--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS FILE LISTS ALL THE DISKS ON THIS CD IN CATEGORY ORDER (C)1993/4 PDSL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA= ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FILES= 7 TOT SIZE= 1583249 PATH= \ARTIFICI ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0539.ZIP PD-PROLOG Artificial intelligence language. 332358 2547.ZIP PROLOG-2 public domain Prolog interpreter 142743 3479A.ZIP XLISP + LISP interpreter by Marc Adler (C source) 209983 3479B.ZIP XLISP + LISP interpreter by Marc Adler (C source) 197022 3483.ZIP ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TUTORIAL includes Expert Systems 125595 3556.ZIP PC-LISP subset of Franz Lisp + PDLISP interpreters 333954 4023.ZIP PIE Prolog language interpreter 241594 AREA= EXPERT SYSTEM SHELLS FILES= 13 TOT SIZE= 2595953 PATH= \ARTIFICI\EXPERT_S ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0535.ZIP EXPERT system artificial intelligence prog. 59557 0636.ZIP IMP Expert system development & use package 99609 0791.ZIP XXXPERT expert system with english like syntax 98439 1016.ZIP SMALL-X special language for building AI systems 113045 1252A.ZIP TAPESTRY expert system generator (Disk 1 of 2) 153008 1252B.ZIP TAPESTRY expert system generator (UK author) (Disk 2 of 2) 113043 1695.ZIP TOTAL EXPERT expert system shell (UK author) 62939 1991.ZIP CLIPS expert system shell 271246 2429.ZIP ES knowledge base development system 238277 2476.ZIP MIKE A knowledge engineering toolkit. 290351 3449.ZIP RULEBASE Expert System Toolkit 166156 4067.ZIP MINDFRAME FOR WINDOWS AI knowledge manager 264480 H456.ZIP LOGOS rule script formulator & compiler 665803 AREA= NEURAL NETWORKING FILES= 8 TOT SIZE= 2011092 PATH= \ARTIFICI\NEURAL_N ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 3618.ZIP NERVOUS SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION KIT with C source code 280783 3631.ZIP NEURAL NETWORKING Netlab, NNAPL, model in Lisp + tutor 320995 3632.ZIP NEURAL neural networking program 112264 3635.ZIP GENETIC ALGORITHM WORKBENCH interactive tool 180899 3667.ZIP SYNAPTIC SELECTION VOL 2 Back Propagation, ET, etc 320760 3716A.ZIP THE VISIBLE NEURAL NETWORK feed-forward/back propagation 175173 3716B.ZIP THE VISIBLE NEURAL NETWORK feed-forward/back propagation 206284 H312.ZIP NEURAL PLANNER neural network system for Windows 3.1 413934 AREA= ASTRONOMY FILES= 31 TOT SIZE= 9752061 PATH= \ASTRONOM ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0492A.ZIP ACE Computerised Ephemeris of astrological data 153754 0492B.ZIP with good retrieval system (2 disks) 113458 0880.ZIP Your own PLANETARIUM super display with star names etc. 124123 0936A.ZIP ASTRONOMY Sky view,Optics,constellation view,storm view etc 144128 0936B.ZIP ASTRONOMY (2 of 2) 166302 1449.ZIP PLANSTAR astronomical almanac showing planets 1700-2100AD 83556 1479.ZIP ASTRONOMICAL PROGRAMS SELECTION 311345 2191.ZIP GRAVITY displays gravitational effects of planets 235997 2392.ZIP SILICON SKY and STARVIEW astronomy programs 317888 2569.ZIP ASTRONOMER'S DATABASE with 850 deep space objects 79670 2817A.ZIP STARBASE star catalogue database with 9110 bright stars 299714 2817B.ZIP STARBASE star catalogue database with 9110 bright stars 310361 2817C.ZIP STARBASE star catalogue database with 9110 bright stars 241037 2935A.ZIP DEEP SPACE 3-D Astronomical Observers Tool (1 of 2) 283551 2935B.ZIP DEEP SPACE 3-D Astronomical Observers Tool (2 of 2) 353683 3033.ZIP STARSIDE star map generator and celestial object tracker 109856 3146A.ZIP MARS-14 astronomers' utility program (Disk 1 of 2) 96721 3146B.ZIP MARS-14 astronomers' utility program (Disk 2 of 2) 198115 3178.ZIP SKYCLOCK, UNIVERSE ANALYZER & MOON astronomy programs 252851 3281A.ZIP SKYMAP high-precision celestial mapping program 301460 3281B.ZIP SKYMAP high-precision celestial mapping program 353812 3349.ZIP SOLAR solar eclipse prediction program 200918 3419.ZIP ASTRONOMY LAB FOR WINDOWS stargazer program 359844 4031.ZIP STARBASE FOR WINDOWS astronomy program 269174 4099.ZIP OUR COSMOHOOD 3D astronomical viewing program 134270 H139.ZIP SPACE FLIGHT SIMULATOR with C source code 685471 H256.ZIP YALE STAR CATALOGUE comprehensive database of Bright stars 743160 H294A.ZIP THE NIGHT SKY identify stars,planets etc (1 of 2) 660795 H294B.ZIP THE NIGHT SKY identify stars,planets etc (2 of 2) 552657 H314.ZIP *SKYMAP astronomy program for Windows 3.1 1062672 H407.ZIP *SKYGLOBE star gazer system + CIRCUMSPACE space flight sim 551718 AREA= ASTRONOMY AREA FROM SIMTEL FILES= 34 TOT SIZE= 6521486 PATH= \ASTRNOMY ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE AA_51.ZIP Astronomical almanac - sun moon planets stars 167571 ASTRO20.ZIP Calculate planetary ATA, rise and set time 38379 ASTRO202.ZIP Athabasca University Micro-Planetarium v2.02 96575 ASTROMET.ZIP Astrometry for ST-4 and ST-6 CCD cameras 203092 BRUNGSC1.ZIP Astronomy: Drawing a sky map using GSC 60868 B_STAR.ZIP Program to animate motions of a binary star 42026 DANCE13.ZIP Computer model of the solar system. DEMO 148373 DE118I.ZIP N-body numerical integration of moon & planets 185587 DIFF_DRA.ZIP Displays a binary star system in 3-D 41906 ECU15.ZIP WIN3: Earth Centered Universe planetarium pgm 359878 EPHEM421.ZIP Astronomical ephemeris:stars/planets positions 245439 GALIL.ZIP Animates motions of Jupiter and its satellites 49987 GALSAT50.ZIP Displays relative positions of Jupiter's Moons 37270 GRAVITY2.ZIP Simulates motions of planetary bodies in space 112662 GRVKIT02.ZIP N-body gravitational simulator and player 249087 HEAT0_1.ZIP Aurora Spacecraft heat shield design, w/source 72707 JPSTPHN2.ZIP Animated display of Jupiters' satellites (CGA) 55651 JUPCOM02.ZIP How to observe July's Comet-Jupiter collision 40108 JUPMAP.ZIP WIN3 .BMPs used in jupcom02.zip 15562 JUPSAT40.ZIP Jovian satellites simulator with animation 49971 MOON.ZIP Graphic display of moon's face w/pan/move/find 57300 PLANET.ZIP Gives time/azimuth/coords for planet rise/sets 40510 SATVIEW2.ZIP Mathematical model of sunlit planet Saturn/CGA 34439 SFS101.ZIP Space Flight Simulator, CGA/HGC/EGA/VGA 277775 SFS101S.ZIp Source code for Space Flight Simulator v1.01 446122 SKYGLB36.ZIP SkyGlobe v3.60: Desktop planetarium program 362704 SKYIMG1.ZIP Planetary/Lunar GIF images for SkyMap v1.2 1048378 SKYMP20A.ZIP SkyMap v2.0 Win3.1 Planetarium, program+docs 487370 SKYMP20B.ZIP SkyMap v2.0 Win3.1 Planetarium, data files 575105 SKYPLOT.ZIP Star map graphic display 156651 SOLAR.ZIP Solar system simulator 34892 STARPL20.ZIP Star chart drawing package & Hubble GSC viewer 326806 STARVIEW.ZIP Astronomy at its best - (requires mouse) 205945 STARWRK2.ZIP Astronomical Planetarium Simulator (SVGA-HERC) 194790 AREA= COMMUNICATIONS FILES= 42 TOT SIZE= 11338815 PATH= \COMMUNIC ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0132.ZIP Utils,Comms,Minitel,Modem740,Multilink,Modem 165540 0153.ZIP MINITEL comms prog for DEC,SANYO,OTONA,etc. 158162 0202.ZIP BBS Talk Super Comms package,Unprotect DB3 + etc 151824 0558.ZIP INVISIBLE Link resident comms,Supermacs key define 132698 0576.ZIP KERMIT windowing protocol source files etc 112650 0717.ZIP KERMIT PC & Generic version for Ape/Zenith etc 144872 0862.ZIP ONE TO ONE personal computer friendly comms 68890 0896.ZIP RCOMM mem resident comms software,Show Comms port status 56336 1024.ZIP QUIKTALK Neat comms & GTPOWERCOM utils host & Dir fixer 149065 1122.ZIP COMMIE easy to use comms program specially for BBS use 130062 1153.ZIP COMMS Turbo Term easy comms,K9X VT100 emulator,JModem xfer 285760 1154.ZIP COMMS external protocols for Commie + V23 modem program 329486 1303A.ZIP BOYAN a good Procomm-style comms package (Disk 1 of 2) 139264 1303B.ZIP BOYAN a good Procomm-style comms package (Disk 2 of 2) 100610 1312.ZIP INFONET Minitel terminal emulator (French viewdata system) 188582 1321.ZIP BACKMAIL background mailer + assorted comms utilities 232281 1554.ZIP PROCOMM excellent shareware comms package 150141 1572A.ZIP KERMIT assembler source code version (Disk 1 of 3) 346070 1572B.ZIP KERMIT assembler source code version 2.32/A (Disk 2 of 3) 345414 1572C.ZIP KERMIT assembler source code version 2.32/A (Disk 3 of 3) 199546 2056.ZIP MS-KERMIT with VT-320/340/Tektronix emulation 323413 2303.ZIP *IDCCOM Full featured communications package. 127271 2500.ZIP WINCOMM 1 Communications Utilities for Windows 3 285815 2565.ZIP JCOMM and COMMO comms programs + MODEM DOCTOR & PCM100 275999 2653A.ZIP GT POWER comprehensive comms system with BBS capability 346990 2653B.ZIP GT POWER comprehensive comms system with BBS capability 323910 2653C.ZIP GT POWER comprehensive comms system with BBS capability 260832 2653D.ZIP GT POWER comprehensive comms system with BBS capability 217228 2860.ZIP *PCFDial TSR Phone Dialler 159555 3116A.ZIP QMODEM TEST DRIVE powerful comms package (Disk 1 of 2) 335790 3116B.ZIP QMODEM TEST DRIVE powerful comms package (Disk 2 of 2) 361845 3235.ZIP WINCOMM 2 Communications Utilities for Windows 3 293324 3459.ZIP EAZILINK general purpose comms package (Viewdata/BBS) 287853 3560.ZIP ZIP fast PC-PC serial transfer + DSZ/GSZ ZModem protocol 276204 3795.ZIP DOORWAY run remote programs on other PC via modem 200708 3876.ZIP INFO-POP RAM-resident guide to Internet & other services 291816 4026.ZIP THE ONLINE WORLD BOOK text guide to comms services 261736 H097.ZIP TELEMATE comms package with multitasking etc. 833223 H191.ZIP *COM-AND Comms Program with Script facility 732475 H298.ZIP TELIX comms program with powerful script language 624119 H366.ZIP UNICOM communications program for MS-Windows 527236 H399.ZIP ODYSSEY comms program with MNP emulation & Prestel mode 404220 AREA= BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEMS FILES= 31 TOT SIZE= 10336784 PATH= \COMMUNIC\BULLETIN ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0157.ZIP Generic FIDO patchable for Various machines,Utils 108227 0340A.ZIP OPUS bulletin board system (Disk 1 of 3) 286658 0340B.ZIP OPUS(2 of 3) All the things Fido should have been. 323310 0340C.ZIP OPUS bulletin board system (Disk 3 of 3) 218216 0457.ZIP ROS Bulletin Board system 139917 0554.ZIP RYBBS fully configurable BBS system. 66897 0597.ZIP COLOSSUS BBS software 138515 0716.ZIP UTILITIES for BBS users organise on-line activities 155752 0801A.ZIP PHOENIX BBS software (2 Disks) 179213 0801B.ZIP PHOENIX BBS 129209 0818A.ZIP TP BOARD Bulletin Board software(2 disks) 114884 0818B.ZIP TP BOARD (2 of 2) 118487 0929.ZIP TOWERNET Bulletin Board system & Use PC as UNIX node 288655 1484A.ZIP SEARCHLIGHT BBS system with ANSI support,doors etc (1 of 2) 150915 1484B.ZIP SEARCHLIGHT BBS (Disk 2 of 2) 134518 1788A.ZIP RBBS Bulletin board system (Disk 1 of 4) 321125 1788B.ZIP RBBS bulletin board system (Disk 2 of 4) 302384 1788C.ZIP RBBS bulletin board system (Disk 3 of 4) 284003 1788D.ZIP RBBS bulletin board system (Disk 4 of 4) 282207 1806A.ZIP WILDCAT TEST DRIVE bulletin board system 268035 1806B.ZIP WILDCAT TEST DRIVE bulletin board system 352771 2186.ZIP *SPITFIRE bulletin board system 319786 3220A.ZIP REMOTE ACCESS multi-user bulletin board system (1 of 2) 309833 3220B.ZIP REMOTE ACCESS multi-user bulletin board system (2 of 2) 294021 3598.ZIP EAZIHOST bulletin board system 264493 H172.ZIP SAPPHIRE easy to use/set up bulletin board system 824080 H403A.ZIP QUICKBBS Bulletin board software with ansi/colour 686470 H403B.ZIP QUICKBBS Bulletin board software with ansi/colour 628070 H534A.ZIP *POWERBBS FOR WINDOWS bulletin board system 1022465 H534B.ZIP *POWERBBS FOR WINDOWS bulletin board system 1045151 H546.ZIP *MEGAHOST Business oriented bulletin board system 578517 AREA= COMPUSERVE SUPPORT FILES= 3 TOT SIZE= 718676 PATH= \COMMUNIC\COMPUSER ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 2943.ZIP *RECON tool from reviewing TAPCIS downloaded CIS messages 304752 3077.ZIP *TAPCIS Compuserve-specific comms system 194142 3318.ZIP AUTOSIG automatic Compuserve access program 219782 AREA= NETWORKING FILES= 19 TOT SIZE= 5765099 PATH= \COMMUNIC\NETWORKI ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0609.ZIP NETWORKING programs & Utilities 117628 0847.ZIP TANDEM Remotely run programs on different pcs comms prog 119124 1725.ZIP TOP-NET LAN 2 user network system for Arcnet cards 145681 1747.ZIP LANTEL networking support 153499 1938.ZIP *NOUVEAU TSR E-mail system for small LANs + POPFORM 345966 2652A.ZIP *BRAINSTORM topic-oriented message system for LANs 221951 2652B.ZIP *BRAINSTORM topic-oriented message system for LANs 254827 2878.ZIP LAN MAIL electronic mail system for networks 303296 2931.ZIP THE MNU menu system for Novell networks + PC ACCESS 264104 3172.ZIP AUTOMAN automatic network management system 339553 3182.ZIP MAIL electronic mail system for networks 109662 3274.ZIP AUTOPILOTT menu system for Novell Netware 143362 3353.ZIP WEAKLINK simple network for 2 PCs & Data encryption to DES 76060 3396A.ZIP *HOTNET help desk system for Novell, LANtastic etc 128983 3396B.ZIP *HOTNET help desk system for Novell, LANtastic etc 330544 3692.ZIP DOC-PROC online documentation & retrieval system for LANs 273382 H202A.ZIP *SEE MAIL comprehensive e-mail system for LANs 857050 H202B.ZIP *SEE MAIL comprehensive e-mail system for LANs 404944 H259.ZIP CRYNWR COLLECTION of Packet Drivers 1175483 AREA= TERMINALS/EMULATIONS FILES= 5 TOT SIZE= 732559 PATH= \COMMUNIC\TERMINAL ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0482.ZIP IDEAL TERMINAL comms & emulation package 33721 0964.ZIP PC-VT, DEC VT100/VT102 terminal emulator 133814 1589.ZIP WYSE 60 terminal emulator (runs under Microsoft Windows) 81717 1825.ZIP QVT VT220 terminal emulator & QVT/TCP for TCP/IP 177425 2722.ZIP QVT FOR WINDOWS VT220 terminal emulator/comms program 305882 AREA= COMMUNICATIONS UTILITIES FILES= 13 TOT SIZE= 3736624 PATH= \COMMUNIC\COMMUTIL ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0573.ZIP COMMS-Compeek set i/o prog,Sealink,Turboterm 139632 0814.ZIP PROCOMM add-ons & support progs,outside etc 300263 0861.ZIP COMMS- MNP codes,Ceedata 8200 Term,Prestel Emulator 144853 0972.ZIP COMMUNICATIONS TUTOR & COMMS Diagnostics program 85098 1235.ZIP *QANALYST phone log analyser for QMODEM + LOWERIBM 158923 2258.ZIP EAZILINK/EAZIHOST UTILITIES dialler,front door,file search 312538 2441.ZIP *EZ-READER offline mail reader for QMail/MarkMail/Tomcat! 234264 2805A.ZIP *EXPRESS RESPONSE SYSTEM offline mail reader: INSTALL DISK 311011 2805B.ZIP *EXPRESS RESPONSE SYSTEM offline mail reader: INSTALL DISK 353081 2805C.ZIP *EXPRESS RESPONSE SYSTEM offline mail reader: QWK-XCS-NLS 238123 3043.ZIP *DATASCOPE protocol analyser & line scope, TRANSFER etc 267856 3853.ZIP *REFLECT FOR WINDOWS add-on to DOS 6 Interlink program 91445 H342.ZIP UUPC/EXTENDED peer-to-peer networking using UUCP protocol 1099537 AREA= DATA FOR PROGRAM INCLUSION FILES= 3 TOT SIZE= 608358 PATH= \DATA\DATA_FOR ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 1071.ZIP HERSHEY FONTS 1300 characters of vector oriented font data 108961 1073A.ZIP BITMAP FONTS 139 fonts data for programmers (1 of 2) 235401 1073B.ZIP BITMAP FONTS 139 fonts data for programmers (2 of 2) 263996 AREA= DOCTOR DOBBS MAGAZINE AREA FROM SIMTEL FILES= 107 TOT SIZE= 19574012 PATH= \DDJMAG ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE DDJ8601.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1986 20141 DDJ8602.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1986 16326 DDJ8603.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1986 34149 DDJ8604.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1986 16845 DDJ8605.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1986 38472 DDJ8606.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1986 15938 DDJ8607.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1986 29225 DDJ8608.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1986 11041 DDJ8609.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1986 30935 DDJ8610.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1986 23463 DDJ8611.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1986 26995 DDJ8612.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1986 38889 DDJ8702.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1987 12869 DDJ8703.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1987 13237 DDJ8704.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1987 18390 DDJ8705.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1987 12467 DDJ8706.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1987 45816 DDJ8707.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1987 24916 DDJ8708.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1987 20235 DDJ8709.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1987 26236 DDJ8710.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1987 33186 DDJ8711.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1987 46387 DDJ8712.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1987 62522 DDJ87IDX.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1987 6942 DDJ8801.