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/ Mustang 4 / Mustang_No4_Sharewares.iso / mustang / sblaster / playd12.zip

Jump To: Audio (2)  |  Text (21)  |  Other (4)

File Comment
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║ To unzip the data use : PKUNZIP -d zipfile                       ║
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║ Most of the programs on this CD-ROM are shareware. Please show   ║
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║ programs that you find useful                                    ║

Audio & Music (2)
  GM.IBK Creative Labs Instrument Bank 3KB 1993-11-02
  GMDRUM.IBK Creative Labs Instrument Bank 3KB 1993-11-02

Text (21)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
API.DOC Text File 536 20KB 1993-11-02
CONTENTS.DOC Text File 41 1KB 1993-11-02
GRASP.DOC Text File 197 8KB 1993-11-02
LICENSE.DOC Text File 38 2KB 1993-11-02
MIDI_MM.TXT Text File 293 7KB 1993-11-02
MIDI.INC Text File 40 1KB 1993-11-02
MIDI.TXT Text File 286 7KB 1993-11-02
MLIB_BAS.DOC Text File 216 6KB 1993-11-02
MLIB_C.DOC Text File 229 6KB 1993-11-02
MLIB_PAS.DOC Text File 247 7KB 1993-11-02
MLIB.BI Text File 34 1KB 1993-11-02
MLIB.C C/C++ Source or Header 393 7KB 1993-11-02
MLIB.H C/C++ Source or Header 86 2KB 1993-11-02
MLIB.PAS Pascal/Delphi Source File 405 9KB 1993-11-02
MLIB.QB Text File 360 7KB 1993-11-02
MLIB.VB Text File 355 7KB 1993-11-02
PLAYD.BAT DOS Batch File 6 146b 1993-11-02
PLAYD.DOC Text File 195 8KB 1993-11-02
PLAYREXT.ASM Assembly Source File 55 792b 1993-11-02
PLAYREXT.H C/C++ Source or Header 5 93b 1993-11-02
PRC.DOC Text File 51 2KB 1993-11-02

Other Files (4)
PDSETUP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 15KB 1993-11-02
PLAYD_FM.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 34KB 1993-11-02
PLAYD_MI.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 35KB 1993-11-02
PRC.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 8KB 1993-11-02