Name: ZZTV9 Filename: Genre: Magazine Author: MadTom et al. Copyright: (C) MadTom 2005 Contents: Dquotes.txt MESSIAH.txt Miscq.txt Tavernen.txt xAndo.txt xDalton.txt xDron.txt xJazzy.txt xNuero.txt xViovis.txt ZANDOR.txt zbrolog.txt zztv9.txt zztv9-1.zzt zztv9-2.zzt zztv9-3.zzt zztv9-4.zzt zztv9-5.zzt Notes: Filesizes shouldn't be a problem this time. Comment: Good lord, why didn't I get this done sooner? Some of this stuff is great. Anyway, after way too long, here's ZZTV9, which will be my second and last issue of the magazine. It's here that I'll formally hand over the project to Commodore of Mirror Image Games. Thanks very much guys for putting up with this wait, in particular Clecky and dave2 who finished their gargantuan channel early and have been waiting for aeons to have their work released. It's objectively the best channel and I recommend you all check it out. Personally recommended are #yiffyiff, #magnetic, #mrfm, #mega_champions, and #mysteriousways. [ FILE ONE ] #ducttape - Appliance #yiffyiff - Dr. Dos #andoera - Ando [ FILE TWO ] #mrfm - Quantum P. #crackedskull - Ethan Hawke #magnetic - Zandor 12 [ FILE THREE ] #mega_champions - Clecky and dave2 #destiny - Aplsos [ FILE FOUR ] #mysteriousways - Jazzy #fuzzy_outcome - Kjorteo [ FILE FIVE ] #mobydick - some stupid idiot #pyramidhead - FSFunky #shadow - DarkShadow Thanks once again to all contributors. There are, of course, BOUND to be at least a few board connection errors. If you're a true player, you'll send me an e-mail at so I can fix it. Updates: 18/04/05 - Corrected two passage errors and a dark board in #destiny. Thanks Aplsos. 18/04/05 - Corrected a passage error in #yiffyiff. Thanks Dr. Dos. 05/07/05 - Added DarkShadow's missing channel, #shadow.