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1988 82960 DDJ8802.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1988 28426 DDJ8803.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1988 35725 DDJ8804.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1988 24651 DDJ8805.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1988 12828 DDJ8806.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1988 15942 DDJ8807.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1988 29890 DDJ8808.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1988 19899 DDJ8809.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1988 21224 DDJ8810.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1988 32135 DDJ8811.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1988 28361 DDJ8812.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1988 30535 DDJ88IDX.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1988 6584 DDJ8901.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1989 21606 DDJ8902.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1989 43417 DDJ8903.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1989 39550 DDJ8904.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1989 40103 DDJ8905.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1989 49854 DDJ8906.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1989 52334 DDJ8907.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1989 28898 DDJ8908.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1989 42151 DDJ8909.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1989 50380 DDJ8910.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1989 91096 DDJ8911.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1989 38117 DDJ8912.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1989 27482 DDJ89IDX.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1989 10387 DDJ9001.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1990 132916 DDJ9002.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1990 32938 DDJ9003.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1990 31358 DDJ9004.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1990 45555 DDJ9005.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1990 31519 DDJ9006.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1990 91381 DDJ9007.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1990 32667 DDJ9008.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1990 46233 DDJ9009.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1990 147563 DDJ9010.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1990 48239 DDJ9011.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1990 411365 DDJ9012.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1990 56916 DDJ90IDX.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1990 14181 DDJ9101.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1991 27815 DDJ9102.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1991 190237 DDJ9103.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1991 76174 DDJ9104.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1991 177757 DDJ9105.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1991 123253 DDJ9106.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1991 123204 DDJ9107.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1991 52408 DDJ9108.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1991 283289 DDJ9109.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1991 112603 DDJ9110.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1991 176254 DDJ9111.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1991 54709 DDJ9112.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1991 253276 DDJ91IDX.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1991 15594 DDJ9201.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1992 215817 DDJ9202.ZIP DrDobbs Feb92: Protected-Mode pgming, DFLAT10 300941 DDJ9203.ZIP DrDobbs Mar92: Assembler pgming special ed. 551191 DDJ9204.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1992 568415 DDJ9205.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May 1992 187613 DDJ9206.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1992 257290 DDJ9207.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1992 850998 DDJ9208.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1992 196899 DDJ9209.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1992 440022 DDJ9210.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1992 1603338 DDJ9211.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1992 991669 DDJ9212.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1992 1445216 DDJ9301.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9301 issue 403092 DDJ9302.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9302 issue 86468 DDJ9303.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9303 issue 281088 DDJ9304.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9304 issue 225401 DDJ9305.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9305 issue 196618 DDJ9306.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9306 issue 88488 DDJ9307.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9307 issue 1219226 DDJ9308.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9308 issue 105708 DDJ9309.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9309 issue 304148 DDJ9310.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9310 issue 1774381 DDJ9311.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9311 issue 485630 DDJ9312.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9312 issue 408307 DDJ9401.ZIP Code from Dr. Dobb's January, 1994 301721 DDJ9402.ZIP Code from Dr. Dobb's February, 1994 265370 DDJ9403A.ZIP Code from Dr. Dobb's March, 1994, 1 of 3 94316 DDJ9403B.ZIP Code from Dr. Dobb's March, 1994, 2 of 3 312470 DDJ9403C.ZIP Code from Dr. Dobb's March, 1994, 3 of 3 932749 DDJCSPEC.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal special 'C' issue 1989 55123 XSHARP15.ZIP Michael Abrash's X# v1.5. April 1992 Dr. Dobbs 104738 AREA= TEX AND RELATED PROGRAMS FILES= 39 TOT SIZE= 29117631 PATH= \DTP\DTP_TEX ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 2848A.ZIP DOSTEX super text processor/formatter (Disk 1 of 6) 178608 2848B.ZIP DOSTEX super text processor/formatter (Disk 2 of 6) 296573 2848C.ZIP DOSTEX super text processor/formatter (Disk 3 of 6) 227363 2848D.ZIP DOSTEX super text processor/formatter (Disk 4 of 6) 322897 2848E.ZIP DOSTEX super text processor/formatter (Disk 5 of 6) 161549 2848F.ZIP DOSTEX super text processor/formatter (Disk 6 of 6) 352990 2849.ZIP DVIEW and CDVI TeX .DVI previewers for CGA/EGA/VGA/Hercules 274989 2850.ZIP SBTEX complete subset TeX system 263584 2851A.ZIP GENTLE INTRODUCTION TO TEX text-based TeX tutorial (1 of 2) 328169 2851B.ZIP GENTLE INTRODUCTION TO TEX text-based TeX tutorial (2 of 2) 321213 3238.ZIP TEX PRINTER DRIVERS Epson 9-pin, Deskjet, NEC P5200 etc 296977 3239.ZIP DVIMTP TeX driver for LaserJet+/MT905 with C source code 193879 H002A.ZIP EMTEX full implementation of TeX, LaTeX, MetaFont etc 897305 H002B.ZIP EMTEX full implementation of TeX, LaTex, MetaFont etc. 1153179 H002C.ZIP EMTEX full implementation of TeX, LaTex, MetaFont etc. 1143008 H002D.ZIP EMTEX full implementation of TeX, LaTex, MetaFont etc. 1142604 H002E.ZIP EMTEX full implementation of TeX, LaTex, MetaFont etc. 1154100 H002F.ZIP EMTEX full implementation of TeX, LaTex, MetaFont etc. 1134217 H003A.ZIP EMTEX LASERJET FONTS over 700 different fonts 949780 H003B.ZIP EMTEX LASERJET FONTS over 700 different fonts 978545 H003C.ZIP EMTEX LASERJET FONTS over 700 different fonts 1006258 H003D.ZIP EMTEX LASERJET FONTS over 700 different fonts 843989 H003E.ZIP EMTEX LASERJET FONTS over 700 different fonts 1009265 H004A.ZIP EMTEX FX FONTS over 700 fonts for 9-pin dot matrix printers 1038669 H004B.ZIP EMTEX FX FONTS over 700 fonts for 9-pin dot matrix printers 1052273 H004C.ZIP EMTEX FX FONTS over 700 fonts for 9-pin dot matrix printers 1061262 H004D.ZIP EMTEX FX FONTS over 700 fonts for 9-pin dot matrix printers 326904 H005A.ZIP EMTEX HIGH-DEFINITION LQ FONTS for NEC P6, Epson LQ550 etc 1054624 H005B.ZIP EMTEX HIGH-DEFINITION LQ FONTS for NEC P6, Epson LQ550 etc 1060703 H005C.ZIP EMTEX HIGH-DEFINITION LQ FONTS for NEC P6, Epson LQ550 etc 1065767 H005D.ZIP EMTEX HIGH-DEFINITION LQ FONTS for NEC P6, Epson LQ550 etc 1068834 H005E.ZIP EMTEX HIGH-DEFINITION LQ FONTS for NEC P6, Epson LQ550 etc 1070086 H005F.ZIP EMTEX HIGH-DEFINITION LQ FONTS for NEC P6, Epson LQ550 etc 376127 H006A.ZIP EMTEX LQ DRAFT FONTS over 700 180dpi fonts for Epson LQs 1026137 H006B.ZIP EMTEX LQ DRAFT FONTS over 700 180dpi fonts for Epson LQs 1048200 H006C.ZIP EMTEX LQ DRAFT FONTS over 700 180dpi fonts for Epson LQs 681949 H067.ZIP JEMTEX system to typeset Japanese using standard TeX 430183 H219.ZIP DVIPS TeX DVI to PostScript conversion utility 1091584 H220.ZIP TEXCESSORIES collection of TeX drivers & utilities 1033288 AREA= COMPUTER EDUCATION FILES= 31 TOT SIZE= 6906992 PATH= \EDUCATIO\COMPUTER ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0354.ZIP HELPDOS Full DOS help system 105667 0374.ZIP DOS online HELP system 118326 0783.ZIP HELP and POP-HELP online DOS reference manual 83502 0890.ZIP PC-PROMPT - memory resident automatic DOS help(m) 65756 1851A.ZIP TUTOR DOS interactive DOS tutorial - 21 lessons (1 of 4) 132481 1851B.ZIP TUTOR DOS interactive DOS tutorial - 21 lessons (2 of 4) 108516 1851C.ZIP TUTOR DOS interactive DOS tutorial - 21 lessons (3 of 4) 104422 1851D.ZIP TUTOR DOS interactive DOS tutorial - 21 lessons (4 of 4) 78432 2038.ZIP *PC-GLOSSARY database of computer buzzwords, acronyms etc. 324325 2195.ZIP *TUTOR.COM computer-aided tutorial on DOS and the PC 295378 2196.ZIP *DOS SUMMARY displays summary screens for DOS commands 65205 2324.ZIP DOS PRACTICE interactive DOS tutorial 238724 2668.ZIP *DOSEA - FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS hyperbook tutorial 307211 2807.ZIP *DOSEA5 - All About MS-DOS 5 hypertext reference 116176 3123.ZIP *PC-FASTYPE/MONO excellent typing tuition system 284181 3257.ZIP DOS, SIMPLY SAID, SIMPLY DONE, SIMPLY EASY! hyperbook 314390 3304.ZIP *DATAPRO data processing course 294238 3309.ZIP *DOS SUMMARY II hypertext-based DOS tutorial & reference 130386 3333.ZIP TELEDOX hypertext-based communications tutor 128950 3380.ZIP *DOSEA 6 - Switched On DOS hypertext-based reference 121893 3488.ZIP *PC-FASTYPE/VGA excellent typing tuition program 296233 3663.ZIP *PC FASTYPE/CGA typing tutor program 293133 3714.ZIP PROFESSOR P.C. LAPTOP tutorial for laptop users 252003 3735.ZIP WHAT'S IN THAT BOX? tutorial on hardware inside your PC 94547 3980.ZIP WHAT'S IN THAT BOX ? -III VGA resolution computer tutorial 257293 4015.ZIP TYPEMATE typing tutor + TYPEFAST,FALLING LETTERS,TYPEDRILL 200308 4126.ZIP FR. JOHN'S SHAREWARE BATCH FILE TUTORIALS ten lessons 318710 H199.ZIP MASTERMIND TYPING touch typing tutor for Windows 3.x 653669 H361.ZIP TIPS collection of 100 solutions to hardware/software probs 415490 H390.ZIP PC-LEARN computer tutorial system 453568 H467.ZIP *SUNSHINE Microsoft Windows tutorial 253879 AREA= MATHS & SCIENCE FILES= 41 TOT SIZE= 11765799 PATH= \EDUCATIO\MATHS_SC ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 1084.ZIP Are you ready for CALCULUS Algebra/Trig review/tests 130879 2139A.ZIP ELECTRONICS TUTORIAL for AC or DC circuits (1 of 2) 212459 2139B.ZIP ELECTRONICS TUTORIAL for AC or DC circuits (2 of 2) 178094 2193A.ZIP CALCULUS Displays of different functions 237655 2193B.ZIP CALCULUS Displays of different functions 226206 2193C.ZIP CALCULUS Displays of different functions 184116 2193D.ZIP CALCULUS Displays of different functions 244226 2193E.ZIP CALCULUS Displays of different functions 220805 2228.ZIP CHEMISTRY STUDY AIDS Elements and Periodic Table 164962 2346.ZIP ELEMENTARY PHYSICS - Statics tutorial program 165131 2548.ZIP *FORMULA-1 algebra tutorial system 174873 2645.ZIP CALTEST SCIENCE multichoice question & answer system 103037 3031A.ZIP ELECTRONICS TUTORIAL for AC and DC circuits (1 of 2) 227159 3031B.ZIP ELECTRONICS TUTORIAL for AC and DC circuits (2 of 2) 177282 3408.ZIP CHEMICAL FOR WINDOWS molecular modelling program 115662 3537.ZIP CALFACTS MATHEMATICS GCSE revision program 1992-93 201570 3538.ZIP CALFACTS COMPUTER STUDIES GCSE revision 1992-93 212131 3539.ZIP CALFACTS PHYSICS GCSE revision program 1992-93 207779 3668.ZIP JUNIOR PHYSICS FACTS interactive tutorial for beginners 142023 3691.ZIP SENIOR PHYSICS FACTS tutorial for students aged 15+ 176892 3718.ZIP *THE OAKFLAT NUCLEAR POWER PLANT SIMULATOR 278000 3798.ZIP *PENDULUM simulator for physics students 160216 3802.ZIP PHYSICS & CHEMISTRY tutorial programs 355406 3915.ZIP ALGEBRAX & PROFSTAT interactive tutorial systems 257010 3936A.ZIP *ETCAI electronics training system (Disk 1 of 2) 274778 3936B.ZIP *ETCAI electronics training system (Disk 2 of 2) 270112 3970.ZIP *XYSEE-EGA mathematical equation solving 144939 3971.ZIP *XYSEE-VGA maths tutorial with 3D interface & VGA graphics 145915 3992.ZIP SKILL-ORIENTED ALGEBRA & MATHEMATICS, BASIC SKILLS 328352 4095.ZIP SI METRICS TUTOR on history & use of linear measure 226360 4097.ZIP FORMULA CLUB chemical symbols drill + VIDEOCHEM 226540 4100.ZIP SPOOKYLIGHT & SPOOKYMASS graphical physics presentations 222883 H192A.ZIP UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA NON TOOLKITS tutorial programs 704688 H192B.ZIP UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA NON TOOLKITS tutorial programs 729413 H192C.ZIP UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA NON TOOLKITS tutorial programs 728911 H192D.ZIP UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA NON TOOLKITS tutorial programs 729413 H271.ZIP CALFACTS PHYSICS FOR WINDOWS educational program 306651 H353.ZIP CORRELATION AND STATISTICS TUTOR with interactive features 673276 H371.ZIP CALTEST FOR WINDOWS (GCSE SCIENCE) multichoice Q&A system 334042 H380.ZIP PERIODIC TABLE FOR WINDOWS tutorial for chemistry students 466960 H428.ZIP DC1 - ATOMS AND ELECTRONS basic electronics tutorial 498993 AREA= TEACHERS TOOLS FILES= 17 TOT SIZE= 5023483 PATH= \EDUCATIO\TEACHERS ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0390.ZIP PC-CLASS teachers aid,MEGASORT,utils. 175872 0472.ZIP TEACHERS SPECIAL aids for teachers 131082 1337.ZIP TEACHERS TOOLS AEIUS grading system & TESTwriter system 149488 1627.ZIP EXAM BANK test system with question database 110397 1900.ZIP WHIZ QUIZ multiple choice test design/answering system 205245 2001.ZIP *GRADESCAN electronic gradebook for teachers 71758 2066.ZIP QUIZMASTER produces quizzes from master question databases 257828 2157.ZIP *Q&A STUDY AID exam administering/grading system 161553 2286.ZIP *BESTTEST Test Preparation System 176913 2356.ZIP TUTORIAL WRITER CAI system generation tool 294283 2377.ZIP MATHS WORKBOOKS covering arithmetic,decimals,fractions etc 183675 3179.ZIP MAKING THE GRADE teachers grade storage & reporting system 293441 3873.ZIP CAS TIMETABLE scheduling program for lecturers, rooms etc 165775 H258.ZIP *GRADE GUIDE - teachers' aid to track student marks & stats 446984 H315.ZIP *NPS EDUCATIONAL HELPERS incl Equaliser,Insight,Trainer etc 648786 H326.ZIP *VAR GRADE teachers grading program 609968 H455.ZIP *PC-CAI interactive tutorial/testing system 940435 AREA= ELECTRONICS FILES= 37 TOT SIZE= 12083362 PATH= \ELECTRON ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0844.ZIP Electronic/Electric/RF calculators for engineers 296340 0989.ZIP ESPRESSO Boolean function minimisation program + C source 197997 1009.ZIP HAM/ELECTRONICS calculations 70+ items mostly in basic 250819 1085.ZIP ELECTRONICS Filter design,Flip flop simulation,R calculator 232632 1683.ZIP *PRODEV*EPRICE add-on for PRODEV*QUOTE for price data 278388 2340.ZIP HCMOS Phase Locked Loop Design Program 116653 2382.ZIP Q-BIT SELECTOR GUIDE Electronic catalogue of RF amps etc 124797 2592.ZIP THERMO CALC & PRTCALC calculators + ANCLOCK & PATTERNS 154941 2687.ZIP LSYSTEM universal digital logic simulator 155070 3038.ZIP CHART Smith Chart program for examining transmission lines 124449 3066.ZIP DLCAS Digital/Linear Circuit Analysis and Simulation 125269 3229.ZIP SCAT scattering parameter analysis program 142728 3286.ZIP ACIRAN linear AC circuits analysis system 217615 3330.ZIP *ELECTRON electronics design + ACANA, AUTOSKEM, etc 306606 3332.ZIP PC-TECH ELECTRONICS TUTOR + ELECTRC9 calculator 290654 3440.ZIP ELECTRONICS MISCELLANY Circuit Analysis and other programs 312244 3442.ZIP ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT DESIGN COLLECTION 278712 3445.ZIP ACSOLVE, DCNET & DCSOLVE Circuit solution programs 330594 3511.ZIP ACIRAN FOR WINDOWS AC circuit analysis program 248391 3634.ZIP *POWER utility to aid IC designers 249938 3639.ZIP GC-PREVUE data viewer for RS-274 (Gerber) photoplotters 332091 3645.ZIP SWITCHERS MADE SIMPLE expert system for switching regulatrs 136968 3659.ZIP *PC-ECAP AC circuit analysis program 187995 3681.ZIP ACNET electronic circuits