[22:18] * Ando has joined #penguin [22:18] your [22:18] hi [22:18] Hey [22:19] Thought that I wouldn't come, right? [22:19] ha ha [22:19] * dron changes topic to 'ANDO IS CAME!' [22:19] * dron sets mode: +v Ando [22:19] -dron- ando is come [22:20] * You were kicked by dron (ATTN!) [22:20] * Attempting to rejoin channel #penguin [22:20] * Rejoined channel #penguin [22:20] * Topic is 'ANDO IS CAME!' [22:20] * Set by dron!~what@pcp01840003pcs .owngsm01.md.comcast.net on Sun Nov 07 22:17:40 [22:20] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Zandor [22:20] Hi Ando [22:20] Hi [22:20] DRON GET OUT NOW [22:20] I MEAN [22:20] * dron was kicked by dron (/me falls over) [22:20] INTERVIEW [22:20] I just want to say [22:20] that my comp sometimes shuts off [22:20] automatically [22:20] So if I disapear all the sudden [22:21] I had a crappy Hewlett Packard for awhile. I was lucky if it would go 2 hours without rebooting [22:21] Just wait for me to come back, ok [22:21] I feel your pain [22:21] Really? [22:21] Yes [22:21] Sorry about that [22:21] A gypsy gave me a psychic link to you as punishment for taking her crystal ball [22:21] Say again? [22:21] again [22:21] Also how did you find ZZT [22:22] Good question. [22:22] Eh, I ask everybody [22:22] gotta start somewhere [22:22] When I was a sophmore [22:22] I became friends with a guy [22:22] Named Andrew Peet [22:22] He showed me Megazeux [22:22] I got into megazeux. [22:23] And I found that it was really complicated. [22:23] Although I did get better in time. [22:23] * services.oftc.net changes topic to 'what' [22:23] * Zandor changes topic to 'POTATO' [22:23] Andrew Peet is the younger brother of Graham Peet [22:23] Who made "Amnesia" for MZX [22:24] When I saw it [22:24] * services.oftc.net changes topic to 'BRITISH MANTRAIN!!!' [22:24] I was like, "No way in hell could I make something like this [22:24] So when I was about a junior in high school [22:24] I found ZZT [22:25] And I've been on and off of it ever since [22:25] I'm a junior in college now [22:25] I'm a freshman m'self [22:25] brb [22:25] phone call [22:25] Okay [22:26] I AM RETURN [22:26] Oh, good [22:26] So where did you get the name Ando from? [22:27] Well, my surname is Anderson [22:27] And there is a Japanese surname that is "Ando" [22:27] And I was born in Japan [22:28] I decided to make the switch [22:28] Ah. We all know the basic story: You come onto Z2, make a lot of posts, and get banned. Then Dr. Dos lets you back in if you make fewer posts, which you followed, and now almost everybody hates you. Is there anything important I'm missing or you would like to clarify? [22:28] I don't know what "Ando" means [22:28] That's about it. [22:29] Although I would probably be less hated [22:29] If I didn't mention that I have autism [22:29] Plus, not everyone hates me [22:29] * dron has joined #penguin [22:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +o dron [22:29] blargh [22:29] WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ZZT GAME! [22:29] * dron has left #penguin [22:30] My favorite game [22:30] Is pretty much [22:30] Well, I don't know [22:30] But I do like ry0's and viovis's games [22:30] Nadir is good with art, too [22:31] Back in my MZX days [22:31] I liked Luke Drelick's games [22:32] As well as Inmate's "CANS" series [22:32] YOU ARE IN A DARK ROOM. ON THREE PEDASTALS LIE THREE ORBS. ONE HAS THE REFLECTION OF YOUR MOTHER. ONE HAS THE REFLECTION OF A ROOM FULL OF GOLD AND PRECIOUS JEWELS. THE FINAL ORB HAS A PICTURE OF MONKEYS PLAYING SKEEBALL AND WINNING TICKETS WHICH THEY CAN REDEEM FOR FABULOUS PRIZES [22:32] WHICH ORB DO YOU DESTROY WITH YOUR HAMMER [22:32] I choose skeeball [22:32] IF YOU ANSWER WRONG A DRAGON WILL DESTROY CIVILIZATOIN [22:33] GOOD ANSWER [22:33] YOU WIN THE MONKEY'S TICKETS [22:33] What can I use the tickets for? [22:33] YOU CAN REDEEM FOR PRIZES [22:33] YOUR OPTIONS ARE [22:33] 1) Skeeball machine: 27500 tickets [22:34] 2) Foosball table: 12000 tickets [22:34] 3) Solid gold hovercraft: 45000 tickets [22:34] Your tickets: 47 [22:34] I'll just eat them [22:34] SOUNDS GOOD [22:35] Before you die from the poison ink on the tickets, what are your least favorite ZZT games? [22:35] I don't know [22:35] Maybe those games made by n00bs [22:35] SAME QUESTIONS, APPLIED TO CONSOLES [22:35] But you can't really blame them [22:36] I also don't know [22:36] Maybe Breath of Fire [22:36] BUSH OR KERRY OH WAIT THAT QUESTION ISN'T TOPICAL ANYMORE [22:36] I voted for Bush [22:36] I voted for Kerry [22:37] Why? [22:37] Because in North Dakota, Bush had over 60% of the votes, making mine absolutely worthless [22:37] Oh. [22:37] *insert something about Iraq here* [22:37] Where I'm from, Kerry wn. [22:37] Oh, Iraq? [22:38] We both cancelled each other out pefectly then. [22:38] Yeah, we did. [22:38] Kerry? which state [22:38] Oregon [22:38] WHAT IS YOUR FINAL STATEMENT! [22:38] It's over? [22:38] Yeah, I've got a sudden obligation [22:39] What's that? [22:39] Have to help somebody with a Calc project of ultimate doom that's due in the morning [22:39] Oh, well good luck [22:39] I suck at math [22:39] thx [22:40] It was nice talking to you. [22:40] also WHAT IS YOUR FINAL STATEMENT! [22:40] MEHNEH!!!!1111!!!!!11 [22:40] Thanks for your time, good sir! May we not be enemies the next time we meet [22:40] Hopefully [22:40] *Arbitrary end of interview here* [22:40] See you [22:41] * Ando has left #penguin [22:41] That was fun Session Close: Sun Nov 07 22:41:08 2004