TITLE: ZZTV #10 GENRE: Magazine Compiled by Commodore Including entries by Quantum P, Dr.Dos, Nupanick, Kjorteo, Archangel, Surlent, RobP, r0ms, Violet, nondescript, and Erif Snatas. Well, patience is a virtue right? Ahem. Anyway, this ZZTV is long overdue (5>years). The text files included (other than this one) are for Surlent's channel. Content warning: ZZTV contributions were not edited for content, they are presented as is, without censorship, for better or for worse. I am not responsible (nor do I advocate) any channel here. If you are or ever have been offended, get bent. Now accepting submissions for ZZTV #11! jddgames&yahoo.c0m