analyser + SKEM schematic drawing 238648 3861.ZIP INTERCARD 1 software accompanying Electronics Today project 176679 3882.ZIP ACMOTOR tutorial on AC drives and drive applications 168383 3889.ZIP 8-BIT STEREO SOUND FROM YOUR PARALLEL PORT 251384 3986.ZIP BASIC ALARM WIRING collection of PCX files with viewer 244012 3998.ZIP E.CIRC electrical circuits calculator & teaching aid 203260 4045.ZIP ACTIVE FILTER DESIGN TOOLS 232057 4089.ZIP *DC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS create & evaluate circuits 259483 H035A.ZIP PSPICE and PROBE classroom versions circuit analysis (1/2) 1166836 H035B.ZIP PSPICE and PROBE classroom versions circuit analysis (2/2) 1147195 H478.ZIP ELECTRONICS HELPERS VOLUME 1 740346 H479.ZIP ELECTRONICS HELPERS VOLUME 2 668505 H502.ZIP ACQUIREX data acquisition software for use with A/D cards 496907 H560.ZIP SIMIC logic verification simulator 997776 AREA= ELECTRONICS AREA FROM SIMTEL FILES= 19 TOT SIZE= 7295653 PATH= \ELECTRIC ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE DAUBWAVE.ZIP Wavelet analysis program, w/C source 45610 DEMAND20.ZIP Calculate/report residential electrical demand 220012 DLANET.ZIP Polynomial/circuit analysis, w/built-in editor 57884 DSPICE0B.ZIP 128Mb Spice 2g6 circuit simulator. Req 386/387 182037 DSPICE0S.ZIP C Sources for Spice 2g6. Req. DJGPP & F2C_LIB0 436904 DWELCALC.ZIP Residential NEC electrical code calculations 179807 EE11.ZIP Electrical Engineering design & analysis prog. 321877 ELECTRC3.ZIP Performs most common electrical calculations 47057 FILTRY10.ZIP Aids in design of active and passive filters 59647 LOGISY30.ZIP Logisym v3.0 Digital Logic Simulator, VGA req. 49792 PSPICE5A.ZIP PSpice 5.0a electrical circuit simulator, 1of2 1187601 PSPICE5B.ZIP PSpice 5.0a electrical circuit simulator, 2of2 1130448 PSPICE5C.ZIP PSpice schematics util install disk for WIN3.0 848140 SIM120BN.ZIP SIMIC logic and fault simulator. Part 1 of 2 441977 SIM120DC.ZIP SIMIC logic and fault simulator. Part 2 of 2 556004 SIMIC104.ZIP SIMIC logic simulator, student version 1.0.4 1042528 SPCTR3E2.ZIP 386/486 vers. of SPICE 3e2 ckt simulation pgm. 364462 SSPICE10.ZIP Symbolic SPICE: Ckt analyzer and approximator 91659 TIMECRFT.ZIP WIN3: Electronic ckt timing diagram generator 32207 AREA= ELECTRONICS DATA FILES= 14 TOT SIZE= 2281114 PATH= \ELECTRON\DATA ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 1171A.ZIP NEC DATABASE electrical reference for design engineers of 95017 1171B.ZIP motors, transformers, conductors etc. (2 disks) 282263 2069.ZIP CoreDBMS A computerised catalogue of ferrite cores 198694 2347.ZIP WESTERN DIGITAL PRODUCTS DATABASE 99161 2383.ZIP HARRIS OP-AMP DATABASE Guide to Harris semiconductors 109771 3086.ZIP PHILIPS MOSFET DATA Component data files 96659 3087.ZIP PHILIPS TRANSISTOR DATA DISK 111745 3088.ZIP PHILIPS OPTO ELECTRONIC COMPONENT DATA 93965 3089.ZIP PHILIPS DIODE DATA DISK 112665 3316.ZIP MOTOROLA DATABASE entire discrete device list 350516 3381.ZIP BURR-BROWN CATALOGUE of electronic products 234603 3382.ZIP SGS-THOMSON POWER DISCRETE ELECTRONIC SELECTOR 134229 3441.ZIP HEATSINK DATA Collection of graphic and text information 170217 4033.ZIP TEXAS INSTRUMENTS LINEAR INFO-ACCESS SELECTION DISK 191609 AREA= PCB DESIGN FILES= 12 TOT SIZE= 6985151 PATH= \ELECTRON\PCB_DESI ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0380A.ZIP DROEGE (1 of 2) CAD package for printed 107785 0380B.ZIP DROEGE (2 of 2) circuit design. 92803 1540.ZIP PCB-CAD printed circuit board CAD package with C source 201514 3614A.ZIP PC TRACE circuit board design system -AutoCAD (.SCR) output 228598 3614B.ZIP PC TRACE circuit board design system -AutoCAD (.SCR) output 227111 3814.ZIP QUICKROUTE printed circuit board design system 218100 H027.ZIP LAYO1 vector-based PCB design program 918581 H031A.ZIP PADS-PCB Evaluation Package PADSPCB (1 of 3) 1010668 H031B.ZIP PADS-PCB Evaluation Package PADSLOG (2 of 3) 1073867 H031C.ZIP PADS-PCB Evaluation Package PADSLIB (3 of 3) 468274 H151.ZIP LASI Layout System for Individualists CAD system 1956385 H251.ZIP EASYTRAX PCB layout design program 481465 AREA= ENGINEERING FILES= 33 TOT SIZE= 14295987 PATH= \ENGINEER ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0804.ZIP SURVEYSOFT land/site surveyors software 144391 0809.ZIP ENGINEERING/SCIENTIFIC progs heatload,hydroflow,toxic gas 293620 1464.ZIP HELPFUL ENGINEERING PACK multi-function calculator 306395 1740.ZIP ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS atmosphere & data analysis 119202 2163.ZIP HYDROFLO linear hydraulic design tool 96567 2164.ZIP HYDRONET design tool for complex hydraulic networks 277569 2209.ZIP ROAD MODEL roadwork alignment control for surveyors 102616 2369.ZIP METAL CALCULATIONS Bend, FlangVol & IndTemp calculators 120806 2908.ZIP ANGLES calculate measurements & angles for box construction 111834 2912.ZIP OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING COURSE graphics-based tutorial 102201 2920.ZIP STEAM TURBINE ENGINEERING Flowmeter, IFC, TurboFlow etc 221549 3391.ZIP *METRIC-X US Government designated metric conversion utility 129134 3654.ZIP THE FREEZER TEMPERATURE LOG PROGRAM for food storage 325937 3712.ZIP ENGINEERING HELPERS Unitconv, Univeral Converter, DuctDemo 338526 3883.ZIP MECHAN multi-loop planar linkage & gear analysis 293430 3923.ZIP BTU ANALYSIS heating/cooling unit sizing etc. 230049 4012.ZIP *HOME PLAN simple CAD program to draw & print house plans 144857 4018.ZIP WASP Water and Steam Properties steam tables replacement 118242 4046.ZIP RESIDENTIAL WASTE TREATMENT EVALUATION system 202057 4063.ZIP COMPUTER CONVERSION FACTORS handles 700,000 units 209281 H102A.ZIP LE6 loads-energy simulation for HVAC engineers (1 of 2) 675442 H102B.ZIP LE6 loads-energy simulation for HVAC engineers (2 of 2) 583134 H275.ZIP ELCUT 2D finite element analysis program 1148845 H420.ZIP *J.Q.L. WEIGHTS & MEASURES Windows 3 units converter 458779 H477.ZIP *COPAN/II composite materials database/calculation system 436756 H486.ZIP GROUNDWATER EDUCATION SYSTEM hypertext application 569322 H487.ZIP SEPTIC SYSTEM TUTORIAL Hypertext based education system 901136 H488A.ZIP PRIVATE WATER SYSTEM EDUCATION hypertext tutorial (1 of 2) 720308 H488B.ZIP PRIVATE WATER SYSTEM EDUCATION hypertext tutorial (2 of 2) 1005221 H489A.ZIP SURFACE WATER EDUCATION SYSTEM hypertext tutorial 1098675 H489B.ZIP SURFACE WATER EDUCATION SYSTEM hypertext tutorial (2 of 2) 1072759 H495A.ZIP MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR SOIL EROSION information system 837180 H495B.ZIP MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR SOIL EROSION (Disk 2 of 2) 900167 AREA= COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING FILES= 6 TOT SIZE= 1409850 PATH= \ENGINEER\CAM ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 1172.ZIP PERSONAL APT language for NC machine tools 177026 3360.ZIP CNC TALKER direct numerical control software 189877 3815.ZIP CAMS numerically controlled parts programming system 293060 3924.ZIP *PROP OPTIMIZER, PROFESSIONAL CAM CAD & ROTOCAL 293253 3983.ZIP MR. MACHINIST geometry/trig solver for industrial engineers 275843 4082.ZIP *CNC-CAD-CAM development system with mouse support 180791 AREA= STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS FILES= 9 TOT SIZE= 2588197 PATH= \ENGINEER\STRUCTUR ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 1454A.ZIP PC-STRAN uses direct stiffness method to analyse 142396 1454B.ZIP multi-dimensional structures loading & materials etc 133404 1880.ZIP BEAM STRESS ANALYSIS PC Bridge, Plane Frame Analysis etc 172730 1967.ZIP FINEL finite element-based structural analysis 305067 2381.ZIP SUPERBEAM 2 LITE structural design program (UK author) 304216 2576.ZIP SECTPROP Sectional properties calculator 139712 3244.ZIP REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAM DESIGN program 265176 H029.ZIP GRAPE 3D BEAM real-time structure modelling & analysis 499887 H050.ZIP SANS/89 finite element analysis & design program 625609 AREA= FLOWCHARTING/OBJECT ORIENTED FILES= 9 TOT SIZE= 1226184 PATH= \GRAPHICS\FLOWCHAR ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0581.ZIP FLOWCHARTER & Expanded memory manager 108751 0950.ZIP PC-FLOW a program for the generation of Flow charts 51156 2249.ZIP FINGER MAPS object-oriented drawing package 169496 2400.ZIP TURBOFLOW flowcharting system 105773 2444A.ZIP *FLODRAW complete system for flow/organisation diags 105362 2444B.ZIP *FLODRAW diagramming program - Library disk 130672 2983.ZIP CHARTS UNLIMITED flow/organisational charting system 65734 3633.ZIP *CHARTIST flowcharting program for Windows 3 182387 4077.ZIP *SUPERFLOW powerful flowcharting system for Windows 306853 AREA= GRAPHING SYSTEMS FILES= 14 TOT SIZE= 5544274 PATH= \GRAPHICS\GRAPHING ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0298.ZIP DRAFTSMAN advanced business graphics keyboard or file i/p 205680 0951.ZIP PRONTOGRAPH combine drawing/graphing/writing graphics prog 128452 1341A.ZIP MINDCHART NETWORK business graphics (1 of 2) 164909 1341B.ZIP MINDCHART NETWORK business graphics (2 of 2) 102891 1793.ZIP *EXPRESSGRAPH business graphics system 138644 1952A.ZIP GRAPHTIME-II business/technical graphics package (1/2) 147789 1952B.ZIP GRAPHTIME-II business/technical graphics package (2/2) 160462 2143.ZIP KDGRAF menu-driven graph creator with 3D options 102995 3839.ZIP GRAPHICA command-driven graphing system with HPGL/PS output 232516 H051A.ZIP CGLE high quality graphics package for scientists 742204 H051B.ZIP CGLE high quality graphics package for scientists (Disk 2) 1072201 H133A.ZIP LASER GRAPHICS Dataplot generator executables 739958 H133B.ZIP LASER GRAPHICS Dataplot generator documentation 788574 H373.ZIP CHARTTAMER FOR WINDOWS bar/pie/area/line graph creator 816999 AREA= MORPHING PROGRAMS FILES= 3 TOT SIZE= 1328404 PATH= \GRAPHICS\MORPHING ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 4016.ZIP RMORF graphic image morphing program 235681 H356.ZIP DMORF graphics morphing program 616181 H513.ZIP *THE COMPLETE MORPH bitmap graphic morphing program 476542 AREA= RAY TRACING FILES= 13 TOT SIZE= 8278090 PATH= \GRAPHICS\RAY_TRAC ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 2580A.ZIP DKBTRACE ray-tracing program with C source code (1 of 2) 313022 2580B.ZIP DKBTRACE ray-tracing program with C source code (2 of 2) 216237 2824.ZIP DBW_RENDER distributed ray tracing program with C source 254121 3285.ZIP VIVID ray tracing program with full 24-bit colour support 306346 3359.ZIP QUICK RAY TRACE with Targa-24 bitmap output 191113 3849.ZIP PV3D modeller for Persistence of Vision ray tracer 257554 H079.ZIP PERSISTENCE OF VISION ray tracer 1885479 H080.ZIP PERSISTENCE OF VISION ray tracer source code 841106 H094.ZIP POLYRAY algebraic input ray-tracing program 892018 H146.ZIP RAY TRACER SUPPORT TOOLS DTA, FRGEN, AAPLAY, PVQUAN etc 1051096 H148.ZIP RAYSHADE 386 ray tracing system 954136 H244.ZIP VIVIDTRA & VIVIDCOM data file preprocessors for VIVID 493597 H300.ZIP RAY TRACER SUPPORT 2 622265 AREA= SCREEN CAPTURE FILES= 4 TOT SIZE= 864289 PATH= \GRAPHICS\SCREEN_C ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 3674.ZIP PCXDUMP MCGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA screen capture program 150127 3680.ZIP *PROFESSIONAL CAPTURE SYSTEMS DOS & Windows screen dump 139599 3963.ZIP *SCREEN THIEF screen capture tool + PCX TOOLBOX 286453 4059.ZIP CAPTURE IT! screen capture utility for Windows 288110 AREA= GRAPHICS UTILITIES FILES= 45 TOT SIZE= 16241287 PATH= \GRAPHICS\GRAPHUTL ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0372.ZIP MACREAD view MAC picture files on PC 228808 0878.ZIP PICTURE Displays view/print Mac,efs,PCpaint,rle etc 304244 0945.ZIP MAGICPAD screen designer create/save/show screens 115495 1000.ZIP Graphics CONVERTER between 11 types PM,Pshop,Fontasy,Mac et 105832 1112.ZIP GIF Compuserve's Graphic interchange format viewers/xlate 311422 1344.ZIP GRAPHICS UTIL hi-res world map,mandlebrot & banners 298884 1625.ZIP SCREEN/GRAPHICS TOOLS for CGA/VGA/EGA etc 289609 1654A.ZIP VGACAD UTILS converters/viewers for VGA .GIF etc (1 of 2) 299964 1654B.ZIP VGACAD UTILS converters/viewers for VGA .GIF etc (2 of 2) 355551 1768.ZIP GRASP & CAP graphics programming pseudolanguage 241092 2296.ZIP PICLAB command-driven image processing system 247191 2307A.ZIP ALCHEMY GRAPHICS TOOLKIT Cinema, Storyteller, FI, Grafcat 329978 2307B.ZIP ALCHEMY GRAPHICS TOOLKIT CropGIF,GIFInfo,StartSc,VFM 337637 2672.ZIP IMAGE ACCESS text and graphics database system 166128 2699.ZIP GRAPHICS UTILITIES MVGAVU, PCXUT, GIF2BMP etc 296803 3005.ZIP GRAFIXBUSTERS 2 HPGLView, VCGM, PCXView, GIFWarp etc 306867 3251.ZIP MERGEIT utility for merging scanner images in PCX format 154632 3305.ZIP IMPROCES 256 Colour SVGA image processor 334137 3412.ZIP GRAFIXBUSTERS 3 GIFPRT, PICEM, NewPrt, PCXAlbum, GIFDXF etc 324189 3481.ZIP OCRSHARE optical character recognition program 316638 3484.ZIP *IMAGE PRO with TALKING SLIDE SHOW presentation/converter 326444 3551.ZIP IMAGE GALLERY visual database for bitmapped image files 331166 3580.ZIP *COLORVIEW FOR WINDOWS high speed JPEG viewer/converter 211555 3730.ZIP COLORVIEW image viewer/converter/editor for JPEG/GIF/BMP 278806 3816.ZIP VPIC graphics display/conversion utility 268478 3837.ZIP TECHVIEW link GIF pictures to any text-based file 316904 3838.ZIP DISP read/write/display bitmap graphics in 26 formats 296508 3870.ZIP VISAGE LITE document image management system 309700 3895.ZIP TOGETHER! TSR PCX picture displayer links to text screens 226774 3913.ZIP OPTIKS graphics file viewing/print/conversion utility 117865 3949.ZIP *WINOCR optical character recognition program 222358 3964.ZIP *IMGFUN and CHIARO bitmap image manipulation tools 255605 4039.ZIP *IMAGE COMMANDER graphic cataloguing system for Windows 331229 4071.ZIP *THE COMPLETE IMAGE bitmap conversion/processing utility 352066 H064.ZIP ESSENTIAL VIDEO UTILITIES for PAL encoder/genlock users 394093 H144.ZIP IMAGE ALCHEMY command line graphics converter + PRO-CR 554478 H164.ZIP GRAPHIC WORKSHOP FOR WINDOWS bitmap file viewer/converter 931355 H196.ZIP PIXFOLIO Bitmap Graphic Viewer & FONT PREVIEW 510104 H203.ZIP THE TIFF TOOLKIT specs for v5.0 + TACS, TFTOOL etc 513870 H237.ZIP GRAPHIC WORKSHOP graphics display/conversion utility 545716 H253.ZIP JPEG bitmapped graphics compression system with source 637228 H344.ZIP *PAINT SHOP PRO graphics display/conversion utility 473637 H429.ZIP WINWALL PLUS Windows wallpaper management utility 674324 H463.ZIP GRAPHIC TOOLBOX convert obscure graphics formats 694348 H524.ZIP TICO utility to make self-displaying graphic files 1101575 AREA= HAM RADIO FILES= 21 TOT SIZE= 6133381 PATH= \HAM_RAD ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0088.ZIP Radio Hams send/receive Morse RTTY packet etc. 166422 0288.ZIP RSGB Ham Radio news bulletins Jun to Nov 86 224464 1007.ZIP G8PTH/4DQY Collection MORSE tutors & TX/RX 1-36000 wpm 118930 1508.ZIP HAM RADIO COLLECTION antenna analysis,morse,propagation 262277 2282.ZIP SUPERMORSE, MORSE TUTOR & MULTI USER morse tutorials 291875 2298.ZIP FCC Multiple Choice Exam Questions 92304 2305.ZIP BASTBAS Basic Programs RFT RF Design Tool SUNTIME computer 276324 3091.ZIP PK-232 FAX A Fax program for the PK-232 TNC unit 120974 3175.ZIP KENWOOD SERVICE BULLETIN COLLECTION 249137 3176.ZIP ICOM SERVICE BULLETIN COLLECTION 212508 3345.ZIP NKFSA SPECTRUM ANALYSER real-time spectrum analysis 150122 3346.ZIP MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE BULLETINS incl Alinco,AEA,Kantronics 272230 3348.ZIP HAMBONE introductory ham radio tutorial 188298 3407.ZIP CWTUTOR complete international Morse code tutor 133524 3644.ZIP HAMART collection of ham radio-related clip art 305304 3926.ZIP FAX-SSTV4 send/receive SSTV with schematic for simple I/F 25934 4128.ZIP PED CW PILEUP TRAINER with Soundblaster support 231396 H423.ZIP JVFAX fax program for weather & photo fax 525185 H481A.ZIP G7FHY'S UK CALLBOOK ON DISK with lookup program (1 of 2) 920647 H481B.ZIP G7FHY'S UK CALLBOOK ON DISK with lookup program (2 of 2) 921679 H557.ZIP HAMCOMM ham radio comms program supports RTTY & Morse 443847 AREA= HAMRADIO AREA FROM SIMTEL FILES= 80 TOT SIZE= 8261537 PATH= \HAMRADIO ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE AAAREAD.ME Information about the files in this directory 124 ADV21.ZIP K7OMA Advanced class theory exam with graphics 103501 APRS400.ZIP Hams: Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) 746730 AUTOCW.ZIP Morse code practice, random/keyboard/file 47142 AUTOEXAM.ZIP Novice/Tech/General/Adv./Extra Ham Radio exams 251630 AUTOFAX.ZIP WEFAX program for Kantronics TNC's EGA/CGA 10214 AUTOLOG4.ZIP HAMS: Control ICOM radio, automate log book 109886 BEARING1.ZIP Hams: Bearing and distance computer/database 153646 BESTBEAM.BQS Select best beam antenna design 15104 COMB6.ZIP Hams: HF radio propagation prediction program 43190 CONTEST.ZIP Hams: Real contest logging/ARRL SS simulation 147989 CP222C.ZIP Hams: