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/ Mustang 4 / Mustang_No4_Sharewares.iso / mustang / c_1 / ispel40s.zip

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Text (15)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
BUILD.C C/C++ Source or Header 575 12KB 1993-09-16
COPYING Text File 340 18KB 1993-09-04
FREQ.C C/C++ Source or Header 154 4KB 1993-09-24
ISPELL.C C/C++ Source or Header 972 31KB 1993-09-24
ISPELL.H C/C++ Source or Header 173 4KB 1993-09-22
LOOK.C C/C++ Source or Header 416 8KB 1993-09-22
MAKEFILE.BOR Text File 167 4KB 1993-10-26
MAKEFILE.IN Text File 246 7KB 1993-09-22
PRIV.C C/C++ Source or Header 427 8KB 1993-09-16
README.TXT Text File 68 2KB 1993-10-26
SCREEN.C C/C++ Source or Header 1,002 22KB 1993-09-22
TAILOR.H C/C++ Source or Header 53 1KB 1993-09-16
TERM.C C/C++ Source or Header 159 3KB 1993-09-21
TEX.C C/C++ Source or Header 101 3KB 1993-09-22
UTIL.C C/C++ Source or Header 63 2KB 1993-09-16

Other Files (5)
BUILD.DSK Turbo C Context File 160b 1993-09-22
BUILD.PRJ Borland C/C++ Project 8KB 1993-09-21
FREQ.PRJ Borland C/C++ Project 6KB 1993-09-24
ISPELL.DSK Turbo C Context File 240b 1993-09-22
ISPELL.PRJ Borland C/C++ Project 10KB 1993-09-24