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Fonts (1)
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Borland Graphics Font

1992-10-27 (14KB)
No Preview Available

Text (29)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
A.PAR Text File 228 2KB 1992-01-09
ATTEND.FRM Text File 14 617b 1993-03-26
ATTEXAMP.FRM Text File 67 2KB 1992-07-23
B.PAR Text File 196 1KB 1992-01-09
C.PAR Text File 198 2KB 1992-01-09
CHANGES.DOC Text File 62 4KB 1993-05-01
CONSOLID.FRM Text File 6 277b 1993-03-26
DATABASE.FRM Text File 10 234b 1993-03-26
ELEM.FRM Text File 17 792b 1993-03-26
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 10 440b 1993-05-01
FILTER.FRM Text File 22 1KB 1993-03-26
FLAT.FRM Text File 2 118b 1993-03-26
GDHEAD.PS Text File 921 25KB 1992-11-20
GRADE.DOC Text File 10,800 463KB 1993-04-16
GRADE.TXT Text File 2,180 85KB 1993-03-27
GSAMPLE.PAR Text File 246 2KB 1992-03-09
LOW.FRM Text File 17 444b 1993-03-26
MAILALL.FRM Text File 5 299b 1993-03-02
NAME.FRM Text File 12 384b 1993-03-26
PROGRESP.FRM Text File 29 1KB 1993-03-02
RCELEM.FRM Text File 19 885b 1993-03-26
README.DOC Text File 212 10KB 1993-04-05
REGISTER.DOC Text File 58 2KB 1993-03-17
REPORT.FRM INI File 51 2KB 1993-03-26
RPRTCARD.FRM Text File 41 3KB 1993-03-01
SECTION.FRM Text File 22 1KB 1993-03-26
SITELIC.DOC Text File 107 4KB 1993-03-25
STATS.FRM Text File 6 281b 1993-02-02
VENDOR.DOC Text File 120 6KB 1992-04-05

Other Files (19)
GRADE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 285KB 1993-04-30
INSTALL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 81KB 1993-05-04
CGA.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 6KB 1992-10-27
EGAVGA.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 6KB 1992-10-27
GRADE.OVR Borland Overlay 436KB 1993-04-30
GRADE.PIF Microsoft Windows Program Information File 545b 1993-03-01
HERC.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 6KB 1992-10-27
_FX.BGI Unknown 21KB 1993-02-18
_LJ.BGI Unknown 24KB 1993-02-18
_LJ.INI Unknown 2KB 1991-12-22
_LQ.BGI Unknown 24KB 1993-02-18
_PCX.BGI Unknown 19KB 1993-02-18
_PS.BGI Unknown 16KB 1993-02-18
_PS.INI Unknown 25KB 1992-03-07
A.DAT Unknown 5KB 1992-01-09
B.DAT Unknown 4KB 1992-01-09
C.DAT Unknown 4KB 1992-01-09
GRADE.STR Unknown 49KB 1993-04-30
GSAMPLE.DAT Unknown 6KB 1992-03-09