Morse code practice util v2.22 by VU2ZAP 33086 CT626.ZIP CT 6.26 Ham Radio contest logger by K1EA 178372 CTMODOKI.ZIP Hams: CT-like radio contest trainer/simulator 34462 CW104.ZIP Hams: Send and receive CW via RS-232 port 83367 DXB20DMO.ZIP Hams: Scientific Sol'ns DXBASE logging SW DEMO 129658 DXCC104.ZIP Hams: DXCC Award logger & lister w/statistics 88218 DXCOM231.ZIP Drake R8 receiver control and database program 387503 DXLOG185.ZIP Hams: PAYL DXLog 1.85 Ham Radio logger DEMO 171738 ELMER100.ZIP ELMER, the ham's Expert System or smart server 65425 EXT21.ZIP K7OMA Extra class theory exam with graphics 99672 FAX40.ZIP DK8JV's FAX software for weather charts/photos 208740 FFTMORSE.ZIP Hams: Sound-Blaster FFT Morse code decoder 27344 FILTER11.ZIP Electrical filter designs, esp. Butterworth 39752 FLEXPAC4.ZIP Hams: PacketCluster(tm) Terminal w/ headings 117241 FRGLOD10.ZIP Hams: Yaesu FRG100 sw-rcvr channel data progmr 14327 GC103.ZIP Hams: Great circle distances & bearings, w/src 19318 GEN21.ZIP K7OMA General class theory exam with graphics 72931 HAMCOM22.ZIP HamComm 2.2: Send/Receive RTTY,CW w/o modem 386911 HAMHELP.BQS Ohms law, dipole/quad/beam, paral. resistances 3072 ICOM.C Hams: control your ICOM radio from PC 9014 INTMOD60.ZIP Calculates radio intermodulation interferance 9137 KAM401.ZIP Hams: Kantronics KAM all-mode terminal program 109984 KFACTOR.ZIP Calculate amplifier stability from PUFF output 23056 KS_CW.ZIP Kevin Schmidt's send/receive Morse code, w/src 43327 LOADPOLE.ZIP Hams: Loaded dipole antenna design program 7542 LOGBOOK.ZIP Amateur radio logbook program (w/BAS) 83422 LOGIT10.ZIP QSO log program for casual Amateur Radio use 171543 MACHINE.ZIP Morse Code training program in BASIC 9739 MICROMUF.BAS H.F. radio propagation calculator 4881 MICROMUF.PAS H.F. radio propagation calculator 7695 MININEC3.INF Info and hints on how to run MININEC3 pgm 6506 MININEC3.ZIP Radio antenna design aid, w/BAS src and EXEs 122499 MINPROP2.IPZ H.F. radio propagation calculator 106321 MONOBAND.BQS Helps design mono-band beam antennas 6656 MOR21.ZIP K7OMA Morse code tutor 53013 MORSE.BAS Learn morse code 5661 MORSE.BQS Learn morse code 3712 MORSE30B.ZIP Hams: Morse code training program by N0IAI 71113 MORSETST.BAS Morse code practice/test program, BASIC req'd. 7179 MPP110A.ZIP Morse Code practice program by W3IMA v1.10a 59298 N6TR405.ZIP Hams: N6TR contest logging program v4.05 348823 NOISE.ZIP Calculate noise figure for GaAsFets, etc. 24558 NOV22.ZIP K7OMA Novice class theory exam with graphics 80426 NOVICE25.ZIP Hams: FCC Amateur Radio Novice class exam 35158 NOV_TEST.ZIP Hams: NS5I/W5YI Novice class exam generator 95588 NTS12.ZIP Hams: Packet Radio NTS automatic traffic form 93145 OHMSLAW.ZIP Ohms Law calculations 14640 PED410I.ZI Hams: CW pileup trainer v4.10i by JE3MAS 243887 PROCW.ZIP Hams: Send and receive CW via RS232 24227 RC85PR15.ZIP Hams: Programs ACC RC85 parms/speech by modem 50983 RFS.ZIP Formulas for broadcast antennas, towers 90486 RFTOOLS.ZIP RF & Microwave engineering calculator 108726 ROBOCOPY.ZIP Copy Morse code from audio output of radio 27346 RTTY12G.ZIP Ham RTTY pgm, Baudot & ASCII, Packet, SELCAL 96016 SELCAL13.ZIP Hams: Maritime SITOR selcall translator v1.3 21268 SIMPTR20.ZIP Hams:SimpTerm generic TNC/TU interface com pgm 84290 SM410.ZIP Super Morse: Morse code tutorial and practice 149363 SSTVFAX2.ZIP Hams: Send and Receive SSTV and FAX pictures 28323 SWL114.ZIP Database for SW logs & requests QSLs ver. 1.14 302908 TEC22.ZIP K7OMA Tech. class theory exam with graphics 74516 TTY37.ZIP Hams: TTY v3.7, Half-Duplex RTTY program 30719 VEFC24.ZIP Hams: VE code test validator/timer, w/C source 20932 WEFAX.ZIP Hams: Display weather pix on screen 31775 WHATSON.ZIP PC-Ham v2.0, Amateur Radio contest package 12798 WHERITIS.ZIP Distance/direction calculator 24913 WLOGDEMO.ZIP Hams: WriteLog contesting pgm for Win3.x, DEMO 163276 WRTLOG60.ZIP WriteLog 6.0: Logging Shareware for Windows3.x 836615 WXRDR22.ZIP Hams: Weather Radar receiving program 81936 YAGIMAX.ZIP Hams: Yagi antenna design program 352305 AREA= PACKET RADIO AREA FROM SIMTEL FILES= 44 TOT SIZE= 4128449 PATH= \PACKET ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE BAYCOM15.ZIP Packet Radio term program for PCs without TNC 156469 BIS_V20.ZIP File view/search door for use with WA7MBL BBS 194288 BSQ.ZIP Binary squeeze/unsqueeze for Packet Radio 42696 CBBS60EX.ZIP Executables for CBBS Mailbox 6.0 from K3RLI 84641 CBBS60MA.ZIP Manual for CBBS Mailbox 6.0 from K3RLI 42682 CBBS60SO.ZIP Source code for CBBS Mailbox 6.0 from K3RLI 73436 CONVERS.ZIP 255 virtual channel 'Convers' mode for TheNet 16961 DOSGT114.DOC Special instructions on unZIPing DOSGT114.ZIP 1033 DOSGT114.ZIP Operate MSDOS remotely via RS-232 serial port 189216 EZP140.ZIP Easy Packet Radio program for TAPR-style TNCs 40976 KMTRM120.ZIP Hams: KAMterm host mode pgm for Kantronics TNC 203140 KTTRM100.ZIP NON-HOST packet term. prog. based on KAMterm 115987 LL200EXE.ZIP Hams: LAN-LINK 2.00 packet radio user software 363065 MAILBOX6.ZIP Packet radio mailbox program for PK232 64010 MB1107.ZIP W0RLI Packet Radio BBS, multi-user PC MailBox 260405 MBBIOS34.ZIP Hams: BIOS driver for WA7MBL/W0RLI packet BBS 27434 MBL514.ZIP Hams: WA7MBL Packet Radio BBS, v5.14 200734 PACKCOM.ZIP Packet Radio terminal program 51096 PACKET.ZIP Packet radio tutorial (BBS via radio!) 8626 PAX285.ZIP Hams: Resident (TSR) packet radio terminal pgm 15395 PK232COM.ZIP Packet radio TNC controller, very smart 68548 PKGOL624.ZIP Hams: PkGOLD Test Drive v6.24, TNC packet prog 323067 PKTMON1.ZIP Monitor HF/VHF packet radio w/HamComm interf. 62376 PMP11.ZIP Packet Radio term pgm for PCs without TNC. 1/2 75642 PMPSRC11.ZIP Packet Radio term pgm for PCs without TNC. 2/2 65407 PTM528_1.ZIP Danish Packet Term. and Mailbx. Prg&Eng. Lang. 131953 PTM528_2.ZIP Scandinavian Language files for PTM 5.28 29474 PTM528_3.ZIP European Language files for PTM 5.28 70389 PTM528_4.ZIP Scandinavian Doc files for PTM 5.28 122431 PTM528_5.ZIP European Doc files for PTM 5.28 159367 PTM528_6.ZIP Accessories for PTM 5.28 33352 PTP30.ZIP Ham Radio Packet terminal program V3.0 81119 R95_11.ZIP Radix 95 binary to data text conversion, v1.1 20770 RSWD1111.ZIP Hams: ROSE X.25 packet radio switch for TNC2 65996 RXCLU50.ZIP Monitor PacketCluster without being in cluster 69021 RZSW1111.ZIP Hams: ROSE X.25 TNC2 packet radio switch; EXEs 88424 TAPR_116.ZIP TAPR TNC-2 firmware, version 1.1.6 with docs 16738 TCM3105.ZIP Updated modem construction info for BAYCOM pgm 8240 TF21C.ZIP Hams: NORD> 293179 SP120.ZIP SmartPhone: International phone/geography ref. 239036 STACTEC.ZIP Stacker Technical Notes #0-30 42602 SUT56.ZIP Tutorial on how to use and enjoy Shareware 48958 SWEDISH.STD Information on Swedish VDU radiation standards 1620 THEREF42.ZIP Technical list of HDs,controllers,cables,mfgrs 168696 TIPS0792.ZIP TIPS: QEMM, DESQview, LANtastic, RBBS-PC, etc. 8704 TSFAQN39.ZIP Questions from UseNet and Timo's answers 86519 TSFAQP18.ZIP Common Turbo Pascal questions & Timo's answers 65917 TSQLPC10.ZIP Info on home computer <--> PC file transfer 11911 TUTDOS1.ZIP Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 1 of 4 140398 TUTDOS2.ZIP Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 2 of 4 117988 TUTDOS3.ZIP Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 3 of 4 114862 TUTDOS4.ZIP Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 4 of 4 86129 TUTOR44.ZIP Tutor System for DOS 236916 TUTORII.ZIP DOS 5.0 TUTOR ver 2.0 150530 UNDOCDOS.ZIP Errata for the book UNDOCUMENTED DOS - 910309 18482 UPD7401.ZIP Association of Shareware Professionals updates 62320 USEFUL26.ZIP Useful MS-DOS programs at SimTel and Garbo 94865 USEFUL32.ZIP Useful MS-DOS programs at SimTel and Garbo 26120 USPSINFO.ZIP USPS explains addressing, rates & automation 160216 VENDOR26.ZIP Computer vendors Phone/Fax/BBS/Tech support # 332970 VL920803.ZIP VendorList 92.08.03: Lists about 3800 vendors 228919 WARMCOLD.INF How to do warm or cold boot from software 693 WRAPLUGS.ZIP How: Make wrap plugs to diagnose LPT/COM ports 1100 XFDISK.ZIP Tutorial and useage of FDISK to best advantage 54365 XHLST122.ZIP Show XMS handles, HMA space above DOS and more 9321 XT_640K.UPD Expand XT's RAM to 640Kb 7053 XWINDOWS.INF Where to get commercial X-Windows for MS-DOS 29968 AREA= MATHEMATICS FILES= 44 TOT SIZE= 12492201 PATH= \MATHEMAT ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0302.ZIP MATLAB matrix calculation package 200733 0489.ZIP DANAL graphics oriented data/maths processing 119652 0502.ZIP CURVEFIT mathematical progs 71680 0608.ZIP PFSA ALGEBRAIC calculator package 134069 0708A.ZIP COGO Co-ordinate Geometry package(2 disks) 61384 0708B.ZIP Scientific & engineering software 118849 0994.ZIP CELLULAR AUTOMATA Von Neumann & Hortons cellular modelling 316735 1025.ZIP MATH PAK II Mandlebrot,Laplace,Quadratics,Polar,logs,polys 139551 1074.ZIP CALCULATORS HP clone,RPN,BITS calc & financial calcs 299482 1167.ZIP MATHS RNP calculator for calculus,Data plot,function calc 318868 1213.ZIP DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS and CALCULUS programs 193015 1352.ZIP SCIEQS equation solver & VIS MATH command line Maths 199147 1359.ZIP POLYMATH mathematical environment system 202382 1507.ZIP CALCULATOR COLLECTION of three different programs 311348 1611.ZIP LP linear programming optimiser 247558 1769.ZIP PFSA Algabraic computations 145980 1815A.ZIP XYCALC 2D curve fitting and smoothing (Disk 1 of 2) 290938 1815B.ZIP XYCALC 2D curve fitting and smoothing (Disk 2 of 2) 137497 1879.ZIP *XYMATH equation solver + SIMULTAN 155963 2114.ZIP EGRAPH plotting program for X/Y variable data 200333 2374.ZIP MODELMATE mathematical modelling system 325734 2570.ZIP CRVPLOT general purpose data plotting and curve fitting 324659 2632.ZIP *MERCURY equation solver (ex-Borland's Eureka) 304088 2682.ZIP ZGRAF 16-colour graph plotting program with PCX output 352446 3041.ZIP MATHS TOOLS Function Plotter, AnyAngle, DrawFN3D, SCI_CALC 316120 3059.ZIP MATH EXTRA & MATH EXTRA RESIDENT programmable calculators 179033 3107.ZIP X(PLORE) The Mathematical Toolchest 310408 3217.ZIP WINDOWS REAL ALGEBRA algebraic function evaluator 111001 3485.ZIP SYMBMATH symbolic calculator with learning 300189 3553.ZIP GRAFSYS 2-dimensional graph plotting 316423 3656.ZIP AUTO DIFFERENTIATE problem solver for differential calculus 279623 3743.ZIP *HYPERGEO hypergeometry program for EGA/VGA/Hercules 338430 3899.ZIP AMP Algebraic Manipulation Program 240977 3996.ZIP DATAVU menu-driven programmable plotting program 302116 4086.ZIP *NONLIN statistical regression analysis 232082 4087.ZIP *MATHPLOT function plotting program with Laserjet output 142108 4091.ZIP *ASTROSHADOWBOX pop-up calculator with Lotus WK1 file output 222661 4092.ZIP *ASTROEQUATIONSOLVER fit data to any algebraic expression 206954 4121.ZIP WINFIT non linear least squares fitting program 316000 H274.ZIP MAFIA set of numerical tools for laboratory or student use 416995 H408.ZIP GNUPLOT mathematical function plotter for DOS & Windows 1130636 H426.ZIP *ASTROFORMCALC 3 spreadsheet/calculator with scientific bias 657028 H432.ZIP KURV+ graph drawing program for Windows 644552 H562.ZIP MATHBOOK+ integral calculus,algebra,trig etc for Windows 656774 AREA= MATHS AREA FROM SIMTEL FILES= 40 TOT SIZE= 5702163 PATH= \MATH ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE ALGBR212.ZIP Professor Weissman's Algebra Tutorials 132530 ANALYS40.ZIP FFT,Wavelet,Coherence,Filter,Graph,Correlation 62848 CLA20.ZIP Displays info on a matrix (incl. Jordan form) 290072 CSA.ZIP Analyzes categorical syllogisms for validity 30033 CURVE11.ZIP Linear & nonlinear curve fits to user's eqn. 23560 DELP.ZIP Fast non-iterative multi-exponential fitting 4568 DELPX02.ZIP Data analysis suite incorporating DELP.PAS 135192 FEMIS.ZIP Finite-Element Matrix Interpretive System 241694 FIT2_117.ZIP Linear/non-linear modeling, analysis/transform 83690 FSULTRA1.ZIP High quality, fast, versatile random numbers 111806 FUDG_231.ZIP Extensible data analysis and curve fitting 524557 GRAD.ZIP Automatic Differentiation of Fortran programs 117175 JKMATH11.ZIP Matrices;Graphs/Calculus;Probability;RPN Calc. 436289 LGSOLV1.ZIP FORTRAN routines: Solving Large Linear Systems 58859 LIE42.ZIP Lie analysis of differential eqns, exact solns 89399 LINSYS10.ZIP Solves linear systems (including homogenous) 37250 LP100210.ZIP Linear programming, solve optimizing problems 210606 LP261.ZIP Linear/mixed/integer programming optimizer 246978 MAFIA2B.ZIP Complex math calculation utilities package 382971 MAPLEV.ZIP Computer algebra/symbolic math DEMO; 386+ req. 478204 MATLAB.ZIP Computes matrices developed by LINPAK/EISPACK 200670 MERSENNE.ZIP Math: Lists 31 Mersenne Primes & bibliography 121341 MFLOAT10.ZIP Fast high precision arithmetic for a 8086 77666 MRCRY209.ZIP Math solver, from Borland's Eureka, Shareware 296713 ODE25.ZIP Ordinary differential equation simulate/solve 131887 POLY.ZIP Fit polynomial equations to data points 69526 POLYRT1.ZIP Finds polynomial roots, w/interactive graphics 77128 POLYSIM.ZIP Polynomial simplex optimization, w/C source 26512 PRAXIS.ZIP Minimize function values (source in Pascal&C) 21674 ROMANCVT.ZIP Convert Roman numbers to/from Arabic, w/C src 16571 SGNLS313.ZIP Illustrates signal processing concepts w/plots 122215 SHUFFLE.ZIP Number list order randomizer, with C source 8336 SHUFFLE2.ZIP Number list order randomizer, w/ASM source 6633 SOLVEQ10.ZIP Solves polynomial equations (degree <= 30) 36752 SPECTR20.ZIP Spectral analysis of random time series 378546 TSFIMA12.ZIP Programs of financial mathematics, T.Salmi 73907 TSLIN34.ZIP Linear programming and linear goal programming 114570 TSNUM12.ZIP T.Salmi:Various programs in numerical analysis 73068 TTM120.ZIP Make/print truth tables from keyboard input 21367 XYSEE40.ZIP Algebra/Geometry/Trig Math Visualization pgm 128800 AREA= FRACTALS FILES= 13 TOT SIZE= 4960018 PATH= \MATHEMAT\FRACTALS ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0401.ZIP MANDELBROT set- Mathematical progs 156386 1661.ZIP MANDELBROT MAGIC and Mandelbrot/Julia set generator 195879 2153.ZIP FRACTAL GRAFICS 165857 2502.ZIP FRACTAL PAINT Graphics design program 311687 2503.ZIP WINDISPLAY 1 A selection of fractal and graphics programs 307304 2578.ZIP FRACTAL GENERATOR Menu driven fractal generator 92570 3119.ZIP *RECURSIVE REALM EGA/VGA Mandelbrot image generator 316618 3888.ZIP FRACXTRA set odd add-ons to Fractint 286593 H174.ZIP CONFUSION AND LIGHT fractal drawing program 765384 H205.ZIP FRACTINT Mandelbrot & Julia set generator executables 679059 H284.ZIP FRACTINT SOURCE CODE in C for the popular fractal program 863836 H327.ZIP FRACROVE fractal generating program 339422 H389.ZIP WINFRACT Windows version of Fractint 479423 AREA= STATISTICS FILES= 29 TOT SIZE= 9165648 PATH= \MATHEMAT\STATISTI ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0268.ZIP EPISTAT statistical analysis with 40 stats tests 79243 0303.ZIP SPC Professional statistical process control package 110749 0850A.ZIP STATSET a full set of statistical progs with Pascal 171525 0850B.ZIP source code:- Mean,standard,Mannwhitney,Wolfowitz,F dist 105130 0850C.ZIP Kruskal,Duncan,Newman,Tukey,Dannell & many others 195360 0850D.ZIP (4 disk set includes compiled as well as source) 90582 0910.ZIP STAT-SAK statistician's Swiss Army Knife + others 155890 1019.ZIP Menu driven STATISTICS analyse data from KB or file 153267 1168.ZIP STATISTICS Stats expert system,Time series forcaster 172572 1420.ZIP Q-PRO statistical analysis package (Monte Carlo methods) 144581 1694.ZIP SAM-86 suite of statistical analysis programs (UK author) 196269 1816A.ZIP STAT-TECH market research data analysis (Disk 1 of 2) 172861 1816B.ZIP STAT-TECH market research data analysis (Disk 2 of 2) 175983 2343.ZIP MVSP MultiVariate Statistical Package 302824 2485.ZIP RESAMPLING STATS Probabilty and Statistics tools 115799 2560.ZIP MODSTAT3 powerful stats tool + SPPC stats system 324248 2845.ZIP MICROSTATS and TURBOSTATS statistical analysis programs 211429 3007.ZIP *PCSTAT descriptive statistical report program 298054 3118.ZIP SURVEY multiple choice survey analysis 169490 3471.ZIP NORMAL PROBABILITY PLOT on VGA with up to 5 samples/graph 180724 3891.ZIP *RXRIDGE max likelihood estimation of ridge regression model 280804 4122.ZIP TABSTAT statistical tables for Windows 278816 H194.ZIP *KWIKSTAT statistical package with graphics 855311 H201.ZIP ARCUS PRO-STAT statistical analysis package 970982 H238.ZIP *SIMSTAT statistical analysis & SIM2NL adds NONLIN analysis 550721 H277.ZIP EASISTAT Statistical analysis package 397816 H319.ZIP KS PROBABILITY & STATS PROGRAMS 772686 H351.ZIP CATEGORICAL DATA ANALYSIS SYSTEM 567370 H559.ZIP LAB STATS basic statistics program for Windows 477334 H561.ZIP SPC EXPERT statistical process control package 487228 AREA= MEDICAL/HEALTH FILES= 54 TOT SIZE= 17876690 PATH= \MEDICAL ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0462A.ZIP WPC(1 of 2)Clinical assessment,educational 297642 0462B.ZIP WPC(2 of 2)printer & statistics progs. 