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Jump To: Archive (3)  |  Image (11)  |  Text (27)  |  Other (3)

Archives (3)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
DUTCH.ZIP PKZip Archive 20 14KB 1995-07-08
FRENCH.ZIP PKZip Archive 13 9KB 1995-04-12
MAXIMUS.ZIP PKZip Archive 4 11KB 1995-07-15

Images (11)

Text (27)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ADDRERR.ASC Text File 21 1KB 1995-09-09
ADDRHELP.ASC Text File 44 3KB 1995-09-09
APPEND.TXT Text File 5 242b 1995-08-23
BADADDR.ASC Text File 20 1KB 1995-09-09
BADADDR.CTL Text File 18 774b 1995-08-23
BBS-TIPS.DOC Text File 276 12KB 1995-09-09
CCINFO.TXT Text File 23 1KB 1995-08-23
EDHELP1.ASC Text File 26 2KB 1995-08-23
EDHELP2.ASC Text File 27 2KB 1995-09-09
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 9 376b 1996-01-12
FULLBOOK.ASC Text File 14 341b 1995-08-23
HISTORY.DOC Text File 118 6KB 1995-09-09
INET.ASC Text File 21 2KB 1995-09-09
INET.CFG Text File 472 21KB 1995-09-09
INET.DOC Text File 1,460 62KB 1995-09-09
INETHELP.ASC Text File 21 1KB 1995-09-09
LANGUAGE.DOC Text File 6 372b 1995-08-23
NOADDR.ASC Text File 21 687b 1995-08-23
NOCREDIT.ASC Text File 16 463b 1995-08-23
NOPUBLIC.ASC Text File 26 364b 1995-08-23
README.1ST Text File 146 6KB 1995-08-23
REPLYCHK.BAT DOS Batch File 37 673b 1995-08-23
REPLYCHK.CFG Text File 187 9KB 1995-08-23
REPLYCHK.DOC Text File 850 34KB 1995-09-09
REPLYCHK.NEW Text File 229 11KB 1995-08-23
SAMPLE.CFG Text File 473 21KB 1995-09-09
UUCPHELP.DOC Text File 187 8KB 1995-08-23

Other Files (3)
INET.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 100KB 1995-09-07
INETUTIL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 136KB 1995-08-23
REPLYCHK.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 77KB 1995-08-23