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/ Utility 1995: Windows Files / utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso / screen / condor40.zip

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File Comment
│    Chicago Computer Broker - 500 W. Golf Road, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056      │
│      This File Has Passed Automated Virus & File Integrity Procedures      │
│FileName   │FileSize │FileDate│ File Description                            │
CONDOR40.ZIP   178752  02-07-94  Condor - is a replacement for ANSI.SYS that
                               | enables you to create 640x480 pixel bitmap
                               | style graphics from DOS or from any program
                               | that uses DOS CON: for text output. It also
                               | includes Condor Paint, a menu and graphics
                               | creator for use with Condor. Requires
                               | CGA/EGA/VGA monitor.
                               | (Newest File Date: 08-18-93)

Images (1)

Text (34)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ACCESS.BAT DOS Batch File 11 394b 1993-07-18
AN_CON.R18 Text File 21 743b 1993-07-31
B0.BAT DOS Batch File 3 32b 1993-07-28
B1.BAT DOS Batch File 3 33b 1993-07-28
B2.BAT DOS Batch File 3 32b 1993-07-28
B3.BAT DOS Batch File 3 34b 1993-07-30
B4.BAT DOS Batch File 2 15b 1993-07-31
BIG_KEY.TXT Text File 35 1KB 1993-07-27
COM-AND.TXT Text File 32 1KB 1993-07-27
CONDOR.DOC Text File 1,263 47KB 1993-07-28
CPAINT.DOC Text File 529 26KB 1993-07-27
DEMO.BAT DOS Batch File 5 57b 1993-07-31
END.R14 Text File 45 3KB 1993-07-31
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 9 285b 1980-01-07
GIFCLIP.DOC Text File 25 1KB 1993-07-27
HOW_TO.TXT Text File 123 5KB 1993-07-27
LICENSE.DOC Text File 34 1KB 1993-07-27
LOCK.BAT DOS Batch File 14 701b 1993-07-13
LOGIN.CDI Text File 27 948b 1993-08-08
LOGOFF.CDI Text File 64 4KB 1993-08-14
MAIN.CDI Text File 52 3KB 1993-08-17
MOR.BAT DOS Batch File 2 15b 1993-07-31
MOR.R19 Text File 4 83b 1993-07-31
P&C.R13 Text File 18 879b 1993-07-28
PIBTERM.TXT Text File 36 1KB 1993-07-27
PLANET.R13 Text File 26 1KB 1993-07-28
PRINTDOC.BAT DOS Batch File 11 246b 1993-07-27
README.NOW Text File 188 8KB 1993-07-31
RESET.BAT DOS Batch File 3 69b 1992-12-22
SO_GOOD.R16 Text File 74 5KB 1993-07-30
STORY_BK.R18 Text File 246 14KB 1993-07-30
UNLOCK.BAT DOS Batch File 11 508b 1993-07-19
VBBSMOD.TXT Text File 336 9KB 1993-08-18
WABBIT.R16 Text File 93 4KB 1993-07-28

Other Files (4)
CONDOR.SYS MS-DOS/Windows Executable 48KB 1993-07-27
CPAINT.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 42KB 1993-07-27
GFABASIC.OVL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 94KB 1992-05-21
GIFCLP11.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 9KB 1993-07-18