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Document (6)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
CANONLBP.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 1KB 1993-11-01
HPDESKJ.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 1KB 1993-11-01
HPLASERJ.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 1KB 1993-11-01
KVV-CODE.HLP dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 1 3KB 1993-11-01
KVV.HLP dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 6 19KB 1993-11-01
STANDARD.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 1KB 1993-11-01

Text (23)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ANREDE.DAT Text File 5 153b 1993-11-01
BANKEN.DAT Text File 7 528b 1993-11-01
BESTELL1.TXT Text File 63 2KB 1993-11-01
BESTELL2.TXT Text File 48 2KB 1993-11-01
BESTELL3.TXT Text File 61 2KB 1993-11-01
DOKU.BAT DOS Batch File 27 948b 1993-11-01
DRUCKER.KVV Text File 25 1KB 1993-11-01
FAMSTAND.DAT Text File 6 68b 1993-11-01
FORMULAR.BAT DOS Batch File 26 1KB 1993-11-01
KUNDEN.IMP Text File 9 939b 1993-11-01
KVV-CODE.DOC Text File 711 32KB 1993-11-01
KVV-CODE.MSG Text File 34 2KB 1993-11-01
KVV-CODE.STA Text File 42 3KB 1993-11-01
KVV.MSG Text File 112 7KB 1993-11-01
KVV.STA Text File 131 9KB 1993-11-01
KVV130.DOC Text File 3,828 188KB 1993-11-01
KVVCDEMO.TXT Text File 11 581b 1993-11-01
KVVDEMO.TXT Text File 11 619b 1993-11-01
PLZORT.DAT Text File 41 787b 1993-11-01
SICHERN.BAT DOS Batch File 18 1KB 1994-02-10
VAGENTUR.IMP Text File 3 180b 1993-11-01
VARTEN.DAT Text File 36 2KB 1993-11-01
VGESELL.IMP Text File 6 841b 1993-11-01

Other Files (14)
BEEP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3KB 1993-11-01
DRIVEDIR.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3KB 1993-11-01
KVV-BAK.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4KB 1993-11-01
KVV-CODE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 132KB 1993-11-01
KVV-CONV.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 89KB 1993-11-01
KVV-SET.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 85KB 1993-11-01
KVV.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 482KB 1993-11-01
LIST.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2KB 1993-11-01
START.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2KB 1993-11-01
JANEIN.COM Unknown 232b 1993-11-01
KVV-CODE.DBT Unknown 29KB 1993-11-01
KVV-DIR.BIN Unknown 14KB 1993-11-01
KVV-MPV.BIN Unknown 73KB 1993-11-01
KVV.DBT Unknown 190KB 1993-11-01