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File Comment
       ┌┐┌┐┌│ ┌┐┌┐  ││┬┌┐  ┌┐┬┌┐│┬││┬  ┌│┌┐ ┬  ┌┐┌┐┌│ ┌┐├┐┌┐┌┐│┌┐┌│
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Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
DRIVERS.TXT Text File 75 2KB 1991-05-22
INSTALL.HLP Text File 278 9KB 1991-05-16
INSTALL.SCR Text File 38 810b 1991-05-22
INSTALL.TXT Text File 162 4KB 1991-05-20
LL5.BAT DOS Batch File 4 35b 1991-05-22
RESOURCE.CFG Text File 7 148b 1991-05-30

Other Files (18)
ADL.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 8KB 1991-03-15
CMS.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 4KB 1991-05-14
IBMKBD.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 537b 1991-02-27
IBMPS1.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 4KB 1991-05-14
INSTALL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 56KB 1991-05-21
MT32.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1991-03-01
MTBLAST.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 4KB 1991-03-01
SIERRA.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 108KB 1991-05-17
SNDBLAST.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 10KB 1991-04-01
STD.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 1KB 1991-04-23
TANDY.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 4KB 1991-05-14
TANDY3V.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 4KB 1991-05-14
TANDYKBD.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 563b 1991-03-14
TANDYXL.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 4KB 1991-04-02
VGA320.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 4KB 1991-05-06
VGA320BW.DRV MS-DOS COM Executable 4KB 1991-05-06
RESOURCE.001 Unknown 531KB 1991-05-29
RESOURCE.MAP Unknown 504b 1991-05-29