313260 0860.ZIP MED LIT medical literature tracking database 139121 1211.ZIP KINETICS pharmokinetic dosing system for pharmacists 134556 1212A.ZIP HEALTH RISK APPRAISAL package for nutritionists (1 of 2) 135338 1212B.ZIP HEALTH RISK APPRAISAL package for nutritionists (2 of 2) 132109 1487A.ZIP PATIENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM for dental offices (Disk 1 of 5) 178733 1487B.ZIP PATIENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM for dental offices (Disk 2 of 5) 245383 1487C.ZIP PATIENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM for dental offices (Disk 3 of 5) 214783 1487D.ZIP PATIENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM for dental offices (Disk 4 of 5) 226793 1487E.ZIP PATIENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM for dental offices (Disk 5 of 5) 145459 1591.ZIP FLUID METABOLISM tutorial package for medical students (UK) 67412 1751.ZIP PREGNANCY PLANNING, Name choosing & help for slimmers 149036 1752.ZIP ANTIBIOTICS & HEPARIN 194980 1804.ZIP DOCTOR DATA'S HEALTH SOFTWARE database of food additives 119859 1999.ZIP DOCTOR medical diagnosis / reference system 77596 2031.ZIP ANATOMY OF THE SKULL and HYBRID CROSS medical education 225758 2064.ZIP THE GENERAL PRACTICE ASSISTANT doctor's finance manager 79540 2103.ZIP BODY COMPOSITION calculates body fat for men & women 95213 2335.ZIP EYES teaching program to demonstrate strabismus 93616 2337.ZIP SELF-HEALTH STRESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 110231 2575A.ZIP DOCTOR SOFT Practice Management System (1 of 3) 241749 2575B.ZIP DOCTOR SOFT Practice Management System (2 of 3) 324542 2575C.ZIP DOCTOR SOFT Practice Management System (3 of 3) 274338 2608A.ZIP FILEY MEDICAL COMPUTING OFFICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (1 of 2) 316504 2608B.ZIP FILEY MEDICAL COMPUTING OFFICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (2 of 2) 284768 2827.ZIP HEADACHE-FREE program and texts relating to causes/cures 175097 3516.ZIP BETTER EYESIGHT exercises to improve your vision 101248 3745.ZIP PSYCHOLOGY, AN INTRODUCTION hypertext tutorial 266834 3774.ZIP *SUGAR blood sugar level monitoring for diabetics 199126 3805.ZIP *AEROCHART aerobics logbook + ME & MY METABOLISM 247568 3890.ZIP BEHAVIOUR ANALYSIS: A COMPUTER-BASED TUTORIAL 305493 3942.ZIP ALTERNATIVE HEALTH GUIDE self-help guide to healthy living 358393 3966.ZIP DOCTOR ON DISK - The Computerized Medical Book 212000 3995.ZIP *LEANER motivational tool for weight control 264987 3997.ZIP MEDTXT medical reference on disk 180110 4007.ZIP *CPR BYSTANDER REVIEW cardiopulmonary resuscitation 240137 4009.ZIP *LVN VOCATIONAL NURSE REVIEW self-assessment tool 301433 4010.ZIP *CNA NURSES ASSISTANT REVIEW 315088 4093.ZIP MEDICAL EDUCATION Brainscape, Crimelab, EKG & Mega Code 262732 4096.ZIP DEPRESSION-FREE & BALD personal health self-help programs 331550 4123.ZIP PRGCYCLE record keeping for Sympto-thermal birth control 339428 H121A.ZIP EPI-INFO Epidemiology Stats Package (1 of 2) 1124393 H121B.ZIP EPI-INFO Epidemiology Stats Package (2 of 2) 350319 H301.ZIP DENTIST'S ASSISTANT administrative system for dentists 1154327 H307.ZIP HEALTH QUEST dietary analysis system 443327 H360.ZIP TIPS ON PREVENTING AIDS presentation 561691 H417A.ZIP MEDPAS medical reference and diagnosis program 541617 H417B.ZIP MEDPAS medical reference and diagnosis program 255905 H419A.ZIP WINMED online medical reference for Windows (1 of 3) 978934 H419B.ZIP WINMED online medical reference for Windows (2 of 3) 916008 H419C.ZIP WINMED online medical reference for Windows (3 of 3) 583585 H433.ZIP NUTRISOFT PREGNANCY NUTRITION FOR WINDOWS 865299 H483.ZIP HEART TO HEART interactive personal health & diet tutor 673732 H556.ZIP HEALTHNET DISEASES REFERENCE LIBRARY 508010 AREA= MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS/UTILITIES FILES= 11 TOT SIZE= 3610189 PATH= \MULTIMED ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 3594A.ZIP *MULTIMEDIA 1 presentation system with speech/music etc 289402 3594B.ZIP *MULTIMEDIA 1 presentation system with speech/music etc 291085 3594C.ZIP *MULTIMEDIA 1 presentation system with speech/music etc 229590 3734.ZIP THE MULTIMEDIA WORKSHOP drawing/text/sound/animation 340749 3951.ZIP SOFTLINE BROCHURE create talking brochures with graphics 311980 3954.ZIP PICTURE IT WITH SOUND create talking tutorials (Windows) 272012 3955.ZIP TALKING SLIDESHOW sound & picture presentation program 273737 4048.ZIP MULTIMEDIA WORKSHOP LITE FOR WINDOWS conversion program 209192 H155.ZIP PCX SUPERSHOW presentation system with VGA/SVGA support 403485 H507.ZIP QUICKSHOW LITE FOR WINDOWS multimedia presentation system 518078 H512.ZIP *CINEMA PLAYER audio/video player for VGA/sound boards 470879 AREA= MUSIC & SOUND FILES= 9 TOT SIZE= 2582562 PATH= \MUSIC ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 3592.ZIP SPEAKERMANIA 1 incl SD-LMP & The Listening Room 219143 3593.ZIP SPEAKERMANIA 2 incl LSIM & Loudspeaker Enclosure Designer 211385 3676.ZIP SCOPETRAX play 8-bit sound files on PC 245980 3678.ZIP CD-BOX music file player for Adlib or Soundblaster 273783 3740.ZIP CD PLAYER DOS and Windows versions catalogue & play CDs 319449 3881.ZIP ROOM ACOUSTIC DESIGNER calculate optimum room acoustics 280840 4028.ZIP CHORDMASTER chord chemistry software with MIDI output 313675 4088.ZIP *METROTUNE provides accurate standards of tempo/pitch/rhythm 198451 H476.ZIP S.S.E. WAVES DISK NO. 1 collection of 25 sound files 519856 AREA= SOUNDBLASTER SUPPORT FILES= 1 TOT SIZE= 912840 PATH= \MUSIC\SOUNDBLA ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 3390.ZIP BLASTER MASTER graphic editor for Soundblaster files 279397 H228.ZIP VOC386 load, record or replay VOC files 633443 AREA= PROGRAMMING FILES= 12 TOT SIZE= 3597940 PATH= \PROGRAMM ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0286.ZIP 6502 Emulator,MicroProlog,Expert System,Blocks World 122639 1997.ZIP *MICHAEL BURTON PROGRAMMERS TOOLS inc. TP windows 320266 2126.ZIP DIGITIZED VOICE PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT 274513 2336A.ZIP TURBO SCREDIT screen generator for Turbo C & Turbo Pascal 323499 2336B.ZIP TURBO SCREDIT screen generator for Turbo C & Turbo Pascal 304680 2499.ZIP PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT UTILITIES plus Pascal for Windows 3 311721 2716A.ZIP *PROGRAMMER'S SUPER-MAINT development maintenance utility 261109 2716B.ZIP *PROGRAMMER'S SUPER-MAINT development maintenance utility 267054 3563.ZIP *MOUSE CURSOR DESIGNER & RIMROCK ICON EDITOR 320184 3908.ZIP DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING NETWORK functions for Pascal/C++ 125844 H126.ZIP THOUGHTWORKS GRAPHICS LIBRARY kernel for T Pascal/C/BASIC 528367 H280.ZIP SPELMATE UK spelling checker DLL for Windows 438064 AREA= ASSEMBLERS/CROSS ASSEMBLERS FILES= 28 TOT SIZE= 7173490 PATH= \PROGRAMM\ASSEMBLE ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0130.ZIP CHASM cheap assembler produces directly runnable file 104950 0419.ZIP X-ASM cross assembler for 6805 76794 0572.ZIP Z80 cross assembler,VM2 monitor,File compression 127187 0938.ZIP ASSEMBLY language tools pop-up manual,debug,dis-asm etc 154111 1278.ZIP SYSTEM68 68000 cross assembler/development environment 216851 1586.ZIP 68K 68000 cross-development kit (assembler/simulator) 217241 1930.ZIP *A86/D86 full 8086 macro assembler package with debug 273341 2322A.ZIP PSEUDOSAM CROSS ASSEMBLERS Z80/8085 Families (1 of 5) 84700 2322B.ZIP PSEUDOSAM CROSS ASSEMBLERS 6809/8096 Families (2 of 5) 83936 2322C.ZIP PSEUDOSAM CROSS ASSEMBLERS 6800/6805 Families (3 of 5) 82500 2322D.ZIP PSEUDOSAM CROSS ASSEMBLERS 1800/6502 Families (4 of 5) 80857 2322E.ZIP PSEUDOSAM CROSS ASSEMBLERS 8048/8051 Families (5 of 5) 86191 2362.ZIP TASM Table driven X assembler with many target CPUs 138651 2593.ZIP DISASSEMBLERS ETC Magic & Intelligent Disassemblers 241156 2743.ZIP CPU24 ON-SCREEN MICROPROCESSOR 100204 3106.ZIP The UCR Standard Library for Assembly Language Programmers 310432 3771.ZIP IDA Interactive Disassembler for 8086/286/386/8080/8085 274173 3809.ZIP ASMLIB library of assembler routines + ASMWIN & TBONE 254964 3812.ZIP INV-EXE-GATORS 2 incl DIS86, ASMGEN, BUBBLE etc 279817 4003.ZIP WDASM disassembler for Windows 3.1 158537 4034.ZIP SNIPPETS 80XXX collection of assembler source + text files 161068 H055.ZIP PC/370 cross assembler and emulator package 322746 H145.ZIP ASxxxx CROSS ASSEMBLERS with C source code 476308 H235A.ZIP THE ULTIMATE ASSEMBLER COLLECTION 737229 H235B.ZIP THE ULTIMATE ASSEMBLER COLLECTION 717359 H279.ZIP WOLFWARE ASSEMBLER handles 8086, 286/386/486 code 449168 H516.ZIP *TIMESTACK execution/stack depth analysis 68HC11/6805/8051 417618 H538.ZIP SIM68 run/debug/view MC68HC11 S19 code + 68EM & MCX11 545401 AREA= BASIC FILES= 42 TOT SIZE= 10682133 PATH= \PROGRAMM\BASIC ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0006.ZIP Structured basic,Basic to fortran converter,etc 131343 0007.ZIP Lots of Basic progs and Basic utils (50 + items) 107631 0156.ZIP Basic development system,Disk label,File status etc. 87289 0336.ZIP BASIC aids for programmers 86383 0745.ZIP BASIC Programmers aids & tools for GW and Quickbasic 296758 0858.ZIP QUICK BASIC aids code optimise,code gen, front end 273970 1381.ZIP SUBS QuickBasic libraries ISAM file sorting,I/O, windowing 187110 1644.ZIP RAFE Random Access file editor v2.00 124424 2385.ZIP MEGADRAW Generate QuickBasic for graphics animation 80700 2561.ZIP APBASIC Basic Compiler subset of BasicA 196177 2620A.ZIP POWER BASIC SUPPORT SET routines and tools for Power Basic 253808 2620B.ZIP POWER BASIC SUPPORT SET routines and tools for Power Basic 242580 2620C.ZIP POWER BASIC SUPPORT SET routines and tools for Power Basic 209548 2620D.ZIP POWER BASIC SUPPORT SET routines and tools for Power Basic 338978 2620E.ZIP POWER BASIC SUPPORT SET routines and tools for Power Basic 273746 2789.ZIP PRC QUICK-KIT user interface utilities for Quickbasic 4.5 95116 2823.ZIP GRAPHICS WIZARD'S LIBRARY for QuickBASIC 4.5 78282 2872.ZIP QB TREE keyed file storage/retrieval system for Quickbasic 158150 2905.ZIP WINDOWS R-E-Z complete window manager for QuickBASIC/BASIC7 317937 2913.ZIP QBSCR screen routines for QuickBASIC 4.0+ 304619 3064.ZIP 123-WRITE Lotus support routines for QB 4.x + LINKER 123527 3080.ZIP ASIC BASIC COMPILER subset GWBasic language 263112 3272.ZIP QLIB advanced function library for QuickBASIC/BASIC7 236610 3293.ZIP POWER BASIC WIZARD'S LIBRARY + PBTOOLS:LITE 301220 3300.ZIP UBASIC 86 Fast sophisticated Basic interpreter 318096 3356.ZIP *PROWINDOWS LITE, QB/EVGFX and Q4TOOL libraries 309591 3444.ZIP SLIB Library Routines for QuickBasic 4.0 & 4.5 354634 3606.ZIP CHARLES WHITE'S ASIC BASIC SUPPORT SET 309215 3651.ZIP BYWATER BASIC interpreter/shell with C source code 179950 3687.ZIP PIXSHOW FOR QUICKBASIC 4.x graphics toolkit 110029 3766.ZIP BASIC WIZARD'S LIBRARY for QuickBASIC or PDS 274362 3779.ZIP PBBACK & QBTINY libraries for Quickbasic 221174 3780.ZIP VGALIB QuickBASIC library + QBPaint and BAS2QB 273597 3836.ZIP QUICKBASIC PROGRAMMERS TOOLS 314786 3843.ZIP BULLET fast B-tree multi-user database toolkit for BASIC 198659 3893.ZIP ANGELIB function library for BASIC 7 / PDS 243894 3940.ZIP WINDOWS R-E-Z FOR BASIC 7.1 (PDS) 314602 H100.ZIP PBCLONE advanced function library for QuickBASIC + LIBWIZ 538826 H206.ZIP ASSEMBLY TOOLBOX for QUICKBASIC 4 & 4.5 and BASIC 6 366566 H207.ZIP ASSEMBLY TOOLBOX for Basic 7, 7.1 and Extended QBX 368734 H269.ZIP RUCKUS SOUND TOOLKIT FOR BASIC for PC speaker/DAC/MIDI 458267 H469.ZIP BASICBASIC COMPILER supports Microsoft BASIC subset 758133 AREA= FULL DJGPP C++ COMPILER FROM SIMTEL FILES= 75 TOT SIZE= 25758270 PATH= \DJGPP ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE AEASY102.ZIP Async library for djgpp 63694 AECUR102.ZIP Curses library for djgpp 101510 AETSK102.ZIP Task Switching library for djgpp 78309 AEWIN102.ZIP Text Windows library for djgpp 60686 BCCGRX12.ZIP BCC to GRX library for djgpp 228104 BNU22BN.ZIP djgpp binutils_2.2 binaries (required) 565066 BNU22DC.ZIP djgpp binutils_2.2 documentation 78022 BNU22SR1.ZIP djgpp binutils_2.2 sources (1/2) 1179439 BNU22SR2.ZIP djgpp binutils_2.2 sources (2/2) 491988 BSN122BN.ZIP bison_1.22 binaries (for djgpp) 69156 BSN122DC.ZIP bison_1.22 documentation (for djgpp) 137121 BSN122SR.ZIP bison_1.22 sources (for djgpp) 255827 CBGRD103.ZIP GRX graphics library docs (for djgpp) 258429 CBGRF103.ZIP GRX graphics library extra fonts (for djgpp) 772247 CBGRX103.ZIP GRX graphics library libs/headers (for djgpp) 874383 DIF115SR.ZIP diff_1.15 sources (for djgpp) 116951 DJ111M1.DOC djgpp 1.11.maint1 first bugfix release (doc) 1870 DJ111M1.ZIP djgpp 1.11.maint1 first bugfix release 490180 DJ111M2.DOC djgpp 1.11.maint2 maintainence update doc 2314 DJ111M2.ZIP djgpp 1.11.maint2 maintainence update 429739 DJ111M3.DOC djgpp 1.11.maint3 maintainence release docs 2126 DJ111M3.ZIP djgpp 1.11.maint3 maintainence release update 424460 DJDEV111.ZIP djgpp Base development kit (required) 495137 DJDOC111.ZIP djgpp Base documentation 156083 DJEMU111.ZIP djgpp 80387 emulator sources 62572 DJEOE111.ZIP djgpp execution only environment (required) 128587 DJGPP.FAQ Answers to frequently asked djgpp questions 13937 DJLGR111.ZIP djgpp simple graphics library 50082 DJLSR111.ZIP djgpp base library sources 347262 DJSRC111.ZIP djgpp sources to go32 and utils 233888 DJTST111.ZIP djgpp test programs 27312 FLX238BN.ZIP flex_2.3.8 binaries (for djgpp) 76216 FLX238DC.ZIP flex_2.3.8 documentation (for djgpp) 51154 FLX238SR.ZIP flex_2.3.8 sources (for djgpp) 206467 GAS211BN.ZIP gas_2.1.1 binaries (required) (for djgpp) 112382 GAS211DC.ZIP gas_2.1.1 documentation (for djgpp) 273150 GAS211S1.ZIP gas_2.1.1 sources (1/2) (for djgpp) 1199727 GAS211S2.ZIP gas_2.1.1 sources (2/2) (for djgpp) 695496 GCC257BN.ZIP gcc_2.5.7 binaries (C only) (for djgpp) 532613 GCC257DC.ZIP gcc_2.5.7 documentation (for djgpp) 826201 GCC257RM.ZIP gcc_2.5.7 real_mode gcc.exe (for djgpp) 121356 GCC257S1.ZIP gcc_2.5.7 sources (1/6) (for djgpp) 1114645 GCC257S2.ZIP gcc_2.5.7 sources (2/6) (for djgpp) 1197520 GCC257S3.ZIP gcc_2.5.7 sources (3/6) (for djgpp) 1197187 GCC257S4.ZIP gcc_2.5.7 sources (4/6) (for djgpp) 1175757 GCC257S5.ZIP gcc_2.5.7 sources (5/6) (for djgpp) 1197427 GCC257S6.ZIP gcc_2.5.7 sources (6/6) (for djgpp) 230993 GPP257.ZIP C++ binaries & libraries (for djgpp) 897169 GZP124BN.ZIP gzip_1.2.4 binaries (for djgpp) 66684 GZP124DC.ZIP gzip_1.2.4 documentation (for djgpp) 45998 GZP124SR.ZIP gzip_1.2.4 sources (for djgpp) 272394 INSTALL.DAT Data file for install.exe 3039 INSTALL.EXE Install program for djgpp 38054 LGP250S1.ZIP libg++_2.5.0 sources (1/2) (for djgpp) 1195788 LGP250S2.ZIP libg++_2.5.0 sources (2/2) (for djgpp) 489567 MAK369BN.ZIP make_3.69 binaries (for djgpp) 87079 MAK369DC.ZIP make_3.69 documentation (for djgpp) 254019 MAK369SR.ZIP make_3.69 sources (for djgpp) 499802 MERGE.C Merge files that have been split (C source) 935 OBJC257.ZIP Objective_C binaries & libraries (for djgpp) 537613 PAT202SR.ZIP patch_2.0.2 sources (for djgpp) 75630 QDDVX102.ZIP DESQview/X libraries & utilities (for djgpp) 903305 README.1ST Information about files in this directory 7293 README.DJ Info about the djgpp package & mailing list 15243 SBLASTER.ZIP SoundBlaster sample showing DMA and interrupts 18146 SPLIT.C Split large files (C source) 1403 SPLIT.EXE Split large files (executable) 8072 TXI210BN.ZIP texinfo_2.10 binaries (w/info.exe) (for djgpp) 153491 TXI210DC.ZIP texinfo_2.10 documentation (for djgpp) 377541 TXI210SR.ZIP texinfo_2.10 sources (for djgpp) 619795 UNZIP_DJ.EXE Free unzip program for djgpp files 138240 UZP501BN.ZIP InfoZip unzip 5.0p1 binaries (for djgpp) 72243 UZP501SR.ZIP InfoZip unzip 5.0p1 sources (for djgpp) 252008 ZIP191BN.ZIP InfoZip zip 1.9p1 binaries (for djgpp) 106697 ZIP191SR.ZIP InfoZip zip 1,9p1 sources (for djgpp) 216250 AREA= C/C++ COMPILERS/SOURCE/TOOLS FILES= 42 TOT SIZE= 10234100 PATH= \PROGRAMM\CC_C ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0151.ZIP Misc utils,C source progs from Tom Jennings 126602 0294.ZIP Routines for the C language (36 items) 136819 0335.ZIP SMALL C INTERPRETER plus assorted C source routines 234587 0552.ZIP PASCAL to C language source code converter 114625 0562.ZIP C syntax checker,NARC archive handler,PKARC v3.4 147967 0566.ZIP BAWK text processor,CSHELL Unix-like front end,C parser 129037 0574.ZIP TLBMAC C-ASM portability,Pascal to C converter 106207 0668.ZIP LPT capture,CGA/EGA graphics library for MSC 81239 0696A.ZIP C SOURCE-Tree & Xref generator,Editor,Windows etc 121974 0696B.ZIP C SOURCE-libraries,functions,Prog from K&R book etc 107609 0864.ZIP TURBO C debugger,graphics library,& v1 patches 104040 0924.ZIP SMALL C COMPILER from TJMC with source code & sample progs 115293 1116.ZIP NEW SMALL C compiler with tutorial and toolkit 163514 1130.ZIP BISON compiler development system, VI editor + MAKE utils 230465 1199.ZIP SMALL C compiler from J E Hendrix with source & assembler 121093 1330A.ZIP C & UNIX TOOLS PC-Indent, BPlus B-tree routines,Popup 279635 1330B.ZIP C & UNIX TOOLS PC-Lex, PC-VI editor, History, PCROFF, GETF 253875 1489.ZIP PERSONAL C COMPILER with linker, function library etc. 255906 1521.ZIP MICROSOFT/TURBO C collection with UNIX commands 337636 1522.ZIP LATTICE C collection of programs, source and routines 222774 1526.ZIP C PROGRAMMERS TOOLS with analyzers and function extractors 304307 1528.ZIP CC68 68000 C CROSS-COMPILER with Source Code 83006 1541.ZIP UNIXALIKES with C source - YACC,BAWK,VI clone,LEX subset 305307 1770.ZIP C PROGRAMMERS & SOURCE C tools & programs 252068 2388A.ZIP COMPLETE C object-oriented development environment (1 of 2) 250728 2388B.ZIP COMPLETE C object-oriented development environment (2 of 2) 300651 2881.ZIP GNU BISON general purpose parser generator with C source 252156 3273.ZIP CTOOLS incl Virmin, VGAKit, DigiKit, SEFX etc 316424 3433.ZIP CTOOLS 2 incl CLINT, Blockade, DPMI_LIB, MIDI-LIB etc 263447 3504.ZIP MIRACLE C COMPILER generates MS-compatible objects 156652 3505.ZIP SNIPPETS C Source Code Collection 304468 3567.ZIP CTASK multitasking kernel for C with source code 344700 3733.ZIP STK - THE SPRITE TOOLKIT for Turbo C 212407 3835.ZIP PD-CURSES text screen control routines for C 194322 3978.ZIP CPP C language pre-processor with source code 119128 H001A.ZIP DJGPP - ANSI standard C compiler (Disk 1 of 4) 620936 H001B.ZIP GNU C - ANSI standard C compiler (Disk 2 of 4) 476411 H001C.ZIP GNU C - ANSI standard C compiler (Disk 3 of 4) 510452 H001D.ZIP GNU C - ANSI standard C compiler (Disk 4 of 4) 373263 H156.ZIP GNE C/C++ UTILITIES for source code management 215991 H157.ZIP F2C Fortran to C conversion program 587824 H515.ZIP *CENVI complete C-like environment for DOS & Windows 398555 AREA= C/C++ LIBRARIES FILES= 53 TOT SIZE= 16548029 PATH= \PROGRAMM\C_LIBS ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0795.ZIP TURBO & Datalight C Source libraries. 