$Jesus Christ, the Lord of all $Came to save Men from the Fall $Though Serpant crafty ruined the Earth $All that changed with Virgin Birth $Heir of David, the mighty and pure $He made the hope of Salvation sure $Son of God, the Holy One $Left His throne 'till task was done $As fortold by prophets long ago $His people Him wouldn't know $Raised a carpenter, something more $His mighty Father had in store $Many miracles did He perform $Many lives did He transform $Through miracles mighty and divine $As simple as changing water to wine $As great as raising from the dead $An old man with gray-crowned head $Though He ne'er did a wrong $He was betrayed by the throng $Then they Him crucified $And there they left Him to die $"Elo¨, Elo¨, lama sabachthani!" $Then He died, for you, for me $Three days later from the grave $He rose again, our souls to save $If you will now call to Him $And admit your sins so grim $He will save you from the Fire; $Save your soul from judgement dire $He'll love thee through Eternity $And mold ye how thou ought to be $Then, true happiness at last can be known $As gladly thoust kneels before His throne $ś Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä ś $I gave, I gave My all for thee $Oh, what hast thou done for Me? $ś Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä ś