MAIL : --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Click on the MAIL button to browse from a list of recent email --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- messages from various supporting characters. Click on a message --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to read it, or on the paper clip located at its side to look at an --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- attachment. This feature is only available while Meg is the player character. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- GTS (Global Tracking System) : --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- When the GTS is active, the bottom-right part --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- of the main game screen will show the current game map, updated in real time. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- SteppenWolf is represented by the blue dot; other creatures and game objects, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- if any, will be shown in different colors. Use the GTS to look for useful items, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- avoid dangerous situations or find your way if you are lost. This feature is only --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- available while SteppenWolf is the current player character.