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Jump To: Archive (19)  |  Image (2)  |  Text (6)  |  Other (2)

Archives (19)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
CISPPP.TX_ MS Compress Archive 1 691b 1995-06-02
COMPUSRV.TX_ MS Compress Archive 1 553b 1995-06-02
ISI.FO_ MS Compress Archive 1 33KB 1995-08-05
ISIPRINT.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 14KB 1995-07-10
ISISTAT.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 4KB 1995-08-18
KEY.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 3KB 1995-05-07
LICENSE.HL_ MS Compress Archive 1 10KB 1995-07-10
LOCALNET.TX_ MS Compress Archive 1 396b 1995-05-24
MODEMS.IN_ MS Compress Archive 1 11KB 1995-05-05
NEOSOFT.TX_ MS Compress Archive 1 396b 1995-05-02
NEOSOFT1.TX_ MS Compress Archive 1 803b 1995-06-02
NETEDIT.C_ MS Compress Archive 1 950b 1995-08-06
NETPRINT._ MS Compress Archive 1 126b 1995-08-04
NETTERM.EX_ MS Compress Archive 1 110KB 1995-08-20
NETTERM.HL_ MS Compress Archive 1 49KB 1995-08-20
ORDER.WR_ MS Compress Archive 1 3KB 1995-08-19
UNIX.TX_ MS Compress Archive 1 143b 1995-05-02
WSCREEN.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 19KB 1995-08-20
WTOOLBAR.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 8KB 1995-08-17

Images (2)

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 10 447b 1996-01-23
NETTERM.INI INI File 625 10KB 1995-08-12
PACKING Text File 24 1KB 1995-08-21
README Text File 90 4KB 1995-08-19
SETUP.IN INI File 39 2KB 1995-08-21
SETUP.INF INI File 17 284b 1995-08-19

Other Files (2)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
C3D.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 1 25KB 1994-08-23
SETUP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2 48KB 1995-07-18