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/ DP Tool Club 21 / CD_ASCQ_21_040595.iso / vrac / ecrwads1.zip

File Comment
DOOM2 and DOOM Collection from popular author
Eric Reuter. Great collection for deathmatch
and co-op and single play. Finely crafted
with excellent mood, graphics and textures,
the element of surprise is the dominating
theme in all these wads. Read ecrwads.txt
included. Last revision date in archive:

Archives (7)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
BEGUILED.WAD WAD 10 147KB 1994-12-14
CHASEME.WAD WAD 10 190KB 1994-10-03
COMPROOM.WAD WAD 10 189KB 1994-09-26
FRGBLAST.WAD WAD 10 154KB 1994-10-25
RUNDOWN.WAD WAD 10 192KB 1994-09-27
RUNLKAMF.WAD WAD 10 155KB 1994-12-14
SNIPEME.WAD WAD 11 158KB 1994-09-13

Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ECRWADS.TXT Text File 84 4KB 1995-03-14
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 9 320b 1995-03-14