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File Comment
  This file was leeched from...
  The ACiD
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Images (42)

Text (10)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
(ANSI) Text File 3 77b 1997-06-02
(CODE) Text File 3 77b 1997-06-02
(CRAP) Text File 3 77b 1997-06-02
(INFO) Text File 3 77b 1997-06-02
(LIT!) Text File 3 77b 1997-06-02
(RIPS) Text File 3 77b 1997-06-02
(VGAS) Text File 3 77b 1997-06-02
AP-CSSRL.LIT Text File 20 574b 1997-05-11
DOXVIEW.DOC Text File 202 8KB 1997-03-10
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 24 891b 1997-05-17

Other Files (9)
DOX!APP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 42KB 1997-02-23
DOXVIEW.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 43KB 1997-03-10
AP-3WORD.LIT Unknown 474b 1997-05-11
AP-HASIA.LIT Unknown 416b 1997-05-09
AP-LEAVE.LIT Unknown 438b 1997-05-09
AP-NOTHI.LIT Unknown 410b 1997-05-09
AP-PAPER.LIT Unknown 776b 1997-05-09
AP-ROSE.LIT Unknown 554b 1997-05-09
AP-SHARD.LIT Unknown 924b 1997-05-09