrl-Rightarrow, Ctrl-B            Word right
     Uparrow, Ctrl-E                    Previous GET
     Dnarrow, Ctrl-X, Return, Ctrl-M    Next GET
     Home, Ctrl-A                       First character of GET
     End, Ctrl-F                        Last character of GET
     Ctrl-Home, Ctrl ]                  Beginning of first GET
  *  Ctrl-End, Ctrl-W                   Beginning of last GET
                            OR          Terminate READ saving current GET

     \hTable 4-12: READ Exit Keys\e
     \hKey                         Action\e
     Ctrl-C, PgUp, PgDn          Terminate READ saving current GET
  *  Ctrl-End, Ctrl-W            Terminate READ saving current GET
                           OR    Beginning of last GET
     Ctrl-W, Ctrl-C, PgUp, PgDn  Terminate READ saving current GET
     Return, Ctrl-M              Terminate READ from last GET
     Esc                         Terminate READ without saving current GET
     Uparrow                     Terminate READ from first GET if
     Dnarrow                     Terminate READ from last GET if

  Note:  Action of Ctrl-End, Ctrl-W is dependent upon whether or not
           NOTDEF is defined in GETSYS.PRG.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson