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Text (65)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ASCII.CMM Text File 20 559b 1994-03-08
BATTMEM.CMM Text File 179 6KB 1994-03-04
BOOTED1.CMM Text File 61 2KB 1994-03-08
BOOTED2.CMM Text File 29 1KB 1994-03-08
BORDER.CMM Text File 31 681b 1994-03-04
BUGHUNT.CMM Text File 74 3KB 1994-03-08
CENVI.DOC Text File 1,014 54KB 1994-03-09
CENVILIB.DOC Text File 567 29KB 1994-03-09
CLIPBRD.LIB Text File 130 5KB 1994-03-08
CMM_VS_C.DOC Text File 401 17KB 1994-03-09
CMMEDIT.CMM Text File 409 16KB 1994-03-04
CMMGROUP.CMM Text File 105 4KB 1994-03-08
CMMTUTOR.DOC Text File 1,032 44KB 1994-03-09
COMM.LIB Text File 464 21KB 1994-03-08
DDE.LIB Text File 244 8KB 1994-03-08
DDECLI.LIB Text File 448 18KB 1994-03-08
DDESRV.LIB Text File 11 160b 1994-03-08
DLGCTRL.LIB Text File 241 9KB 1994-03-08
DOSTIME.CMM Text File 30 997b 1994-03-08
EXAMINEW.CMM Text File 255 9KB 1994-03-08
FIBONACC.CMM Text File 33 1KB 1994-03-04
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 12 355b 1994-03-09
FRANTICK.CMM Text File 43 1KB 1994-03-04
GDI.CMM Text File 70 2KB 1994-03-08
GDI.LIB Text File 50 1KB 1994-03-08
HELLO.CMM Text File 10 351b 1994-03-04
HEXDUMP.CMM Text File 105 3KB 1994-03-08
ICONS.CMM Text File 8 268b 1994-03-08
IDLETIME.CMM Text File 157 5KB 1994-03-08
INSTALL.CMM Text File 303 11KB 1994-03-04
KEYCODE.CMM Text File 11 376b 1994-03-08
KEYGHOST.CMM Text File 56 2KB 1994-03-08
KEYPUSH.LIB Text File 407 15KB 1994-03-08
LICENSE.DOC Text File 105 6KB 1994-03-09
MENUCTRL.LIB Text File 229 9KB 1994-03-08
MESSAGE.LIB Text File 194 7KB 1994-03-08
MSGBOX.LIB Text File 61 4KB 1994-03-08
MSGBOXES.CMM Text File 30 1KB 1994-03-08
NUMLOCK.CMM Text File 12 316b 1994-03-08
OPENCMM.CMM Text File 16 496b 1994-03-08
OPTPARMS.LIB Text File 70 2KB 1994-03-08
PGROUPS.CMM Text File 40 1KB 1994-03-08
PICKFILE.LIB Text File 60 3KB 1994-03-08
PMCORNER.CMM Text File 27 904b 1994-03-08
PMITEMS.CMM Text File 339 10KB 1994-03-08
PONGTIME.CMM Text File 107 4KB 1994-03-08
PROFILE.LIB Text File 119 5KB 1994-03-08
PROGMAN.LIB Text File 314 13KB 1994-03-08
QUOTE.CMM Text File 42 2KB 1994-03-08
README.DOC Text File 154 7KB 1994-03-09
REGISTER.DOC Text File 106 5KB 1994-03-09
RUNTIME.CMM Text File 60 2KB 1994-03-08
SERVEOS2.CMM Text File 309 13KB 1994-03-08
TERMINAL.CMM Text File 79 3KB 1994-03-08
WHORYOU.CMM Text File 323 13KB 1994-03-08
WINBEEP.CMM Text File 11 515b 1994-03-08
WINDOW.LIB Text File 378 13KB 1994-03-08
WINEXEC.LIB Text File 34 2KB 1994-03-08
WINEXECS.CMM Text File 29 1KB 1994-03-08
WINLIST.CMM Text File 30 861b 1994-03-08
WINMSG.CMM Text File 29 913b 1994-03-08
WINSHELL.BAT DOS Batch File 40 1KB 1994-03-08
WINTOOLS.CMM Text File 95 3KB 1994-03-08
WINTOOLS.LIB Text File 461 18KB 1994-03-08
WINUTIL.LIB Text File 51 2KB 1994-03-08

Other Files (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
CENVI.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 167KB 1994-03-08