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/ ASP Advantage 1996 June / aspcd9606.iso / programs / educaton / 1phonics.zip

Jump To: Image (51)  |  Audio (123)  |  Text (10)  |  Other (23)

File Comment
Type GO to start the PHONICS SYSTEM.

Images (51)

Audio & Music (123)
A.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
AD.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
ALMOST.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-08-25
ALRIGHT.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 8KB 1994-08-25
AN.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
ANNCAN.DAR Creative Voice 1s 18KB 1994-08-25
AS.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
AT.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
AW.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
B.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
BAT.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
BS.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
BW.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 8KB 1994-08-25
BYE.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
C.DAR Creative Voice 0.10s 10KB 1994-08-25
CAN.DAR Creative Voice 0.05s 4KB 1994-08-25
CAT.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
CLAP.DAR Creative Voice 2s 22KB 1994-08-25
CORRECT.DAR Creative Voice 0.05s 4KB 1994-08-25
CS.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
CW.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
D.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 9KB 1994-08-25
DAD.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
DADHAD.DAR Creative Voice 1s 18KB 1994-08-25
DAN.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
DS.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
DW.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
E.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
ES.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-08-25
EW.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 9KB 1994-08-25
F.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
FIND.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
FS.DAR Creative Voice 1s 7KB 1994-08-25
FW.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
G.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
GIGGLE.DAR Creative Voice 1s 11KB 1994-08-25
GOOD.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
GREAT.DAR Creative Voice 0.05s 4KB 1994-08-25
GS.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
GW.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 9KB 1994-08-25
H.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
HAD.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
HAT.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-08-25
HS.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 5KB 1994-08-25
HW.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-08-25
I.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-08-25
INTRO.CMF Creative Music Format 1m7s 1KB 1994-08-25
INTRO.DAR Creative Voice 2s 25KB 1994-08-25
IS.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
IW.DAR Creative Voice 0.10s 10KB 1994-08-25
J.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
JAN.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-08-25
JANRAN.DAR Creative Voice 2s 22KB 1994-08-25
JS.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
JW.DAR Creative Voice 0.10s 10KB 1994-08-25
K.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
KS.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
KW.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 8KB 1994-08-25
L.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
LS.DAR Creative Voice 0.10s 9KB 1994-08-25
LW.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
M.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
MAT.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
MS.DAR Creative Voice 1s 10KB 1994-08-25
MUSIC.CMF Creative Music Format 1m50s 8KB 1994-08-25
MW.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
N.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-08-25
NIGHT.DAR Creative Voice 1s 13KB 1994-08-25
NS.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
NW.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
O.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
OOPS.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
OS.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
OW.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-08-25
P.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
PAT.DAR Creative Voice 0.05s 5KB 1994-08-25
PERFECT.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
PRESS.DAR Creative Voice 2s 37KB 1994-08-25
PS.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
PW.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
Q.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
QS.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-08-25
QW.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 9KB 1994-08-25
R.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-08-25
RAN.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
RS.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
RW.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 9KB 1994-08-25
S.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
SAT.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
SAYIT.DAR Creative Voice 1s 11KB 1994-08-25
SEEYA.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
SS.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 8KB 1994-08-25
SUPER.DAR Creative Voice 1s 15KB 1994-08-25
SW.DAR Creative Voice 1s 10KB 1994-08-25
T.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
TAN.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
THANKYOU.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-08-25
THATIT.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 5KB 1994-08-25
TRYAGAIN.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
TS.DAR Creative Voice 0.06s 6KB 1994-08-25
TW.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
U.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-08-25
US.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
UW.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 9KB 1994-08-25
V.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-08-25
VS.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-08-25
VW.DAR Creative Voice 0.10s 9KB 1994-08-25
W.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-08-25
WAYTOGO.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 9KB 1994-08-25
WHICH.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 9KB 1994-08-25
WS.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
WW.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 8KB 1994-08-25
X.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-08-25
XS.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-08-25
XW.DAR Creative Voice 0.10s 10KB 1994-08-25
Y.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
YEA.DAR Creative Voice 1s 11KB 1994-08-25
YOUGOTIT.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 6KB 1994-08-25
YS.DAR Creative Voice 0.07s 7KB 1994-08-25
YW.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
Z.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 8KB 1994-08-25
ZS.DAR Creative Voice 0.08s 7KB 1994-08-25
ZW.DAR Creative Voice 0.09s 8KB 1994-08-25

Text (10)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
1P.BAT DOS Batch File 2 20b 1994-08-25
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 8 327b 1994-08-25
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 2 20b 1994-08-25
ORDER.TXT Text File 56 3KB 1994-08-25
README.TXT Text File 24 1KB 1994-08-25
RUN.BAT DOS Batch File 2 20b 1994-08-25
START.BAT DOS Batch File 2 20b 1994-08-25
VENDOR.TXT Text File 45 2KB 1994-08-25
VOC-PC.TMP Text File 1 21b 1994-08-25
VOC.TMP Text File 1 20b 1994-08-25

Other Files (23)
1PHONICS.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 21KB 1994-08-25
CLEAN.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 29KB 1994-08-25
CLEAR.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 23KB 1994-08-25
DELAY.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4KB 1994-08-25
DEMO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 9KB 1994-08-25
GTEXT.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 10KB 1994-08-25
INSTALL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3KB 1994-08-25
KEY.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 7KB 1994-08-25
KEYIN.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 7KB 1994-08-25
MUSIC.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 6KB 1994-08-25
PLAY-CMF.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 6KB 1994-08-25
PLAY.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 21KB 1994-08-25
PLAY1.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 19KB 1994-08-25
PRODUCTS.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 5KB 1994-08-25
README.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 583b 1994-08-25
SAY-PC.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2KB 1994-08-25
SAY-SB.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 26KB 1994-08-25
SAY.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 26KB 1994-08-25
SBFMDRV.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 6KB 1994-08-25
SETUP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2KB 1994-08-25
SHOW.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 22KB 1994-08-25
STOP-CMF.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3KB 1994-08-25
VOC_SHOW.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 45KB 1994-08-25