Train to Machu Picchu The train ride from Cusco to Machu Picchu is refreshingly scenic. The morning train is generally filled with tourists who are curious to see for themselves the mystique of one of the most spectacular wonders of the world. The train winds its way through the Urubamba River Valley, which is also known as the Sacred Valley of the Incas. Many tourists have enjoyed this scenic train ride as much as the visit at the ruins! You won't see many roads or cars, but you will catch glimpses of Peruvian Qechua Indian culture being maintained in the rolling uplands and small villages alongside. All of the homes are made of adobe clay, the agriculture is well organized, and the Andes mountains present themselves in dynamic poses. At several of the stops, you may be heralded by local craftspeople selling their hand made goods. You're especially likely to pick up a good bargain at these brief stops. There are many towns with ruins of great historical significance for those interested in the life of the Incas, but we will continue our journey to Machu Picchu, celebrated as "The Lost City of the Incas." The train does not take you to the site itself. At the Machu Picchu train station, you will then get on a bus, and get ready for one of the most hair raising mountain rides you can imagine!