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File Comment
DOS Improvement 1 - 5 new commands that make
DOS work harder and smarter. From a better
and easier way to view a text file to a speed
dial list for your hard drive, DOS
Improvement will speed up many routine tasks
you find yourself doing at the C:prompt.
Shareware ($10).
Last revision date in archive: 05-27-94.

Text (7)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
COMPARE.DOC Text File 33 1KB 1994-05-27
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 9 321b 1994-05-27
JD.DOC Text File 42 1KB 1994-05-27
PAGE.DOC Text File 34 1KB 1994-05-27
READ.ME Text File 50 2KB 1994-01-08
RECALL.DOC Text File 26 800b 1994-05-27
SWAP.DOC Text File 20 506b 1994-05-27

Other Files (7)
COMPARE.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1994-01-03
JD.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1994-01-04
JDEDIT.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 3KB 1994-01-04
PAGE.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 1KB 1994-01-03
RECALL.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 939b 1994-01-04
REMEMBER.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 818b 1994-01-04
SWAP.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1994-01-07