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  ALLTRIM()         Returns runtime error if embedded in a macro.

  Clipper Version  1.03 dtd 09/15/90.

  Problem Statement

  When ALLTRIM(cVar) is included in a macro statement, a runtime
  error occurs when the macro is expanded.


  ALLTRIM(cVar) is a psuedo-function, created by directive in STD.CH; i.e.,

        #translate Alltrim(<c>)     =>   Ltrim(Trim( <c> ))

  Work Around(s)

  1) Create a real function, ALLTRIM(cVar), in your .PRG; e.g.,
            PARAMETERS cVar
            RETURN  LTRIM(TRIM(cVar))

  2) Create the above function and compile using the /N option.
     Include the resultant .OBJ file when linking.
     Note: You may delete the #translate line from MYNAME.CH.

  3) Create the above function and compile using the /N option.
     Add the resultant .OBJ file to a .LIB file; e.g., EXTEND.LIB.
     Note: You may delete the #translate line from MYNAME.CH.

  4) Replace all ALLTRIM(cVar) references in your .PRG with


  See Support Bulletin 4 in the NANFORUM Library.

See Also: RIGHT() STD.CH
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