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/ Mustang 4 / Mustang_No4_Sharewares.iso / mustang / w_apps2 / unicon14.zip

File Comment
║ This zip file has been tested for viruses using the latest       ║
║ version of SCAN.                                                 ║
║                                                                  ║
║ To unzip the data use : PKUNZIP -d zipfile                       ║
║                                                                  ║
║ Most of the programs on this CD-ROM are shareware. Please show   ║
║ your support for the authors by registering as a user of any     ║
║ programs that you find useful                                    ║

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CONSTANT.DAT Comma Seperated Value File 31 924b 1993-12-01
CUSTOM.DAT Text File 56 1KB 1993-12-07
README.TXT Text File 58 2KB 1994-01-03
UNICON.DAT Text File 327 8KB 1993-12-02

Other Files (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
UNICON.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 20KB 1993-12-07