310246 0866.ZIP TURBO C tools ISAM library, Overlay manager 106460 0887.ZIP JAZ Huge library of C functions for all purposes 200+ items 201186 0998.ZIP C SPOT RUN LIBRARY FOR TURBO C 186239 1106A.ZIP WINDOW PRO Screen & window support for Turbo C, MSC & 274068 1106B.ZIP Quick C, CGA & EGA package for developers (2 disks) 316799 1110.ZIP C_wndw windowing toolkit for Turbo C and Quick C 119919 1224.ZIP MIRACL multiprecision integer/rational arithmetic C library 121558 1431.ZIP *KEYTREE UTILITIES library of file handling routines in C 199064 1505.ZIP STEVE'S ZORTECH C LIBRARY with over 80 different functions 94541 1876.ZIP MICROFIRM MICROSOFT/QUICK C SUPPORT LIBRARY 172219 2120A.ZIP *EAGLE PERFORMANCE TOOLS for Microsoft C 5.x & Turbo C 2.0 266441 2120B.ZIP *EAGLE PERFORMANCE TOOLS for Microsoft C 5.x & Turbo C 2.0 253529 2288.ZIP *DDS Database Development System for C 204067 2370A.ZIP C-WINDS C windowing toolbox for MS/Quick C (1 of 2) 262804 2370B.ZIP C-WINDS C windowing toolbox for MS/Quick C (2 of 2) 184168 2486.ZIP *LITECOMM COMMUNICATIONS TOOLBOX for Microsoft & Turbo C 240638 2505.ZIP CTRLCLIB C function lib for interrupt management control 184349 2597.ZIP DIALOG PRO dialogue box add-on for WINDOW PRO 297564 2809.ZIP TEGL WINDOWS TOOLKIT II FOR TURBO C 2.0, TURBO C++ etc 334092 2840.ZIP FLI.LIB library to create/play Autodesk Animator FLI files 97942 2873.ZIP PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT FOR CAS AND THE PHONEBOOK 313612 2938.ZIP TEGL WINDOWS TOOLKIT II for Quick C 2.0 & Microsoft C 5.1/6 329610 3003.ZIP TURBO C SOUNDBLASTER INTERFACE routines to drive SB board 144832 3113A.ZIP *WINDOW BOSS C toolbox for advanced screen control 317469 3113B.ZIP *WINDOW BOSS C toolbox for advanced screen control 359886 3177.ZIP AUTOSCREEN object-oriented user interface library 139126 3260.ZIP YAMP (Yet Another Matrix Program) matrix algebra for C++ 106528 3264.ZIP THE DOUG ROGERS WINDOW LIBRARY for C++ 212995 3469.ZIP MPLUS graphic interface library for Microsoft C 224149 3498.ZIP GIF_LIB library of routines for handling GIF graphics files 226715 3552A.ZIP SCL1 C Function library for Microsoft and Turbo C/C++ 307681 3552B.ZIP SCL1 C Function library for Microsoft and Turbo C/C++ 143264 3607.ZIP MASSIVE MATHEMATICAL LIBRARIES for Turbo & Microsoft C 213110 3627.ZIP PCX_LIB library of C function for displaying/storing PCXs 110982 3657.ZIP SIGLIB digital signal processing library for MS/Turbo C 318616 3688.ZIP PIXSHOW FOR C graphics image toolkit for programmers 118832 3756.ZIP CEPHES mathematical function library for C 298957 3799.ZIP GUI_LIB graphic interface library for Borland/Turbo C++ 239246 3813.ZIP SUPERVGA TEST LIBRARY in C and assembler + UniVESA VBE 284412 3842.ZIP BULLET fast B-tree multi-user database toolkit for C 166918 3845.ZIP *FLASHPAC library of screen/mouse routines for Turbo/MS-C 250565 3858.ZIP *ISAM MANAGER B+Tree/ISAM system for C++ 310981 3905.ZIP CPORT general purpose comms library for C/C++, GPort & Sefx 163133 H030.ZIP ATREE LIBRARY FOR WINDOWS Adaptive Logic Network Software 570087 H096.ZIP TCU Turbo C/C++ library for menus, form entry etc 797816 H200.ZIP CBASE B-tree database management library (MS/Turbo C) 875184 H265.ZIP WORDUP GRAPHICS TOOLKIT with MAPMAKER & SPRITE TOOLS for C 500114 H270.ZIP RUCKUS SOUND TOOLKIT FOR C for PC speaker, DAC & MIDI 445016 H335A.ZIP *TCXL C user interface development system + utils 983262 H335B.ZIP *TCXL Small Model Libraries Borland C++/Turbo C/C++/MSC 7.x 760560 H335C.ZIP *TCXL Small Model Libraries MSC 5/6, Zortech/Watcom/TopSpeed 858949 H501.ZIP NJSDK Chinese Software Development Kit for MS/Visual C++ 1027529 AREA= COBOL FILES= 4 TOT SIZE= 1633990 PATH= \PROGRAMM\COBOL ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 3291.ZIP ANSI COBOL compiler requires editor & linker 214137 4070.ZIP *COSTAR COBOL source reformatting utility 211588 H309.ZIP TRANTOR COBOL UTILITIES for use with COBOL6.x etc 817479 H511.ZIP *PROGRAM ENTITY ORGANIZER analyser/documenter for COBOL 390786 AREA= DBASE/CLIPPER SUPPORT FILES= 53 TOT SIZE= 12009188 PATH= \PROGRAMM\DB_CLIPP ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0240.ZIP DGENERATE DBASE III code generator 145257 0264.ZIP dBASE II/III chequebook, Gemini printer util 233619 0277.ZIP DBASE 3 Hints¬es,Time-share,Unerase files,Utils 157082 0285.ZIP DBASE 3 screen generator,Fast copy,Games,Utils 171302 0292.ZIP DBASE III tools & applications 236358 0327.ZIP DBASE 3 items C routines utils 151345 0358.ZIP dBase III items Cruncher Tools etc. 87492 0411.ZIP DBASE utilities & add-ons 106309 0565.ZIP 'C' add-ons for DBASE III,CFLOW flow plotter 98062 0643A.ZIP DBASE 3(3 disk)Utils & Routines for DBASE 117285 0643B.ZIP programmers These are must disks for dbase 179169 0643C.ZIP developers and users. 176994 0664.ZIP JARGON on-line manual for CLIPPER & DB III 119762 0669.ZIP DB3 items,bugs,fixes,tips,repair,crunch etc 114099 0769A.ZIP Dbase 3/Clipper tools & Utilities(2 Disks) 197536 0769B.ZIP tools, analyse, memos,Turbo interface 117297 0828.ZIP DPROG dB3 program generator + dEXPERT training system 164997 0836.ZIP INTELLITRIEVE DBase 3 organiser/retrieval system 85830 1159.ZIP ISR Intelligent Storage and Retrieval system (dBASE 3 reqd) 71302 1452.ZIP *DLITE RAM resident dB3 access/edit/cut & paste utility 138446 1517.ZIP DBASE4 TUTORIAL with basic and advanced tutors 300051 1763.ZIP DEDIT Edit database III files directly. 118417 1984.ZIP DBASE III TOOLS DBClean, EzWin and DFlipper 356696 1989.ZIP *QQUERY query management system for FoxBase+/FoxPro 306201 2000.ZIP CLIPPER/DBASE3 TOOLS Professional/Grumpfish libs,DEdit etc. 337306 2274.ZIP *POPDBF memory resident dBASE file browse/edit/print 171029 2339.ZIP DRMENGEN Drop Down Menu Generator for Clipper/dBase 98883 2469.ZIP XREF data dictionary documentation tool for dBASE 139648 2473.ZIP CLIPPER 5 TUTORIAL SYSTEM 310601 2474.ZIP SUPER.LIB Function Library for Clipper 295779 2510.ZIP TOM RETTIG'S LIBRARY for Clipper 5 and Summer 87 337831 2611.ZIP RHS CLIPPER and dBASE MISCELLANY Vol 1 270329 2613.ZIP POCKET DOT For Clipper 5.0 206344 2614.ZIP RHS CLIPPER & dBASE MISCELLANY Vol 2 251830 2626.ZIP FLAGS Flatfile Application Generator System for dB3/FoxBase 335101 2627.ZIP FLAGS Flatfile Applications Generator System for dB4/Foxpro 342838 2838A.ZIP MODEL-S dBASE 3 applications generation system 299248 2838B.ZIP MODEL-S dBASE 3 applications generation system 283015 2882.ZIP XTAB statistical utility for dBASE files 149074 2909.ZIP *FLAG DB DOUBLECHECK duplicate record checker for dB3+ files 225186 3011.ZIP CLIPHELP add full colour help screens to Clipper 5/S87 139478 3032.ZIP AHELP! help window system for Clipper 5/S87 + RLIB for S87 316135 3073.ZIP *SNAP! dBASE/Clipper/Foxpro programmers documenting system 284508 3127.ZIP CODESMITH applications generator for Clipper S87 & 5.01 290062 3140.ZIP *PHDBASE phonetic/fuzzy search utility for FoxPro 2.0 112922 3215.ZIP DSHAREWARE dBASE REPORTER report writing utility for dB3 132549 3420A.ZIP TSDWIN.LIB library for Clipper 5 240830 3420B.ZIP TSDWIN.LIB library for Clipper 5 178949 3447.ZIP *DATA MASTER dBASE 3 and Lotus 1-2-3 file manipulator 355623 3754.ZIP SCREEN LAYOUT DESIGNER dBASE/Clipper screen code generator 308740 H190.ZIP VERTEX CLIPPER LIBRARY comprehensive Clipper 5.1 add-on 691832 H245.ZIP NANFORUM LIBRARY FOR CLIPPER 5 with source code 499197 H266.ZIP *BUILDER Clipper code generator & extensive function library 453413 AREA= FORTH FILES= 5 TOT SIZE= 2530013 PATH= \PROGRAMM\FORTH ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0485.ZIP NEW FIG FORTH improved version of the Forth language 149858 1236A.ZIP FF FORTH language interpreter/compiler (Disk 1 of 2) 227600 1236B.ZIP FF FORTH language interpreter/compiler (Disk 2 of 2) 165883 H166A.ZIP F-PC complete Forth development system (1 of 2) 977705 H166B.ZIP F-PC complete Forth development system (2 of 2) 1008967 AREA= FORTRAN FILES= 4 TOT SIZE= 1013969 PATH= \PROGRAMM\FORTRAN ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 1096.ZIP FORTRAN SOURCE maths,video control, chess & games etc 309406 1888.ZIP FAT-VIDEO Fortran libraries inc. windowing functions 249051 3017.ZIP D-ACCESS library of MS-FORTRAN/PROFORT interface modules 104166 4002.ZIP BC-FORTRAN Fortran-77 compiler & linker 351346 AREA= INSTALLATION SYSTEMS FILES= 5 TOT SIZE= 1334318 PATH= \PROGRAMM\INSTALLA ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 2915.ZIP PROINSTALLER applications installation development system 289776 3371.ZIP INSTALLX installation package for programmers 319549 3699.ZIP *POWERINSTALL installation tool with 7 language support 271296 3847.ZIP *THE FINISHING TOUCH installation tool 112470 3952.ZIP INWIN programmers installation system for Windows 341227 AREA= LOGO FILES= 3 TOT SIZE= 1144025 PATH= \PROGRAMM\LOGO ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 3530.ZIP LOGO GRAPHICS and LADYBUG LOGO programming languages 207918 3827.ZIP FREE LOGO Turtle graphics teaching language 202228 H282.ZIP MSWLOGO Windows implementation of Logo language 733879 AREA= MODULA-2 FILES= 3 TOT SIZE= 808912 PATH= \PROGRAMM\MODULA_2 ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 2122.ZIP MOD-2 JF TOOLS library of Modula-2 procedures 252369 2394.ZIP MODULA-2 TOOLKIT 14 sets of invaluable routines + examples 256719 3974.ZIP FITTED SOFTWARE TOOLS MODULA-2 Compiler 299824 AREA= OTHER LANGUAGES FILES= 32 TOT SIZE= 13114496 PATH= \PROGRAMM\OTHER_LA ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0289.ZIP SNOBOL 4,Speaker driver & Utils 130268 0387.ZIP SPL Structured Programming Language 115967 0439.ZIP POLYMATH Forth-like language for maths 111397 0718.ZIP FREEMACS editor in MINT plus FORTH 83 with tutor 133125 0749.ZIP *SNOBOL4 Programming language & nice sample programs 251034 1353.ZIP MAX LANGUAGE a function oriented precedural language 116949 1410A.ZIP LITTLE SMALLTALK interpreter (Disk 1 of 2) 121854 1410B.ZIP LITTLE SMALLTALK interpreter (Disk 2 of 2) 294970 1419.ZIP I-APL interpreter - ISO,BSL,ANSI standard APL 129869 1760A.ZIP ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITRY and ADA language specifications 352342 1760B.ZIP ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITRY and ADA language specifications(2) 306660 1760C.ZIP ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITRY and ADA language specifications(3) 352773 1760D.ZIP ADA SOFTWARE REPOSITRY and ADA language specifications(4) 334526 2014.ZIP SPALib for AAL ALGOL 68 Mk 0 screen/window routines etc. 152417 2808.ZIP OBERON-M programming language by Niklaus Wirth 181850 2945.ZIP FAST optimised high-level language + SOFA assembler 284727 3195.ZIP FREE BCPL complete implementation of BCPL language 166990 3209.ZIP REXXPC88 subset interpreter of the REXX language 191034 3376.ZIP ABC imperative programming language 216613 3557A.ZIP AUGUSTA ADA + ADA REFERENCE MANUAL 237866 3557B.ZIP AUGUSTA ADA + ADA REFERENCE MANUAL 275913 3892.ZIP FIFTH language like Forth with 32-bit integer arithmetic 190568 H143A.ZIP ICON programming language with source code 627971 H143B.ZIP ICON programming language with source code 1210705 H240.ZIP OBERON 386 implementation of Wirth's programming language 679268 H260A.ZIP PERL Practical Extraction and Report Language (1 of 2) 877525 H260B.ZIP PERL Practical Extraction and Report Language (2 of 2) 591511 H293A.ZIP CAML LIGHT implementation of ML language 1077744 H293B.ZIP CAML LIGHT implementation of ML language 769955 H308A.ZIP ADA/ED interpreter/pseudo-compiler with editor (1 of 2) 1009580 H308B.ZIP ADA/ED interpreter/pseudo-compiler with editor (2 of 2) 610760 H499.ZIP JORF object-oriented programming language for DOS & Windows 1009765 AREA= PASCAL FILES= 62 TOT SIZE= 12983407 PATH= \PROGRAMM\PASCAL ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0174.ZIP Pascal progs,Dos functions,Misc Turbo routines. 56941 0187.ZIP Turbo P Games-Twinkle,wumpus,Cribbage,Amazing,Lander 100146 0188.ZIP Turbo P Q modem and Turbo Comms Support 143733 0189.ZIP Turbo P Misc utilities,programs & tools 91655 0190.ZIP Turbo P T-SCREEN screen design for colour or mono 111705 0191.ZIP Turbo P Programming aids & utilities 115084 0192.ZIP Turbo P Window management & other utilities 116675 0193.ZIP Turbo P More window management,utilities,help system 113848 0194.ZIP Turbo P Misc Turbo Tools etc. 103371 0195.ZIP Turbo P Function & routine libraries 85345 0196.ZIP Turbo P Misc utilities,disk label printer,keyboard,sort etc 91351 0197.ZIP Turbo P Sprites Graphics & animation for Turbo Pascal 110702 0198.ZIP Turbo P Graphics, Maths & misc routines 85642 0199.ZIP Turbo P NEWFONTS- Font design package 93865 0238.ZIP TURBO Pascal debug & assembler,FSD etc 156995 0295.ZIP PASCAL COMPILERS Visible, Facilis and Tiny Pascal 322990 0364.ZIP T-REF Turbo pascal/cross ref lister util 102890 0391A.ZIP TURBO PASCAL routines & tools in-line ASM,int24 254340 0391B.ZIP TURBO PASCAL Debug,Wheels tool library,jwindow 268081 0391C.ZIP TURBO PASCAL menu,video,ansi,spell, etc(3 disks) 297494 0407.ZIP TURBO Pascal,utils,Othello,Spellcheck etc. 206479 0427.ZIP PTOOLS Turbo Pascal tools 51493 0514.ZIP TURBO Pascal routines & STOCK management 249073 0635.ZIP MINIGEN Turbo Pascal 3 screen code generator 70505 0763.ZIP TURBO pascal window/menu,screen code generator,tools+ 206723 0798.ZIP SCREEN Engine Turbo Pascal Graphics screen generator 107614 0826.ZIP TURBO 4 routines-screenwrite,search,comms,cursor+ 224652 0918.ZIP TURBO PASCAL 4 source 8087 emulate,windows,menu,chain etc 310342 0919.ZIP TURBO PASCAL 4 source screen design,spool,math,windows etc 188097 0920.ZIP TURBO PASCAL 4 strings,debug,Pop-up utils,pseudocode etc 309217 0921.ZIP TURBO PASCAL 4 source,screen,files,joysk,err,mouse,graphic 302776 0930.ZIP TURBOPAINT Create pictures for use in TP programs 93955 1093.ZIP TURBO PASCAL Ktools,Music,QWIK screen,Stings,TP4 mouse etc 266778 1108.ZIP MINIGEN Turbo Pascal 4 screen generator 64293 1372.ZIP TURBO PASCAL 4/5 Tools & utils 334890 1456.ZIP TECHNOJOCKS TURBO TOOLBOX for Turbo Pascal 4.0 & 5.0 184734 1462.ZIP TURBO ENHANCEMENT TOOLKIT Turbo Pascal 4 & 5 routines 88479 1463.ZIP TURBO SOURCE APPLICATIONS Draw-2D graphics editor,P-ROBOTS 241495 1874.ZIP *TP5 MOUSE, SPEAKER & SCREEN TOOLS 216224 1966A.ZIP OASIS open architecture screen interface system (1/2) 205761 1966B.ZIP OASIS open architecture screen interface system (2/2) 196516 1992.ZIP CTOP C to Turbo Pascal converter 100062 2009.ZIP *TURBO DESIGNER, TURBO APPRENTICE & STRLINK for Turbo Pascal 279075 2119A.ZIP *EAGLE PERFORMANCE TOOLS for Turbo Pascal 5.5 207807 2119B.ZIP *EAGLE PERFORMANCE TOOLS for Turbo Pascal 5.5 243000 2301.ZIP MYSTIC PASCAL (ISO Std) and SURPAS Pascal Compiler v1 213993 2625.ZIP NUMERICAL RECIPES Set of Pascal Source code programs 235821 2814.ZIP TURBO PASCAL LIBRARY collection of useful routines 145128 2856.ZIP *KEYTREE TOOLBOX random access file handling for T Pascal 185902 2924.ZIP DML UNIT collection