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File Comment
    MONSTER MEDIA `93 CD-ROM   *   BOOK ONE   *   JANUARY 01 - APRIL 30, `93
                    The ONLY CD-ROM Disc You'll EVER Need!
        All Files Have Been Tested With McAfee's Virus Scanner 915 v104
   NO Duplicate Files - Only the LATEST Versions - Full-Featured File Viewer
400+ Megs of Files Written/Created/Updated During the FIRST Four Months of 1993
    NEW Release Three Times a Year Containing ONLY the Previous Four Months
                    --== 100% NEW files - NO Duplicates ==--
    Monster Media `93                             the Disk Jockey's HOTLINE!
    P.O. Box 326                                  FidoNet: 1:120/288
    Troy, MI 48099-0326                           (313) 541-8285
   $39.95  *  Orders/FAX Number - (313) 547-8160  *  Dealer Inquiries Welcome

Text (19)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
2ACT Text File 23 449b 1991-10-05
2ACT.CFG Text File 26 2KB 1993-01-16
2ACT.DOC Text File 1,305 54KB 1993-01-16
2ACT.NAM Text File 1 156b 1991-10-06
ANYDOOR Text File 6 46b 1991-10-05
BRDM Text File 21 1KB 1991-09-11
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 9 335b 1993-01-16
HISTORY.DOC Text File 96 5KB 1993-01-19
KEYSTUFF Text File 2 6b 1991-10-26
LEFTOUT.DOC Text File 109 5KB 1993-01-16
LOCKED.MSG Text File 3 153b 1991-09-29
NEWGUY.MSG Text File 9 372b 1991-10-01
NOGOOD.MSG Text File 2 69b 1991-09-28
NOTALLOW.MSG Text File 3 112b 1991-09-29
PCBTEXT Text File 1 49KB 1991-11-29
POLYM1 Text File 18 918b 1992-09-13
READ.ME Text File 8 301b 1993-01-16
REGISTER.DOC Text File 91 3KB 1993-01-16
SECOND.BAT DOS Batch File 14 221b 1991-10-05

Other Files (5)
2ACT.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 60KB 1993-01-19
2ACTADD.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 43KB 1993-01-03
2ACTSM.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 50KB 1993-01-10
DOC.PRF Unknown 313b 1993-01-19
PCBSYS.HLD Unknown 236b 1991-08-27