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Text (75)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AIRHORSE.LS Text File 37 934b 1993-12-08
AXIS.LS Text File 44 2KB 1993-11-22
BOP00.LS Text File 10 196b 1993-11-22
BOP01.LS Text File 14 324b 1993-11-22
BOP02.LS Text File 11 230b 1993-11-22
BOP03.LS Text File 9 172b 1993-11-22
BOP04.LS Text File 11 286b 1993-11-22
BOP05.LS Text File 10 219b 1993-11-22
BOP06.LS Text File 9 191b 1993-11-22
BOP07.LS Text File 25 338b 1993-11-22
BOP08.LS Text File 19 234b 1993-12-12
BOP09.LS Text File 16 231b 1994-01-03
BOP10.LS Text File 16 344b 1994-01-03
DINOFLY.LS Text File 41 1KB 1993-12-08
DISTANT.BAT DOS Batch File 36 920b 1993-12-08
FERN.LS Text File 28 619b 1993-11-22
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 15 490b 1994-02-06
FLOWER.LS Text File 13 217b 1993-11-22
FRACT00.LS Text File 10 250b 1993-11-22
FRACT01.LS Text File 19 329b 1993-11-22
FRACT02.LS Text File 10 146b 1993-11-22
FRACT03.LS Text File 9 133b 1993-11-22
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 13 251b 1994-01-18
HANGPL.LS Text File 22 506b 1994-02-05
L.CMF Text File 11 171b 1994-02-06
L.PAL Text File 13 264b 1992-04-12
L.RC1 Text File 52 2KB 1994-02-06
LEAF01.LS Text File 16 259b 1994-01-31
LEAVES.LS Text File 20 344b 1994-01-26
LPARSER.TXT Text File 400 18KB 1994-02-07
LSYS00.LS Text File 15 277b 1993-11-22
LSYS01.LS Text File 15 287b 1993-11-22
LSYS02.LS Text File 13 255b 1993-11-22
LSYS03.LS Text File 15 257b 1993-11-22
LSYS04.LS Text File 18 322b 1993-11-22
LSYS05.LS Text File 11 180b 1993-11-22
LSYS06.LS Text File 13 217b 1993-12-01
LSYS07.LS Text File 13 199b 1993-11-22
LSYS08.LS Text File 13 249b 1993-11-22
LSYS09.LS Text File 20 284b 1993-11-22
LSYS10.LS Text File 15 262b 1993-11-22
LV2POVID.CFG Text File 4 21b 1993-11-22
LV2POVID.TXT Text File 188 8KB 1994-02-06
LVIEWER.TXT Text File 239 10KB 1994-02-01
MUTATE.BAT DOS Batch File 41 813b 1993-12-08
PASSIE.LS Text File 51 2KB 1994-01-22
PLANT01.LS Text File 16 342b 1994-02-05
README Text File 152 7KB 1994-02-07
RENDERST.TXT Text File 55 3KB 1994-02-01
SETUP1.POV Text File 51 2KB 1993-11-22
SETUP2.POV Text File 30 592b 1993-11-22
SETUP3.POV Text File 111 2KB 1993-11-22
SHELL00.LS Text File 14 197b 1994-01-03
SHELL01.LS Text File 16 294b 1994-01-03
SHELL02.LS Text File 14 201b 1994-01-03
SPIDER.LS Text File 40 1KB 1993-12-08
SPIRAL00.LS Text File 12 203b 1993-11-22
SPIRAL01.LS Text File 10 145b 1993-11-22
SPIRAL02.LS Text File 8 159b 1993-11-22
SPIRAL03.LS Text File 14 215b 1993-11-22
SPIRAL04.LS Text File 21 287b 1993-11-22
STREET1.LS Text File 25 316b 1993-11-22
TREE00.LS Text File 38 829b 1993-11-22
TREE01.LS Text File 18 378b 1993-11-22
TREE02.LS Text File 19 199b 1993-11-22
TREE03.LS Text File 17 242b 1993-11-22
TREE04.LS Text File 16 274b 1993-11-22
TREE05.LS Text File 19 259b 1993-11-22
TREE06.LS Text File 16 318b 1993-11-22
TREE07.LS Text File 15 215b 1993-11-22
TREE08.LS Text File 23 395b 1993-11-22
TREE09.LS Text File 30 581b 1993-11-22
TREE10.LS Text File 25 291b 1993-11-22
TREE11.LS Text File 29 393b 1993-11-22
TROPISM.LS Text File 20 577b 1993-11-22

Other Files (13)
DOS4GW.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 241KB 1993-11-22
LPARSER.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 112KB 1994-01-19
LV2POVID.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 126KB 1994-02-06
LVIEWER.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 159KB 1994-01-21
BALL.VOL Unknown 2KB 1993-11-22
CONE.VOL Unknown 359b 1993-11-22
CUBE.VOL Unknown 335b 1993-11-22
CYLIN.VOL Unknown 295b 1993-11-22
CYLIN16.VOL Unknown 775b 1993-11-22
CYLIN8.VOL Unknown 391b 1993-11-22
MIN.VOL Unknown 159b 1993-11-22
RCYLIN.VOL Unknown 5KB 1993-11-22
TUBE.VOL Unknown 1KB 1993-11-22