of 87 useful routines for Turbo Pascal 260738 2939A.ZIP TEGL WINDOWS TOOLKIT for Turbo Pascal 6.0 147179 2939B.ZIP TEGL WINDOWS TOOLKIT for Turbo Pascal 6.0 269848 3268.ZIP DURA DESIGN custom database generator for Turbo Pascal 6.0 63039 3337.ZIP TURBO PASCAL GRAPHICSBUSTERS routines to handle PCX files 284390 3357.ZIP SKYHAWK DEVELOPMENT LIBRARY for Turbo Pascal 291467 3700.ZIP NINBASE object oriented database routines for T Pascal 6.0 183528 3831.ZIP 3DLIB graphics object library for Turbo Pascal 342043 3907.ZIP DRAWTEXT screen designer outputs BASIC, Pascal source 145532 H350.ZIP SPX animation/game builder library for T Pascal 6.0 & 7.0 742720 H405.ZIP ANIVGA sprite toolkit for Turbo Pascal 6.0 689987 H406.ZIP *TECHNOJOCKS OBJECT TOOLKIT for TURBO PASCAL 5.5 or later 437938 H442.ZIP WINDOWS AND MENUS TOOLBOX for Turbo Pascal 4, 5.x, 6 & 7 571261 AREA= PROGRAMMERS TEXT EDITORS FILES= 33 TOT SIZE= 8321564 PATH= \PROGRAMM\PROGEDIT ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0344.ZIP EDITORS collection - E88, Edwin and MRE quick editors 94030 0747.ZIP SAIL programmers' editor + LISTCSUB C function lister 112692 0748.ZIP NY-EDIT nice programmers editor with macro facilities 182603 0773.ZIP SE - PC version of the UNIX programmers' editor 82087 0899.ZIP EDITORS/WP Greyword WP, DVED & ED programmers editors 121413 1023.ZIP EDITORS GLWP mini Wp, SE screen edit & Colour ANSI editor 99703 1356.ZIP SOFTKEY EDITOR a full feature text editor/wp program 88229 1435A.ZIP JOVE text editor like EMACS with tutorial (Disk 1 of 2) 302826 1435B.ZIP JOVE text editor like EMACS with tutorial (Disk 2 of 2) 109702 1621.ZIP WED Full featured text editor 106295 1708.ZIP SEDT screen editor 266359 2077.ZIP SEDT for WINDOWS 3 and OS/2 287541 2123.ZIP WINDE window-based text editor with mouse control 60350 2285.ZIP PERSONAL EDITOR Multifile text editor 214809 2325.ZIP MULTI-EDIT editor with powerful macro facility 353232 2455.ZIP *PEDIT Personal Editor with disk macros & WP-like features 131446 2821.ZIP MICRO EMACS FOR WINDOWS powerful text editor 268934 2986.ZIP *QEDIT ADVANCED superb text editor with macro facility 206638 3121.ZIP DGEDIT UK Text Editor 193962 3181.ZIP *PERFECT EDITOR multi-windowed editor for ASCII or binary 325946 3212.ZIP TECO version of powerful VAX & PDP series text editor 193940 3458A.ZIP The AMAC QEDIT Macro Collection (1 of 2) 170386 3458B.ZIP The AMAC QEDIT Macro Collection (2 of 2) 203440 3528.ZIP CAPTAIN BLACKBEARD programmers' editor 340615 3601.ZIP TDE The Thomson-Davis Editor, with full C Source code 360855 3669.ZIP EASYFOLD text editor with folds 106367 3744.ZIP *BOXER powerful text editing system 332039 3788.ZIP QHELPQ hypertext help system for QEdit 195912 3943.ZIP *EVOLVE! source code structure editor / outline processor 304312 H193.ZIP *WINEDIT full-featured text editor for Windows 3 1140773 H402.ZIP ELVIS MS-DOS implementation of UNIX vi/ex editor + source 418982 H448.ZIP AURORA EDITOR with windowing & 1Gb virtual memory 401251 H460.ZIP *WINDEV integrated Windows program development environment 543895 AREA= PROGRAMMERS TOOLS FILES= 33 TOT SIZE= 7283327 PATH= \PROGRAMM\PROGTOOL ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0483.ZIP FORGE data entry form designer for Turbo Pascal & dBASE III 80907 0985A.ZIP SYSTEM PROGRAMMERS TooL kit Vectors/calls reference,system 127657 0985B.ZIP activity log,device drivers,error codes,386 programming etc 152304 0997.ZIP STRUCTOGRAM program editor structured Pascal/basic system 105830 1136A.ZIP PROGRAMMERS TOOLS Interrupts list,monitor,flowchart,metrics 159956 1136B.ZIP patcher,set Turbo Pascal colours,Cobol xref (2 disks) 251496 1327A.ZIP PROGRAMMERS TOOLS Timing monitors,serial numbering,text2com 273790 1327B.ZIP PROGRAMMERS TOOLS disassembler,create help screens + more 130195 1616.ZIP *OVL overlay manager for use with Microsoft's Link 97734 1638.ZIP SCREEN MACHINE screen development system for programmers 75504 1767.ZIP SPEEDY C & SOURCE CODE Organiser Programmers tools 200978 1797.ZIP EASYCASE Computer aided Software Engineering tool 294321 1841.ZIP *PC-TAGS source code retrieval system 176043 2003.ZIP JIB & JAB set of utils with source; mouse/keyboard/video 143866 2137A.ZIP *PROGRAMMER'S PRODUCTIVITY PACK calculator + multi-utility 273681 2137B.ZIP *PROGRAMMER'S PRODUCTIVITY PACK calculator + multi-utility 155630 2421.ZIP *PROLITE Programmers Productivity Pack Lite 277710 2748.ZIP SCC Software Change Control Version control system 111386 2750.ZIP PROGRAMMERS TOOLS WarpSpeed toolkit,InfoBar,Rapid Screen 270102 2791.ZIP RIO (Rock Input/Output) DOS I/O logging program 118622 2883A.ZIP GNU REVISION CONTROL SYSTEM for programmers 272794 2883B.ZIP GNU REVISION CONTROL SYSTEM for programmers 310904 3110.ZIP HELP-PC Programmer's Database of PC information 299448 3277.ZIP BTRIEVE SUPPORT BTRHelp, BTP and COUN 240510 3475.ZIP ANALYST TOOLKIT data flow diagram development program 313666 3519.ZIP VICON icon designer/editor with BGI output 221311 3764.ZIP GNU-ISH PROGRAMMERS TOOLS incl SED, DIFF, GREP etc 299197 3829.ZIP VGA PROGRAMMERS TOOLBOX incl TWEAK and VGADOC 281124 4020.ZIP TALISOFT PROGRAMMERS TOOLS inc PCWord, Chart, RSort, PCKey 315380 4107.ZIP *PROGRAMMERS' TOOLS Application Label Generator + Beta Test 321298 4109.ZIP WITH CLASS object-oriented CASE tool for Windows 346917 4110.ZIP OOTher Object Oriented Analysis Documentation & CASE Tool 296665 H159.ZIP SOURCE MINDER version control system 286401 AREA= REFERENCE FILES= 5 TOT SIZE= 1736776 PATH= \PROGRAMM\PROGREF ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 1315.ZIP OS/2 REFERENCE MANUAL in archived form with reader program 154484 1592.ZIP BENEATH DISK OPERATIONS disk technical manual 42152 2080.ZIP *DOS TECHNICAL REFERENCE MANUAL text files 307915 2975.ZIP VGA PROGRAMMERS' REFERENCE MANUAL 152501 H221.ZIP INTERRUPT LIST of interrupts 00 thru FF + utilities 1079724 AREA= SHAREWARE AUTHORS' SUPPORT FILES= 5 TOT SIZE= 1689262 PATH= \PROGRAMM\SHAREWAR ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 3414.ZIP *THE SHAREWARE BOOK a guide to writing/marketing Shareware 292499 3900A.ZIP SHAREWARE MARKETING SYSTEM Shareware Author Resource 325859 3900B.ZIP SHAREWARE MARKETING SYSTEM 342708 4085.ZIP *A.S.P. INFORMATION DISK on membership, starting up etc 273360 H347.ZIP *SHAREWARE TRACKER author's support tool 454836 AREA= TUTORIALS FILES= 21 TOT SIZE= 3807558 PATH= \PROGRAMM\TUTORIAL ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0222.ZIP PASCAL PRIMER & demo progs 113749 0357.ZIP C Language TUTOR, FIDDLE edit any kind of file 262889 0432.ZIP PROGRAMMING introductory tutor 77498 0855.ZIP ASSEMBLER language tutorials(2),DOS info,Convert BIN->ASM 101559 0865.ZIP INTERACTIVE C tutor(very good for beginners) 108109 1307A.ZIP MODULA 2 TUTOR Text and example programs (Disk 1 of 2) 120176 1307B.ZIP MODULA 2 TUTOR text and example programs (Disk 2 of 2) 79597 1778A.ZIP C LANGUAGE TUTOR text and example programs (1 of 2) 110690 1778B.ZIP C LANGUAGE TUTOR text and example programs (2 of 2) 97620 2150.ZIP THE QUEST FOR BASIC interactive BASIC tutorial system 152903 2451.ZIP CORONADO ENTERPRISES C++ TUTOR text and example code 248505 2812.ZIP PC ASSEMBLER TUTOR and HELPER system 354892 3060.ZIP PROGRAMMING TUTORIALS C++, Turbo Pascal, sorting, bit logic 264601 3517A.ZIP *AT EASE WITH COMPUTER PROGRAMMING tutorial system 317698 3517B.ZIP *AT EASE WITH COMPUTER PROGRAMMING tutorial system (2 of 2) 240512 3558.ZIP INTERACTIVE ADA TUTOR with source code 236102 3646.ZIP *STARTREK - THE COMPUTER PROGRAM Basic language tutorial 196242 3778.ZIP *BASIC TRAINING tutorial system for BASIC programmers 156351 3925.ZIP CORONADO TURBO PASCAL TUTOR text and example programs 181304 3933.ZIP PROGRAMMING OBJECT-ORIENTED ARCADE GAMES IN TURBO C 250592 4022.ZIP MACHO* assembly language tutorial 135969 AREA= VISUAL BASIC FILES= 9 TOT SIZE= 3893904 PATH= \PROGRAMM\VISUAL_B ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 2884A.ZIP VISUAL BASIC Tools and Utilities (1 of 2) 271551 2884B.ZIP VISUAL BASIC Tools and Utilities (2 of 2) 316936 3941.ZIP WINDOWS R-E-Z FOR VBDOS windowing library 318189 4030.ZIP VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMERS TOOLS Code.Print, PrintVB, ToolBut 313565 H208.ZIP ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE TOOLBOX FOR VISUAL BASIC FOR DOS 371597 H441.ZIP VXBASE Visual Basic library for handling dBASE files 529137 H505.ZIP VB DATA COMPANION Data Dictionary/SQL tool for MS/Access 403180 H506.ZIP LOADED FOR VISUAL BASIC 778421 H536.ZIP *MABRY SOFTWARE CUSTOM CONTROLS for Visual BASIC 591328 AREA= ASSN. C/C++ USERS (UK) LIBRARY FILES= 2 TOT SIZE= 459694 PATH= \CUGUK ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE C005.ZIP Mathematics 1 - floating pt functions/macros for 8087 51762 C048.ZIP XLISP interpreter with full C source *H* 407932 AREA= APPLICATIONS SOURCE CODE FILES= 3 TOT SIZE= 937456 PATH= \CUGUK\APPLICAT ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE C034.ZIP DBQ small structured query language for CP/M+ 108179 C050.ZIP SPACE FLIGHT SIMULATOR source code + BYWATER GUI tools *H* 415295 C093.ZIP WINFRACT SOURCE CODE 413982 AREA= COMMS-RELATED SOURCE FILES= 6 TOT SIZE= 1592679 PATH= \CUGUK\COMMS ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE C011.ZIP Comms 1 - Kermit & SEALink protocols etc. 127312 C022.ZIP Minix 1 - how to build C-Kermit for Minix 89750 C028.ZIP ZMODEM file transfer protocol source for UNIX 69014 C035.ZIP JMODEM file transfer protocol source code for MS-DOS 112558 C100.ZIP C-KERMIT source (wide range of machines) 470578 C101.ZIP UUPC/EXTENDED SOURCE for file transfer & email system 723467 AREA= GAMES SOURCE CODE FILES= 7 TOT SIZE= 2710094 PATH= \CUGUK\GAMES ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE C002.ZIP ADVSYS adventure authoring system 101775 C014.ZIP LARN dungeon adventure game source code 182215 C021.ZIP COLOSSAL CAVE adventure source 66497 C059A.ZIP NETHACK SOURCE CODE for classic dungeon game *H* 629384 C059B.ZIP NETHACK SOURCE CODE for classic dungeon game *H* 683421 C061.ZIP OMEGA SOURCE for dungeon exploration game 314550 C094.ZIP MORIA SOURCE CODE for dungeon adventure game *H* 732252 AREA= IBM-PC LINKABLE LIBRARIES FILES= 4 TOT SIZE= 796372 PATH= \CUGUK\PC_LIBS ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE C043.ZIP BORLAND BGI TOOLKIT FOR TURBO C 335794 C044.ZIP BORLAND SUPERVGA BGI DRIVERS 95435 C045.ZIP BORLAND TURBO C FREE INFORMATION DISK 254895 C080.ZIP PIXSHOW FOR C library of bitmap graphics routines 110248 AREA= PROGRAMMERS TOOLS/COMPILERS FILES= 5 TOT SIZE= 850349 PATH= \CUGUK\PROG_TOO ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE C013.ZIP CPCN & RATC subset C compilers 93476 C023A.ZIP Small C/Plus for the Z80 113225 C023B.ZIP Small C/Plus for the Z80 113589 C027A.ZIP Sozobon C compiler for the Atari ST *H* 263210 C027B.ZIP Sozobon C compiler for the Atari ST *H* 266849 AREA= UTILITIES SOURCE CODE FILES= 14 TOT SIZE= 2635549 PATH= \CUGUK\UTIL_SRC ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE C001.ZIP Software Tools 1 - bracket & comment checkers, etc. 132467 C006.ZIP Unix Utilities 1 - BAWK, SED, MAKE etc. 129590 C007.ZIP Unix Utilities 2 - NRO & ROFF text formatters etc. 123771 C008.ZIP Shells - two UNIX-style (single tasking) MSDOS shells 128995 C016.ZIP Unix Utilities 4 - items related to YACC and LEX 67878 C017.ZIP Unix Utilities 5 - BISON source 121242 C020.ZIP Unix Utilities 6 - general utils incl Xenix file recovery 23439 C033.ZIP ROFF4ST print formatting system 145171 C042.ZIP GNU INDENT FOR THE AMIGA formatting utility for C source 110396 C047.ZIP COMPRESSION SOURCES ZIP, LHA, Huffman etc 304813 C054.ZIP INFO-ZIP PROJECT'S UNZIP generic unzip utility source *H* 362489 C099.ZIP GNU AWK pattern matching & text manipulation language 379138 C102.ZIP GNU ZIP compression utility handles ZIP and UNIX .Z files 300079 C126.ZIP GNU FLEX source & executables + DeSmet C LEX source 306081 AREA= SCIENTIFIC FILES= 20 TOT SIZE= 5501437 PATH= \SCIENTIF ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0428.ZIP Nuclear Magnetic Resonance scientific progs. 177235 0807.ZIP SCIENTIFIC progs Rockets,satellites,time,maths etc 143982 0829.ZIP PC-CALIB Laboratory instrument calibration system. 136256 0830.ZIP SCIENTIFIC Emr Spectrum,Truss stress,header flare analy 188050 1080.ZIP ASTRONAUTICAL engineering rocket engine analysis/design 178387 1225.ZIP LABCOAT Laboratory Data Cost Analysis package with source 110155 1256A.ZIP RADIOACTIVE DECAY FACTS on 497 radionuclides (Disk 1 of 2) 112554 1256B.ZIP RADIOACTIVE DECAY FACTS on 497 radionuclides (Disk 1 of 2) 170734 1461.ZIP WASTEWATER TREATMENT progs with chemical aid guide (Basic) 213944 2914.ZIP THERMOCALC geological phase diagram calculation/display 200847 2921.ZIP *PERSONAL RADCOM nuclear power plant radiation program 305996 3665.ZIP PEDRAW family tree / pedigree drawing program 249010 3841.ZIP EYEBALL SEQUENCE EDITOR for nucleic/amino acid sequences 125755 3909.ZIP TRAJECTORY MAKER predict trajectories for satellites etc 231271 3916.ZIP DNA SIMDEX Calculates similarity indexes for DNA samples 83962 3929.ZIP SPECTRUM spectral analysis program 360793 4090.ZIP MINERAL MASTERY mineral identification program 286961 4124.ZIP HYPER Hyperbolic Regression Analysis of enyzme-kinetic data 304468 4125.ZIP GENCODE charts genetic code of mRNA-amino acid translation 244877 H381.ZIP GEPASI general purpose metabolic pathways simulator 871875 H558.ZIP NEWPET geochemical data handling & plotting program 804325 AREA= SCIENCE AREA FROM SIMTEL FILES= 6 TOT SIZE= 1165561 PATH= \SCIENCE ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE FLSHR151.ZIP Experiment with brainwave stimulation, EGA/VGA 51397 NTUMIN10.ZIP Logic minimization pgm from NTU, w/TC2.0 src 298901 PFIVE.ZIP Point Five quantitative data analysis/modeling 167268 PTCH_230.ZIP Patchit: Scientific data acquisition program 237366 SM97_10X.ZIP Philips/Fluke ScopeMeter 97 setup/data utils 85015 TACK_321.ZP Tack: Scientific data analysis program 325614 AREA= CHEMISTRY AREA FROM SIMTEL FILES= 9 TOT SIZE= 899340 PATH= \CHEMIST ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE CHEMICAL.ZIP Molucular modeling program CGA or EGA 156527 CHEMREF.ZIP Chemistry database/reference 140337 ELEMENTS.ZIP Study aide: data on the 106 chemical elements 54897 MOLWIN20.ZIP WIN3: Read Atomic coordinates display molecule 92509 MV130.ZIP Displays, prints pictures of atomic structures 60634 PERIODIC.ZIP Display the periodic table of elements, (EGA) 42541 TEDDEMO2.ZIP ThermoDynamics: Kinetic gas model simulator 134456 TORG311.ZIP Organic chemistry ID of unknowns simulator 174878 VSDEM101.ZIP 3D Molecular Modelling Set for Windows (DEMO) 42561 AREA= BIOLOGY AREA FROM SIMTEL FILES= 13 TOT SIZE= 2639623 PATH= \BIOLOGY ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE BED100.ZIP Molecular Biology input feedback echo w/speakr 60715 BIOMRF.ZIP Demos cumulative small chg, Darwin evolution 37619 BLDFSH21.ZIP Identify fish and graphically display 228801 CURA22.ZIP Autocidal pest control simulation for Windows3 92609 ESEE109E.ZIP DNA/protein multiple sequence editor Ver 1.09e 117608 GEP208A.ZIP WIN31: Simulation of biochemical pathways 586952 GSRC208A.ZIP Source code of GEP208A.ZIP simulation package 289717 HRAP.ZIP Diet+Lifestyle=Longevity: compared w/average 148273 PEDHLP13.ZIP Pop-up hypertext help for PEDRAW13 45997 PEDRAW13.ZIP Scientific pedigree-drawing program 207625 STAGES14.ZIP Research tool predicts spermatogenesis cells/t 95380 TIERRA40.ZIP Create virtual worlds and virtual lifes 701499 TOXINS.ZIP Snake and toad toxins, diagnosis, treatment 26828 AREA= CHEMISTRY FILES= 7 TOT SIZE= 1939786 PATH= \SCIENTIF\CHEMISTR ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0732.ZIP CHEMICAL/CHEMVIEW & MOLLY molecular animation & weights 292105 3564.ZIP *THE INTEGRAL SCIENTIST hypertext style information utility 329037 3677.ZIP TORGANAL organic compound identification simulator 163135 3728.ZIP CHEMFORM 2-dimensional organic formula drawing for Windows 302631 4073.ZIP *PERSONAL CHEMCOM toxic chemical cloud dispersion program 279867 4098.ZIP CHEMISTRY TOOLS SolveChn, Molecule etc 239011 4101.ZIP PCMODEL molecular modelling software 334000 AREA= SECURITY FILES= 18 TOT SIZE= 4468209 PATH= \SECURITY ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0058.ZIP Complete data security system PC-CODE 164979 0504.ZIP PC-CRYPT crypt/decrypt file DMASTER label prog 91444 1117.ZIP SECURITY PC-Lock, password protect,CRYPTANALYSE decoder etc 175938 1165.ZIP PRIVATE LINE data encryption/decryption (DES standard) 66582 1384.ZIP SECURASE secure data deletion procedures 322903 1933.ZIP PC-IRIS file encryption system using DES standard 146499 2309.ZIP *PC PROTECTION SET X-Lock 1, PC Vault & Cypher 254164 3429.ZIP PC PROTECTION 2 incl Scramble, Ounce of Prevention etc 265805 3612.ZIP SYSLOG security system with disk auditing 246718 3662.ZIP *PC-VAULT hard disk protection system 228260 3664.ZIP *PC VAULT PLUS enhanced hard disk protection system 247607 3932.ZIP *PIGAS SECURITY protect selected files & directories 199129 4006.ZIP SECURITY FOR WINDOWS program launcher with passwords 247240 4040.ZIP WINDOWS PROTECTION SET incl SecureGroup, Padlock etc 226018 4057.ZIP ENC! encrypt/decrypt files "on the fly" 201421 4080.ZIP *PEARLY GATES security system prevents unauthorised EXEs 243916 H291.ZIP PRETTY GOOD PRIVACY security system with source code 657018 H520.ZIP *WHAT-I-DID usage logging utility for Windows 482568 AREA= VIRUS SCANNING/REMOVAL FILES= 15 TOT SIZE= 5016326 PATH= \SECURITY\VIRUS ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0888.ZIP PROTECTION from worms, viruses, trojans etc 114514 1542.ZIP *WORM FIX 2 new set of Virus detectors/immunisers 272929 1624.ZIP WORMFIX 3 Programs to scan your system for viruses. 