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  DBU               Miscellaneous anomalies.                               ~

  Clipper Version  1.03 dtd 09/15/90.

  Problem Statement

  1) If you try to change the name of a memo field, of an existing indexed
     (with DBU) database, and answer 'Yes' to the warning that 'Memos will
     be lost..'; you will lose all the records in your database as well.

  2) You may end up in an 'run-away' situation (Alt C to break) in the
     following set of circumstances: (Note: files containg 1000+? records)

     a) Open a database and Index with DBU.
     b) (F5) Browse the database.
     c) Before the screen has completely refreshed the database information,
        press (F7) to perform a seek operation (select seek).
     d) Enter an index key and 'Watch the fun begin'. (Thanks Kelly!)



  Work Around(s)


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