MultiFinder v6.1b. finally, the about box in this version no longer bombs DepthMenu wouldn’t let you set a 16-bit pixel-depth. And a multiple monitor setup. Also fixed bug whereby the location on the screen, and should work for any monitor in V2.1.1ß (12/28/90) DepthMenu will now pop up at any 'vers' numbering error. resource numbering problem (a cosmetic fix) and fixed V2.0.2 (11/29/90) New help system, fixed 'ICN#' Mike Landis for designing and coloring the new icons. pixel depth at any time. And of course, special thanks to V2.0.1 (11/20/90) Includes DepthMenu to let you switch current pixel-depth of the main device. V1.0.2 (10/29/90) Startup ICON arrow indicates the work and it doesn't crash. V1.0.1 (10/25/90) First official release. All features • Change History • Los Angeles, 12/28/90. Thomas A. Johnson Daniel A. Segel advantage of his good work. others to use in their projects – we have taken full made a portion of the Disinfectant code available for of the terrific anti-viral utility Disinfectant. He has kindly by John Norstad of Northwestern University, the author Portions of this Help system are based upon code written "@internet#" after ".edu" for AppleLink access). currently available at internet address (add at “D.SEGEL”, and America OnLine at “Dan Segel”. Tom is If you have any comments, I can be reached through GEnie V4.0.2. DepthGauge was written almost exclusively using THINK C these rules on later versions. 3) Tom and I reserve the right to change our minds about 2) You may not distribute modified copies of DepthGauge. money from it. 1) You may not sell DepthGauge or in any way make any regarding DepthGauge: $1 shareware fee, and to keep in mind the following rules not in the public domain. Tom and I want you to send us the Although DepthGauge is shareware, it is copyrighted and contributed various portions. us have subsequently worked on this project and and implemented by Thomas A. Johnson as an INIT. Both of DepthGauge was originally conceived by Daniel A. Segel • Legal and Other Info • number to be drawn in. Picker and lets you choose what color you want the menu title color. Custom brings up the standard Color for example), and sets the number color to the default colorized menus (as created by the Kolor cdev from Apple, popup menu. Black is black. The 'mctb' item is used for Select the color the number is drawn in from the Color À À À À À • Color Setup • available pixel depths are REALLY slow. the mouse button, and the system calls to determine calculates the correct menu to pop up at the time you click so before the DepthMenu pops up. This is because it may have to hold the mouse button down for 1/3 second or screen, or it may not fully appear. Please note that you try to pop up the DepthMenu too close to the bottom of a the pixel-depth settings allowed for that monitor. Don’t any monitor in a multiple monitor system, and will show to disable the DepthMenu. The DepthMenu will pop up on DepthMenu when you click the mouse. Turn all the keys off Sets which keys need to be pressed to pop up the             • DepthMenu Setup • the cdev. will appear in by clicking on the appropriate radio button in You can choose which corner of the menubar the number … … … … … • Location Setup • pixel-depths listed above.) the operating system (which will always be one of the channel, and reports the current pixel-depth returned by any presumptions about the implementation of an alpha using 24 bits of data for color. DepthGauge doesn't make using 15 bits of data for color, and "32-bit color" is only commonly referred to as "16-bit color" is really only alpha channel have no part in displaying color. What is such as transparency or overlays. The bits used in the structure that are sometimes utilized for special effects Alpha channels are extra bits in a video card’s color data 32 bits = Millions of colors (24 bits color + 8 bit alpha) 16 bits = 32768 colors (15 bits color + 1 bit alpha) 8 bits = 256 colors 4 bits = 16 colors 2 bits = 4 colors 1 bit = Black & White • bits-per-pixel -> Colors table • monitor… isn't much use for it if you don't have an external color DepthGauge will work just fine on an SE/30, but there System 6.0.5 or later. DepthGauge requires the presence of Color QuickDraw and was set via the "Monitors" cdev in the control panel. when you reboot the depth will be reset to whatever mode does NOT change the default mode set for your video card; cdev in the control panel. Please note that the DepthMenu any screen in your system without going to the "Monitors" menu (DepthMenu) that lets you switch the pixel depth of your main video device. DepthGauge also includes a popup menubar representing the current bits-per-pixel setting of DepthGauge is an INIT/cdev that puts a number on your about box for: Tom. With that aside, here’s what you came to this little to me at 1208 Pine Ln, Davis, CA 95616. I’ll send 50¢ to asking for $1 if you use DepthGauge. Just a buck. Send it in the fee, so we’ve decided to make it simple and are only .01% of those who use shareware products actually send over to a shareware product. We fully realize that maybe result, Tom and I have decided to finally make the switch something more useful than originally expected. As a work these days, as well as actually turning into DepthGauge is growing up and turning into quite a lot of This is the fifth official release of DepthGauge. • Description of DepthGauge • » » » » » December 28, 1990 V2.1.1ß DepthGauge