99692 2928A.ZIP PC-VIRUS INDEX cross-referenced database of viruses 224741 2928B.ZIP PC-VIRUS INDEX cross-referenced database of viruses 219187 3280.ZIP WORM FIX 6 in VirX, ZScan, AllPro, Virus Terminus, VXRF 279305 3486.ZIP *INTEGRITY MASTER anti-virus and data integrity program 342963 3520.ZIP WORM FIX 7 Clean-It and VirusCheck virus checkers 295037 3533.ZIP VIRUS CENTRAL front end for McAfee virus tools 209411 3534.ZIP MCAFEE SUPPORT TOOLS CheckOut, VirShell and Virus Terminus 237937 3566.ZIP MCAFEE VIRUS PRESENTATION tutorial on virus prevention 209570 3987.ZIP MCAFEE NETSHIELD anti-virus NLM for Netware/386 v3.11 207576 H011.ZIP HYPERTEXT VSUM hypertext directory of known viruses 805943 H424.ZIP MCAFEE VIRUS KIT Scan, VShield, Cleanup, WScan 1002963 H437.ZIP F-PROT virus detection system + VIRSTOP resident intercept 494558 AREA= SPECIAL DISKS/PACKAGES FILES= 10 TOT SIZE= 4436328 PATH= \SPECIAL ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0144A.ZIP SANYO progs Comms,CHESS88,File,Spool etc 114139 0144B.ZIP SANYO items,windows,dictionary etc 59013 0771.ZIP PD Sampler disk games,utilities,file modify etc 244792 0775.ZIP Nice program collection from 1512 user Group 287159 0943.ZIP AMSTRAD utils for installation of Hard disks (1512UG 91/76) 251433 1191.ZIP CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Gift planner,greeting card disk maker etc 298630 H088.ZIP PROGRAMS FROM PC TECHNIQUES MAGAZINE v1n1 to v3n1 626107 H522A.ZIP PDSL CD CATALOGUES contents lists of Walnut Creek CDs 910691 H522B.ZIP PDSL CD CATALOGUES contents lists of Walnut Creek CDs 847557 H522C.ZIP PDSL CD CATALOGUES contents lists of Walnut Creek CDs 796807 AREA= TECHNICAL DRAWING FILES= 1 TOT SIZE= 122197 PATH= \TECHNICA ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 1181.ZIP CC-SURVEYOR data preparation system for Generic CADD 122197 AREA= AUTOCAD SUPPORT FILES= 17 TOT SIZE= 6136328 PATH= \TECHNICA\AUTOCAD ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 1475.ZIP AUTOCAD SYMBOLS Architecural, Electronic etc 283205 1652.ZIP AUTOCAD SUPPORT printer drivers & custom menu system 248178 1866.ZIP AUTOCAD DRAWINGS 98 .DWG format blocks of common hardware 82224 3078A.ZIP PARADRAFT parametric drafting system for AutoCAD Disk 1 299574 3078B.ZIP PARADRAFT parametric drafting system for AutoCAD Disk 2 272526 3214.ZIP CADSHELL AutoCAD drawing management system 150960 3266.ZIP AUTO-MATE menu-driven ACAD file selection program 353391 3278.ZIP DESCAD collection of Civil Engineering utils for ACAD 119907 3363.ZIP *PLOT MANAGER & SLIDE MANAGER AutoCAD support programs 309064 3413.ZIP *ALLY Lisp analyser + C-LISP, HPGL2DXF etc 265134 3626A.ZIP *CADET create and edit text and attributes in ACAD drawings 201537 3626B.ZIP *CADET create and edit text and attributes in ACAD drawings 264169 3824.ZIP *ELF Extended LISP Function Library for AutoCAD 201221 3930.ZIP HATCHER collection of hatching patterns for AutoCAD 340148 H107.ZIP AUTOCAD-ONS 1 support utilities for AutoCAD 1100523 H108.ZIP AUTOCAD-ONS 2 AutoLoad,Boost,3Dto2D,ChgRel,DftCmp 873554 H167.ZIP POWER KEY menu system for AutoCAD with Lisp source code 771013 AREA= COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN FILES= 27 TOT SIZE= 9095705 PATH= \TECHNICA\COMPUTER ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0784.ZIP EASYDRAW, CAD and drawing package 100915 0856A.ZIP CURVE DIGITISER True CAD package for CGA/EGA 171816 0856B.ZIP CURVE DIGITISER all usual CAD features(2 disks) 154554 0856C.ZIP CURVE DIGITISER As above but Hercules version 173185 0856D.ZIP CURVE DIGITISER Herc Version (2 disks) 158905 0884.ZIP DRAW drawing package,fonts,joystick,fill,paint etc 94216 0966.ZIP ETCH, simple to use graphics drawing package with 3 fonts 166847 1253.ZIP *DRAW2ME networked mini CAD/drawing system for 2 users 76793 2234.ZIP CASCADE DRAW Easy to use CAD system 223894 2396.ZIP TURBODRAW entry-level CAD program 115956 2562A.ZIP T-SQUARE two-dimensional drafting package(UK author) 223211 2562B.ZIP T-SQUARE two-dimensional drafting package(UK author) 338842 2562C.ZIP T-SQUARE two-dimensional drafting package(UK author) 335635 2562D.ZIP T-SQUARE two-dimensional drafting package(UK author) 320216 2741.ZIP NORTHCAD-3D design and modelling program for 3D objects 135943 2816.ZIP *PC-DRAFT-CAD with EGA/VGA/Super VGA/Hercules support 357079 3290.ZIP VGACAD full featured paint/draw system 320x200x225 res 319054 3497.ZIP EEDRAW parametric drawing program (CGA/EGA/VGA/Hercules) 308313 3548.ZIP *DRAFT CHOICE CAD system for CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA/Hercules 334450 3810.ZIP *PROTOCAD-3D 3-dimensional CAD system with rendering 323500 4075.ZIP *GAMMACAD full featured CAD program for Windows 3.1 227432 H110.ZIP *PRINTCADD-3D advanced 3D CAD and modelling system 670598 H124.ZIP PCKEY/DRAW drawing package with DTP functions 446373 H127.ZIP DANCAD-3D wire frame drawing system (Herc/CGA/EGA) 787613 H254.ZIP EEDRAW SOURCE CODE for parametric drawing program 1135839 H276.ZIP bCAD 2D CAD program with DXF import/export 324187 H514.ZIP *TOMMYSOFT CAD/DRAW full featured CAD program for Windows 1070339 AREA= UTILITIES FILES= 23 TOT SIZE= 1683439 PATH= \UTILITIE ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE ARJ230.EXE The ARJ compression/archiving system 198833 CRLF.DOC Adds CRLFS to ends of lines in text files 8361 CRLF.EXE Adds CRLFS to ends of lines in text files 25408 DOS_TEX.ZIP Convert Tex files to ASCII 86370 FIXCH302.ZIP Text file processor 51318 HARTNEGG.LST Program list 2510 LHA213.EXE The LHA comression/archiving system 43648 LHX.ZIP The LHA comression/archiving system 29868 LZESHL30.ZIP The LHA comression/archiving system 24364 LZEX91.ZIP The LHA comression/archiving system 43939 OKUMURA.ZIP LHA source code 15399 ORDER.FRM Software order form 2430 PAK251.EXE The ARC comression/archiving system 103338 PKZ204G.EXE The ZIP comression/archiving system 202574 SLEEK.DOC Text file processor 11189 SLK.EXE Text file processor 8158 STRPCRLF.DOC Remove CRLF from text files 2511 STRPCRLF.EXE Remove CRLF from text files 26976 TEXTCON.DOC Process/convert text files to other formats 68511 TEXTCON.EXE Process/convert text files to other formats 29696 TEXTCON.V17 Process/convert text files to other formats 286 UNLZEX04.ZIP LHA unpacker 11903 UTILPACK.ZIP Collection of useful utilities 603363 ZOO201.EXE The ZOO comression/archiving system 82486 AREA= CONVERSION/EMULATION UTILITIES FILES= 12 TOT SIZE= 3205590 PATH= \UTILITIE\CONVERSI ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0825A.ZIP RCS1 convert Displaywrite,/123/db3/ws etc to ascii 189724 0825B.ZIP RCS2 ditto NBI,DCA/RFT,Ws2000,Multimate etc. 132290 0825C.ZIP RCS3 ditto Pascal>MSC,BIN<>HEX,BIN>Basic etc. 261949 1396.ZIP CONVERSION UTILS ASCII-MMate,strip/add CRs,ASCII encode etc 205560 2770.ZIP DOS-UNIX CONVERSION SET archive utilities for DOS users 324666 3435.ZIP RHS CONVERSION SET VOL 3 TextCon, DB4toWP5, E2A, Flip etc 290591 3465.ZIP Z80MU PROFESSIONAL 8080/8085/Z80 CP/M 2.2 emulator 89858 3749.ZIP *MACROPIK'R data format conversion utility 190387 3760.ZIP APPLE ][ EMULATOR for 286 or higher processors 203274 3937.ZIP PC-MACINTOSH CONVERSION TOOLS 304063 H393.ZIP SYDEX UTILS 22Disk, AnaDisk, COPYQM, FORMATQM etc 639004 H400.ZIP ZSIM complete Z80 & CP/M emulator 374224 AREA= CPU/MEMORY UTILITIES FILES= 9 TOT SIZE= 1890751 PATH= \UTILITIE\CPU_MEMO ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0577.ZIP FGREP,K9 TSR utils for programmers plus 93401 0978.ZIP TSR utils RESPRO TSR manager,TSR tutorial,open 255 files 88630 1514.ZIP RAM-TAMER TOOLS TSR source and expanded memory utilities 313768 1648.ZIP *TESSERACT standard to reduce TSR conflicts 211231 2087.ZIP *SWAP UTILITIES minimise space used by commercial TSRs 280880 2363.ZIP BIOLOGIC UTILITIES COLLECTION Various useful utilities 200212 3455.ZIP K-FREE Memory & Disk Monitor for Windows 200374 3468.ZIP RAM-TAMERS 3 incl PC Zipper, Swell, AddMem, Resident Aid 278415 3694.ZIP RAMTAMERS 4 incl UMBDVR, DOSMax, HiMove, JAMBO, UMBMEM etc 223840 AREA= UNIX/COHERENT UTILITIES FILES= 7 TOT SIZE= 1821119 PATH= \UTILITIE\UNIX_COH ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 2771.ZIP COHERENT SUPPORT Vol 2 276243 2772.ZIP COHERENT SUPPORT Vol 3 283624 2773.ZIP COHERENT SUPPORT Vol 4 292602 2774A.ZIP COHERENT SUPPORT Vol 5 (1 of 2) 245117 2774B.ZIP COHERENT SUPPORT Vol 5 (2 of 2) 308889 2775.ZIP COHERENT SUPPORT Vol 6 192272 2776.ZIP COHERENT SUPPORT Vol 7 222372 AREA= ANSI EDITORS FILES= 3 TOT SIZE= 473283 PATH= \WORD_PRO\ANSI_EDI ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 1146.ZIP ANSI EDITORS Ansi paint & Ansiedit create ansi grahics etc 66610 1208.ZIP ANSI GRAPHICS EDITORS AoLA,ANSIDraw and Text Animator 116766 3232.ZIP THEDRAW Colour & Monochrome Screen Image Generator/Editor 289907 AREA= ELECTRONIC BOOK DESIGN FILES= 3 TOT SIZE= 843069 PATH= \WORD_PRO\ELECBOOK ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 1758.ZIP FREE PRESS disk magazine creator 340945 2633.ZIP LOOKBOOK electronic book/reference guide system 246272 2639.ZIP IRIS electronic book processing system 255852 AREA= HYPERTEXT/TEXT ORGANISERS FILES= 29 TOT SIZE= 6690034 PATH= \WORD_PRO\HYPERTEX ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0547.ZIP PC-OUTLINE Ideas outliner based Word Processor 101615 0917A.ZIP TEXTPRO-Hypertext type WP(super outliner/indexer/selector) 58400 0917B.ZIP TEXTPRO(2 of 2) 159837 1317.ZIP PC-HYPERTEXT Topic related document processor/outliner 135845 1328.ZIP THOR thought organiser system / outliner 127553 1362.ZIP IDEA TREE ideas organiser program/database 114622 1955.ZIP HYPERREZ simple RAM-resident ASCII hypertext system 84647 1987.ZIP HYPLUS hypertext system with .PCX graphics support 102981 2025A.ZIP BLACK MAGIC Hypertext system - Readers disk 321553 2025B.ZIP BLACK MAGIC Hypertext system - System disk 133298 2025C.ZIP BLACK MAGIC Hypertext system - Utilities disk 188713 2062.ZIP DYNAMIND ideas processor/text organiser (multiple windows) 190410 2227A.ZIP HYPERWORD (1 of 4) 146354 2227B.ZIP HYPERWORD (2 of 4) 220736 2227C.ZIP HYPERWORD (3 of 4) 77399 2227D.ZIP HYPERWORD (4 of 4) 56009 2315.ZIP SOFTBOOK Hypertext Browser and Compiler 115072 2796A.ZIP *HYPERPAD hypermedia applications development tool 321515 2796B.ZIP *HYPERPAD hypermedia applications development tool 325003 2796C.ZIP *HYPERPAD hypermedia applications development tool 360076 2796D.ZIP *HYPERPAD hypermedia applications development tool 302090 2796E.ZIP *HYPERPAD hypermedia applications development tool 174372 3058.ZIP ZV-INDEX search engine for Hyperpad 204020 3207.ZIP DART hypertext file viewer and program launcher 222450 3320.ZIP HYPERHELPER hypertext development system 231626 3321.ZIP *SIMPLY HELP! hypertext editor, compiler & QuickBASIC lib 348067 H414.ZIP ORPHEUS hypertext authoring & electronic publishing system 509009 H462A.ZIP *HYPERSHELL hypertext system with menu/help/DOS shell 704902 H462B.ZIP *HYPERSHELL hypertext system with menu/help/DOS shell 651860 AREA= SPECIALIST WP SYSTEMS FILES= 19 TOT SIZE= 6545165 PATH= \WORD_PRO\SPECIALI ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0214.ZIP TYPEWRITE an electronic typewriter 223729 0332.ZIP WORDPLAN A Do-it-All WP with language & math 122524 0484.ZIP PAGE ONE Document oriented WP package 110006 0650.ZIP WRITERS Heaven,BRAIN auto comms,TEST generator 137348 0729.ZIP MINDREADER super WP with AI from BrownBag SW 168100 0845.ZIP TECHWRITER wp for math/scientific symbols etc. 125209 1757.ZIP PROFESSIONAL SCREENWRITER scriptwriters WP system 213158 1996.ZIP INTEXT multi-lingual word processing system 255595 2338.ZIP 80 WRITER & MATHTEXT Scientific/Graphics WPs 302386 3587.ZIP VIET Vietnamese word processor 203183 3588.ZIP ADAMI English to Tamil transliterating & printing program 264739 3757.ZIP DINGDANG mouse driven Chinese word processor 296964 3807.ZIP CYRIL & RUSS Cyrillic word processors + screen drivers 246506 4083.ZIP *HEBREW-EDIT specialised word processor for Hebrew language 157628 H069.ZIP MOKE (Mark's Own Kanji Editor) Japanese text editor 893407 H473A.ZIP NJSTAR Chinese word processor (Disks 1 & 2) 704954 H473B.ZIP NJSTAR Chinese word processor (Disks 3 & 4) 713156 H475A.ZIP NJSTAR JAPANESE WORD PROCESSOR (Disks 1 & 2) 695008 H475B.ZIP NJSTAR JAPANESE WORD PROCESSOR (Disks 3 & 4) 711565 AREA= TEXT ANALYSIS/SPELL CHECKING FILES= 14 TOT SIZE= 3618831 PATH= \WORD_PRO\TEXT_ANA ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0548.ZIP EZSPELL spell check program. 154102 0953.ZIP SPELLCHECK easy to use spelling checker ok with most WP 82249 1575.ZIP PRO~SCRIBE text analyser + CASEFIX,ALTERN,CCPR,FIX43 etc 269617 1766.ZIP SPELLC File oriented spell checker with source 184714 2321.ZIP READABILITY PLUS writing style analyser 144904 2695.ZIP *CLICHE FINDER utility to purge your text of rubbish 205824 2841.ZIP TSPELL spelling checker with foreign character support 114522 3509.ZIP SHARESPELL spelling checker with 112,000 wd dictionary 265449 3679A.ZIP *THELMA THISTLEBLOSSOM grammar/style/spell/punctuation check 259740 3679B.ZIP *THELMA THISTLEBLOSSOM grammar/style/spell/punctuation check 291683 3868.ZIP *WINPROOF Windows grammar checker 353690 4065.ZIP *JSPELL spelling checker with undo, TeX support, multi dirs 219759 H290.ZIP WINSPELL Windows spelling supervisor 647768 H444.ZIP *PC-PROOF English grammar checking system 424810 AREA= WRITERS/TEXT TOOLS FILES= 31 TOT SIZE= 7069736 PATH= \WORD_PRO\WRITERTT ("*" after file name means program is from an ASP author.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME DESRCIPTION SIZE 0014.ZIP Book index maker for writers,RATional BASsic. 95163 0440.ZIP TEXT UTILS-error check,indexer,disk cat,etc 95815 0474.ZIP WRITERS TOOLKIT text aids for writers 102596 0640.ZIP Diary system & INDEXER index generator 124677 0719.ZIP MSPATOC table/index generator,TIME share,Text tools 141962 1048.ZIP QUICKTASTE TSR graphics/special symbols add on for most WPS 77539 1053A.ZIP TEXT TOOLS Search & replace, find strings, word count, 162855 1053B.ZIP Pun generator,STYLED style analyser,Super Wordcount etc 260188 1090.ZIP TEXT FILE FILTERS casefix,findx,split, translate etc 213677 1184.ZIP PC WRITE SUPPORT font selector,convert to DCA or Pagemaker 258708 1300A.ZIP TEXT TOOLS COLLECTION Scrivener PC,SLED editor,search&repl. 143927 1300B.ZIP TEXT TOOLS COLLECTION Cut&paste,Xref,Textview,Quick ASCII 227377 1715.ZIP FINDER outline-style text display system 111958 1749.ZIP DUKE LANGUAGE TOOLKIT use foreign languages with PC-WRITE 124564 1810.ZIP *THESAUR & THESAUR PLUS v2.0 alternative word finders 226985 2259.ZIP MULTIWORD electronic thesaurus (UK author) 291092 2313.ZIP THE FOLDER SYSTEM Wordprocessor Document Filer 331384 2360.ZIP SPELLRITE memory-resident dictionary (17000 words) 131271 2416.ZIP TEXTMASTER TOOLS Autoread,EZHelp readers & PC Script 340261 2467.ZIP WPMERGER data mangement and reporting system 255557 2696.ZIP PC-INDEX document indexing system 137000 2732.ZIP *TEXTMASTER TOOLS 2 File Sleuth, Browsemaster, PopView etc 293540 2958.ZIP WORD PART DICTIONARY word root based diction tutorial 182442 2959.ZIP *WORDZ electronic book development program 169046 2984.ZIP TEXTMASTER TOOLS 3 Sherlock, Text Report Writer & Browser 308248 3034.ZIP TEXTMASTER TOOLS 4 including GSR, RTUTILS & T128 262857 3313.ZIP SEEKEASY file info retrieval system + LIST.COM, VIEW.COM 235725 3508.ZIP POPSAURUS pop-up thesaurus program with 70000+ words 307902 3857.ZIP *ASC2COM text file compiler makes self-displaying COM files 270019 H009.ZIP PROJECT GUTENBERG THESAURUS text file of Roget's 1911 edt. 598720 H297.ZIP JORJ RAM resident dictionary with 58,000 words 586681 \UTILS LHARC.EXE 26115 LHZ pack/unpack PICEM.DOC 14505 Used by View program to display PCX files PICEM.EXE 52762 Used by View program to display PCX files PKUNPAK.EXE 15112 ARC/PAK archive system PKUNZIP.EXE 29378 Unzipper PKZ204G.EXE 202624 Complete Zip suite of programs TPICEM.EXE 26242 Used by View program to display PCX files UNZIP.EXE 30581 Unzipper UNZIP.TXT 183 Unzipper UUDO.EXE 26530 Decode UUencoded files UUDO12.DOC 7363 UU info UUREADME.TXT 2176 UU info ZOO.EXE 25595 ZOO system pack/unpack