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File Comment
  This file was leeched from...
  The ACiD
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Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
XM-FRQTG.ZIP PKZip Archive 6 9KB 1997-06-05

Images (71)

Audio & Music (6)
DARKVIEW.VOC Creative Voice 5s 64KB 1997-06-05
Frozen Concentrated O.J. Impulse Tracker Module 1m9s 242KB 1997-06-05
Animal Suffrage Scream Tracker Module 1m27s 141KB 1997-06-05
Melody (of my heart) Extended Module 6m7s 447KB 1997-06-05
MOBY-04.S3M Scream Tracker Module 3m52s 322KB 1997-06-05
MOBY-05.S3M Scream Tracker Module 5m45s 465KB 1997-06-05

Text (54)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
-ANSI---.--- Text File 2,510 61KB 1997-06-05
-ASCII--.--- Text File 110 4KB 1997-06-05
-INTRO--.--- Text File 19 732b 1997-06-05
-LIT----.--- Text File 50 2KB 1997-06-05
-MUSIC--.--- Text File 330 15KB 1997-06-05
-UTILS--.--- Text File 14 780b 1997-06-05
-VGA----.--- Text File 78 2KB 1997-06-05
AG-BREAK.LIT Text File 47 1KB 1997-06-05
AG-BUSS.LIT Text File 9 540b 1997-06-05
AG-CEIL.LIT Text File 18 998b 1997-06-05
AG-DEB.LIT Text File 8 320b 1997-06-05
AG-DINN.LIT Text File 23 692b 1997-06-05
AG-DISSE.LIT Text File 9 405b 1997-06-05
AG-MIL.LIT Text File 44 2KB 1997-06-05
AG-SAP.LIT Text File 25 617b 1997-06-05
AG-SOMET.LIT Text File 56 1KB 1997-06-05
BB-GENER.LIT Text File 24 703b 1997-06-05
BB-PLAST.LIT Text File 46 1KB 1997-06-05
BB-REVFU.LIT Text File 35 2KB 1997-06-05
BB-UNFI.LIT Text File 29 824b 1997-06-05
BS-3NAME.LIT Text File 31 518b 1997-06-05
BS-CLAY.LIT Text File 18 733b 1997-06-05
BS-WATER.LIT Text File 43 980b 1997-06-05
CK-SYLPH.LIT Text File 30 844b 1997-06-05
CT-COMMO.LIT Text File 23 750b 1997-06-05
CT-DESTG.LIT Text File 22 743b 1997-06-05
CT-ISOBE.LIT Text File 84 5KB 1997-06-05
CT-SET.LIT Text File 33 2KB 1997-06-05
CTFOSM-C.LIT Text File 60 3KB 1997-06-05
DARK-FAQ.186 Text File 616 31KB 1997-06-05
DARK0597.MEM Text File 381 24KB 1997-06-05
DARK0597.NFO Text File 818 51KB 1997-06-05
DARKVIEW.DOC Text File 238 9KB 1997-06-05
DISCO-01.DRK Text File 68 4KB 1997-06-05
DISCO-02.DRK Text File 68 4KB 1997-06-05
DISCO-03.DRK Text File 9 4KB 1997-06-05
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 9 385b 1997-06-05
HI-OOT.LIT Text File 30 766b 1997-06-05
HI-STORY.LIT Text File 119 8KB 1997-06-05
JO-REQUI.LIT Text File 43 835b 1997-06-05
MASK-03.DRK Text File 27 6KB 1997-06-05
RE-BIRD.LIT Text File 29 593b 1997-06-05
SA-AFA.LIT Text File 24 697b 1997-06-05
SA-DEATM.LIT Text File 71 2KB 1997-06-05
SA-LIPS.LIT Text File 48 1KB 1997-06-05
SA-LOVE.LIT Text File 32 651b 1997-06-05
SA-QUIET.LIT Text File 35 756b 1997-06-05
SA-SILEN.LIT Text File 8 272b 1997-06-05
SA-SUNSU.LIT Text File 23 519b 1997-06-05
ZR-GRASS.LIT Text File 13 496b 1997-06-05
ZY-27MAR.LIT Text File 21 789b 1997-06-05
ZY-INSEC.LIT Text File 25 777b 1997-06-05
ZY-KYOTO.LIT Text File 29 896b 1997-06-05
ZY-ONEGA.LIT Text File 24 834b 1997-06-05

Other Files (6)
DARKGEN2.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 45KB 1997-06-05
DARKVIEW.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 169KB 1997-06-05
DARKVIEW.DAT Unknown 16KB 1997-06-05
DISCO-04.ASC Unknown 1KB 1997-06-05
XMTRX-05.DRK Unknown 2KB 1997-06-05
YT-DARK.ASC Unknown 1KB 1997-06-05