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Function            UNBOX()
Action              Removes a box created by makebox()
Category            Popup
Syntax              Unbox(<expC>,[expN1..expN4])
Description         UNBOX restores the screen <expC> saved by
                    MAKEBOX(). MAKEBOX() stores the dimensions
                    and color in the returned string, so it is not
                    necessary to pass these to UNBOX(). If the dimensions
                    are passed, UNBOX() assumes these are not part of
                    the saved string, and assumes the string is a
                    savescreen() string. If the string and any other
                    single param are passed, UNBOX() assumes it is
                    a full screen (0,0,24,79) restore and does so.

Options             [expN1..expN4] - the dimensions of the box.
                    Use these to UNBOX() a screen saved with SAVESCREEN().

Examples            msg = MAKEBOX(10,40,12,60,'W/R,+GR/R')
                    @11,42 SAY "What's up, Doc ?"

                    ..or unboxing a SAVESCREEN() screen
                    msg = savescreen(5,5,10,10)

                    ..or unboxing a full screen
                    save screen to msg

Notes               This replaces KILLWIND(), as MAKEBOX() replaces

Found in (prg)......S_UNBOX.PRG

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson