Registering Mirror

"Mirror" is Shareware. If you are using Mirror for non-profit personal use, or at a non-commercial educational institution, you are licenced to use it free of charge. Bear in mind that Mirror is not public-domain software, but we encourage you nonetheless to distribute Mirror and it's accompanying files as widely as possible.

If you are using Mirror for profit, or at a commercial educational institution, a licence fee is payable after an evaluation period of 30 days. To do so, use the Register application that you should have received with your copy of Mirror (see below). Alternatively you can register on the World Wide Web at the following URL:

The price is as follows:
Single-user licence: US$20
Network-licence: US$500
World-wide licence: US$2500

After making your payment, feel free to click the "I Paid" button in the Mirror about box to stop it from appearing each time you launch the application.

"Mirror" may be distributed by electronic means, but not CD-ROMs, provided that the accompanying "Register" program is also distributed, and that no charge is made for its distribution (except to cover the costs of distribution).

Progmatics does not provide any support. However, we will endeavour to answer all e-mail sent to or posted to the comp.sys.mac.comm newsgroup with the text [Mirror] contained in the subject line.

Using the Register Program

Using the Register Program is fairly simple. Open the Register program that accompanies Mirror. Enter your name, your email address, and the number of single user licenses you desire for each program you wish to purchase (or Network or Word-Wide licenses). Save or Copy or Print the data from the Register program and send the data and payment to Kagi. Kagi handles my payment processing.

If paying with Credit Card or First Virtual, you can email or fax the data to Kagi. Their email address is and their fax number is +1 510 652-6589. You can either Copy the data from Register and paste into the body of an email message or you can Save the data to a file and you can attach that file to an email message. There is no need to compress the data file, it's already pretty small. If you have a fax modem, just Print the data to the Kagi fax number.

Payments sent via email are processed within 3 to 4 days. You will receive an email acknowledgement when it is processed. Payments sent via fax take up to 10 days and if you provide a correct internet email address you will receive an email acknowledgement.

If you are paying with Cash or USD Cheque you should print the data using the Register application and send it to the address shown on the form, which is:

1442-A Walnut Street #392-A7
Berkeley, California 94709-1405

You can pay with a wide variety of cash from different countries but at present if you pay via cheque, it must be a cheque drawn in US Dollars. Kagi cannot accept cheques in other currencies, the conversion rate for non-USD cheques is around USD 15 per cheque and that is just not practical.

If you have a purchasing department, you can enter all the data into the Register program and then select Invoice as your payment method. Print three copies of the form and send it to your accounts payable people. You might want to highlight the line that mentions that they must include a copy of the form with their payment. Kagi can not invoice your company, you need to act on my behalf and generate the invoice and handle all the paperwork on your end.

Please do not fax or email payment forms that indicate Cash, Cheque or Invoice as the payment method. As far as we know, there is still no technology to transfer physical objects via fax or email and without the payment, the form cannot be processed.

Payments send via postal mail take time to reach Kagi and then up to 10 days for processing. Again, if you include a correct email address, you will hear from Kagi when the form is processed.

Software Licence Agreement

This is a legal agreement between you, the licensee, and Progmatics Pty Ltd (ACN 003 054 724). It applies to all software and documentation provided to you by Progmatics or its agents. If you don't agree with these terms, do not install the software - destroy all copies of it in your possession. By installing the software you expressly agree to all terms and conditions herein and without exception.

This software is protected by Australian copyright law and International copyright treaties. You do not own the software - Progmatics owns the software - you are merely granted a licence to use the software. You are permitted to copy the software onto a computer to be used according to the terms of your licence (described next), and you may make copies of the software for backup purposes.

If you are a student or member of faculty at a publicly-owned educational institution, or if your organisation is a non-profit charitable institution, or you are a private individual using the software in a strictly non-commercial way, you may use the software for free. Otherwise, you may evaluate the software free-of-charge for 30 days, within which time you must license the software if you intend to continue to use it.

If you have purchased a single-user licence, the software must be treated just like a book, in that there must be no possibility of more than one person using the software at the same time. You may, however, store the software on a network or multi-user system, provided only one person uses it at a time.

If you have purchased a network-licence, you may store the software onto one intra-organisation network. Any number of people in the employ of the licensee may use it simultaneously, provided they are all running the software on the same intra-organisation network, and provided they are all located within the same legal jurisdiction.

If you have purchased a World-Wide licence, you may store the software onto any number of sites within the organisation, provided only people in the employ of the licensee are able to use it.

You may not use, copy, modify, adapt, derive, translate, transfer, reverse-engineer, lease, lend, sub-license, share or transmit this software, in whole or in part, except as expressly provided for in this agreement, nor will you permit anyone else to do so.

This software is licensed only to the Licensee, and may not be transferred to any other person or organisation, except with Progmatics' written consent.

This licence remains effective until terminated. This licence will terminate automatically and without notice from Progmatics if you breach any provision whatsoever of this agreement, in which case all copies of the software must be destroyed without delay.


Progmatics does NOT warrant that the functions contained in the software will meet your requirements, or that the software operation will be uninterrupted or error free. However, in the event that the software does not do what we say it does, and you notify us of this within 30 days of paying for the software, Progmatics will refund your purchase price, terminate your licence, and you will destroy all copies of the software.

Except for any liability under any law which cannot be avoided, Progmatics has no liability whatsoever - in no event will Progmatics be liable for any damages, including (but not limited to) lost profits or savings, loss of data or other incidental or consequential damages, or other similar claims, arising out of use of or inability to use this software, whether such claim be by you or by any other party, even of you have informed us of your intended use for the software. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the software is assumed exclusively & absolutely by the licensee. You hereby acknowledge that no promise, representation, warranty or undertaking has been made or given by Progmatics or its agents on its behalf as to the merchantability, quality, or fitness for any purpose of the software, and that you have relied wholly on your own skill and judgement in deciding to purchase or use the software.

US Government:

US Government End Users: If you are acquiring the Software and fonts on behalf of any unit or agency of the United States Government, the following provisions apply. The Government agrees: (i) if the Software and fonts are supplied to the Department of Defence (DoD), the Software and fonts are classified as "Commercial Computer Software" and the Government is acquiring only "restricted rights" in the Software, its documentation and fonts as that term is defined in Clause 252.227-7013(c)(1) of the DFARS; and (ii) if the Software and fonts are supplied to any unit or agency of the United States Government other than DoD, the Government's rights in the Software, its documentation and fonts will be as defined in Clause 52.227-19(c)(2) of the FAR or, in the case of NASA, in Clause 18-52.227-86(d) of the NASA Supplement to the FAR."

Copyright ©1997 Progmatics Pty Ltd, All Rights Reserved.

Last Update: 27-Apr-97
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