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Function            MODIS()
Action              Interactive modify or create structure
Returns             Name of the dbf, less extension
Category            Metafunction
Syntax              MODIS([expC1],[expC2]|[array])
Description         Interactive create or modify structure for DBF
                    files. If creating, allows import of an existing

Options             [expC1] is "C" or "M" for Create or Modify. Default
                    is to prompt the user. [expC2]|[array] is either
                    the name of the dbf file or an array of allowable
                    dbf files.

Examples            MODIS("C")
                    * create, prompt for name

                    * modify customer.dbf

                    declare okdbfs[3]

                    * modify , selecting from array of dbfs

Warnings            Make sure there is sufficient diskspace.

Warnings            Key -9 is unset on exit (F10), DELETED is
                    left OFF

Found in (prg)......S_MODIS.PRG

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