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/ Utility 1995: Windows Files / utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso / sounds / vthing10.zip

File Comment
│     Chicago Computer Broker - 500 W. Golf Road Mt Prospect, IL 60056 -     │
│      This File Has Passed Automated Virus & File Integrity Procedures      │
│FileName   │FileSize │FileDate│ File Description                            │
VTHING10.ZIP   216250  08-26-92  Voc Thing Version 1.0: Excellent .Voc File
                               | Sound Player With a Light-Sided Approach.
                               | Some Interesting and Funny Voc's Included.
                               | Sound Blaster Required. Uncrippled Shareware.
                               | (Newest File Date: 08-23-92)

Audio & Music (6)
CANTGTUP.VOC Creative Voice 2s 21KB 1990-10-31
CHUCK2.VOC Creative Voice 2s 31KB 1992-04-18
CRAZYG.VOC Creative Voice 3s 39KB 1992-08-09
CYLON.VOC Creative Voice 1s 14KB 1991-02-18
DISKINS.VOC Creative Voice 1s 41KB 1992-06-13
GOAHEAD.VOC Creative Voice 2s 27KB 1980-01-01

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 5 178b 1992-08-23
REGISTER.FRM Text File 57 2KB 1992-08-23
VENDOR.DOC Text File 55 2KB 1992-08-23
VT.DOC Text File 247 9KB 1992-08-23

Other Files (1)
VT.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 133KB 1992-08-23